M4 iPad Pro review: Well, now you’re just showing off


Ars Scholae Palatinae
The new iPad Pro is a technical marvel, with one of the best screens I’ve ever seen, performance that few other machines can touch, and a new, thinner design that no one expected.

Still, it remains unclear why most people would spend one, two, or even three thousand dollars on a tablet that, despite its amazing hardware, does less than a comparably priced laptop—or at least does it a little more awkwardly, even if it's impressively quick and has a gorgeous screen.
You could start the review of any iPad Pro with this and it'd be just as true. It's the same take anyone could've seen coming from the moment it was announced.
28 (57 / -29)
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
At this point I'd just get a MacBook Air. Plenty of power, more ports, an OS that can actually be used for dev work, and an included keyboard!
It does seem like Apple is very careful to not mix the two. No touchscreens on their laptops, no macOS on their tablets. Otherwise, they'll give them basically the same hardware.
132 (132 / 0)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
At this point I'd just get a MacBook Air. Plenty of power, more ports, an OS that can actually be used for dev work, and an included keyboard!
If you don’t want an ipad specifically for drawing with pressure sensitivity it makes absolutely no sense to buy this latest ipad pro - unless i suppose you are very wealthy and really want that new screen
-7 (22 / -29)


Ars Praefectus
I still don't understand why they use iOS on these... these are essentially the same CPUs used in their laptops, so why not just use full OS X? It's basically just a touch screen macbook at this point.
Yeah that’s just it, besides the question of whether they’d want to blur the lines so much, MacOS is not very touch optimized. You have to change the sizing of UI elements dramatically, consider workflows, not assume any external input.
50 (53 / -3)
Now the iPad has reached this level of specs the fact that it is great hardware totally gimped by basically a phone OS is just dumb.

I have a Surface Pro and love the form factor. Tablet when I want but enough grunt to act like a laptop and do that well. The iPad would be the Apple version of the surface if only then would let it run OSX.
13 (64 / -51)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
Genuinely curious: does anyone need this device? I know it's niche, but does any use case utilize the full capabilities? If so, what are those cases? I really don't know, not trying to be a jerk.
I’ve used them on sets for video work. Incredibly bright displays that are easy to see, and you need that horsepower to ingest the RAW/ProRes files.

Although that is a workflow that functions just as well, on the MBP. That’s my niche where I’ve seen them deployed in the real world, and they seem to have a serious purpose.
135 (135 / 0)
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Smack-Fu Master, in training
Genuinely curious: does anyone need this device? I know it's niche, but does any use case utilize the full capabilities? If so, what are those cases? I really don't know, not trying to be a jerk.
Artists with lots of disposable income. So, not a lot. But there are some. Like my brother who just bought one. I'm not jealous at all.
28 (42 / -14)


Ars Praefectus
Re: the thickness debate.

I appreciate the 13” being lighter, as a device one largely holds this is noticeable. It makes sense to me that they wouldn’t just reclaim the space savings from the new display and fill it with more (heavy) battery.

As for whether it is more fragile, I think we would need to know if the thickness of previous models was helping rigidity, or just taken up by a comparably thicker screen tech.
43 (43 / 0)


Ars Scholae Palatinae
I still don't understand why they use iOS on these... these are essentially the same CPUs used in their laptops, so why not just use full OS X? It's basically just a touch screen macbook at this point.
The cynic in me: No 30% commission on software sales with OS X. No recurring revenue on subscriptions with OS X.
62 (96 / -34)
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Ars Scholae Palatinae
Now the iPad has reached this level of specs the fact that it is great hardware totally gimped by basically a phone OS is just dumb.

I have a Surface Pro and love the form factor. Tablet when I want but enough grunt to act like a laptop and do that well. The iPad would be the Apple version of the surface if only then would let it run OSX.
I too love the Surface Pro form factor. On my last personal computer purchase, I was torn between a MacBook Pro and a Surface Pro. The iPad wasn't even in consideration. Running Mac OS X would have put the iPad in the running.
1 (24 / -23)
First of all, this is a good, objective review. I appreciate the justified praise and criticism therein.

But I’m also going to be “that guy.”

Can we please agree that 1.5x faster is not the same as (roughly) 50% faster? I realize 1.5x is Apple’s claim, but we don’t need to repeat it unless roasting them for exaggeration. Otherwise, let’s reserve this kind of numerical concept fudging for the FT articles.
1.5x is literally 50% faster, always has been. Not sure what you're arguing here?
200 (206 / -6)
I am clearly not the target market for this so, no, I obviously don't need it. But I wonder what reasonable other options Apple will offer me when I next go shopping.

I have never been an early adopter. My current 5th gen iPad does everything I need it to do except that since the latest OS "up"grades it is slower and crashes from time to time.

