Ridiculous, inventive party pack Sportsfriends is now free on PC and PlayStation


Smack-Fu Master, in training
3. Supporting JS Joust is especially tricky given operating system limitations. Together with Sportsfriends programmer Jonathan Whiting, we will be open sourcing a version of JS Joust, for Linux. We've been meaning to do this for years, and so this is a good excuse to finally get it done. Stay tuned for link and details - soon.

It would be pretty cool to get that running on a Raspberry Pi for easy portable use with a battery-powered speaker.
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Ars Legatus Legionis
Why won't they show gameplay?
I think the selling point here isn't the games but the fun you have playing them with friends. But some of those pictures looks more like "Keepaway", which was never a fun game, especially when it was your stuff they were keeping away from you.

I do wonder how many screens are going to be casualties due to slippery controllers and rapid movements, though. I have to admit, those videos were a source of amusement when the Wii was huge, and grips were just as iffy.
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Smack-Fu Master, in training
Last time I played JS Joust was December 2011 Festivus @ Nottingham Hackspace.
Deceptively simple, but fun to play!

Shortly after I left, Tom Scott (yes, he off the internet) got a bloodied nose via a mistimed move from a friend of mine, she was mortified and rather apologetic, he was very graceful and understanding apparently.

I believe there is a photo somewhere of Tom stood in from of the X dats since last accident counter, before he reset the count, but I can't find currently - will update if I do!.
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