Perhaps they need two product lines: one that offers the wonderful new stuff, and one that just makes the old stuff work better.

Oh, but that would mean one line wouldn't be expensive so would be missing the point.

Yes, I am now officially an old fart.

They have three different iPad lines now starting at $349. You do not have to buy a Pro to get a significant upgrade from a 5th gen iPad.
106 (106 / 0)
I am clearly not the target market for this so, no, I obviously don't need it. But I wonder what reasonable other options Apple will offer me when I next go shopping.

I have never been an early adopter. My current 5th gen iPad does everything I need it to do except that since the latest OS "up"grades it is slower and crashes from time to time.

Perhaps they need two product lines: one that offers the wonderful new stuff, and one that just makes the old stuff work better.

Oh, but that would mean one line wouldn't be expensive so would be missing the point.

Yes, I am now officially an old fart.
They have been offering those lines.

The Pro is "cutting edge".

The Air is usually a bit more reserved in terms of "new hotness" (as evidenced by using M2 vs M3 or M4). They usually sell 1 or 2
generations of older iPads at the same time too

The mini is its own thing with its own niche and a generally less interesting product loop outside of "we put the latest-ish chip in it".
38 (38 / 0)
The new iPad Pro is a technical marvel, with one of the best screens I’ve ever seen, performance that few other machines can touch, and a new, thinner design that no one expected. [...] Still, it remains unclear why most people would spend one, two, or even three thousand dollars on a tablet that, despite its amazing hardware, does less than a comparably priced laptop—or at least does it a little more awkwardly, even if it's impressively quick and has a gorgeous screen.
No Mac has the Pen(cil).
19 (19 / 0)
I'm dithering between buying this new iPP or the new Air 13"- or a previous gen iPP. The only things I will use it for are note-taking and movie watching. I don't need the power at all, but a good screen would be wonderful.

By comparison I bought a Remarkable tablet for note-taking. It's going back, the software handicaps it too much. I also use an 11-year old 1st generation iPad Air for occasional movie watching and extremely light browsing.

I fully expect this purchase to also last me a decade. However it's just such a stack of money for the new iPP 13" plus pen plus cover. Decisions, decisions. What do you think?
-2 (7 / -9)


Ars Praefectus
Genuinely curious: does anyone need this device? I know it's niche, but does any use case utilize the full capabilities? If so, what are those cases? I really don't know, not trying to be a jerk.
I think it’s a common argument that can be made about any high end tech. Do you really need an 80” TV? A 10 year old Sandy Bridge chip can run most games if paired with a good GPU. Most people with high end laptops are just surfing social media or editing spreadsheets, etc.

I think generally the criticism boils down to things like “if I can’t do my specific CPU heavy task then I don’t see the point of this device”. Anecdotally I’d say as far as iPad, iMovie is a fairly good touch app that gets a fair amount of iPad use in my household and exporting video is noticeably time consuming on the older iPads, any additional CPU would be appreciated. My son plugs his iPad into a mixer as well and does all sorts of voiceover and recording work. I also do a fair amount of modeling for 3D printing and complex models make good use of the device overall.

But yeah I can’t do my Java coding on it and thus can’t utilize the horsepower for that. And while I could use a laptop for modeling or iMovie or mixing, the touch/iOS experience is preferable for our use cases. It’s just about finding the right tool for the job.
113 (115 / -2)
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Smack-Fu Master, in training
"iPadOS is still in an awkward middle position between smooth-to-use consumption platform and almost-but-never-quite-there productivity platform"

For anyone dreaming about it as a laptop replacement:
Get a cheap iPad on loan with the current OS and try to recreate your specific workflow with iPadOS apps for a few days. I usually come back disappointed. And I have M1 iPad Pro 12.9. The hardware is better now. The apps have not changed.
It is great for drawing/writing, presenting on site in bright and noisy environments (Museum, art fairs) and media consumption!
But general time efficient productivity open for your clients software needs?
Sadly, no.

I am going back to a laptop. Framework it is! (repairability)
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38 (51 / -13)


Ars Tribunus Militum
I still don't understand why they use iOS on these... these are essentially the same CPUs used in their laptops, so why not just use full OS X? It's basically just a touch screen macbook at this point.
Then Apple can't sell you two devices. As long as touch is only found in iOS, you can't have an all-in-one and Apple can double-dip into your pocket. I don't like it, but I get why.
6 (26 / -20)
I have the previous body design ipad pro and it is very fragile: despite being treated with care and forever in a sturdy protective case it has bent significantly over the years - i would think therefore that this thinner design would be even more prone to bending and therefore perhaps more prone to screen cracking
What are you doing to yours? I jam mine into a travel bag all the time in just the Magic Keyboard case and it’s in perfect condition after years of this treatment.
76 (77 / -1)
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