Google starts deprecating older, more capable Chrome extensions next week


Ars Scholae Palatinae
This is why it's so important to use and support Firefox - because every other browser out there except Safari is just a chromium re-skin, meaning they're eventually going to be subject to whatever limitations and restrictions Google implements upstream if they want to stay up to day with features/security.

Firefox on the other hand is the last truly independent rendering engine - without them, there's no longer web "standards" as chromium will simply get to dictate the future of the web.
539 (543 / -4)
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Ars Scholae Palatinae
As I've understood it, this (i.e., the V3 and not V2 manifest compatibility) affects Chrome, and Chrome only. It does not affect Chromium and other browsers based on it, such as Edge.

Is this correct?

/Signed, Firefox user with currently extension-less Edge at work

ETA: Apparently, this was not correct. Chromium seems affected...
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82 (90 / -8)


Ars Legatus Legionis
I don't use Chrome personally, but I have no illusions that this will cost Google any browser marketshare - inertia is a powerful force!
Meh, we've already gone through 2 major browser shifts, from Navigator to IE and from IE to Chrome, I'm sure if enough people get a terrible experience with Chrome we'll move onto something else.
108 (121 / -13)
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beyond me why people use chrome as their primary browser. you have to have it, for sure, for those chrome-only interfaces, but as a daily driver? do not get it, but i think there is some sort of compulsion to deliver data to google involved.
One big problem is schools were Chromebooks are used. There is no manageable way to provision the Chromebooks with Firefox instead.
I (and many of our students) will sorely miss uBlock Origin.
174 (175 / -1)
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I use Firefox but haven't found an ad-blocker that blocks YouTube ads, so I use Chrome for that. Firefox also prompts me as an untrusted browser on several web sites requiring MFA.
uBlock Origin takes care of it all. No cat-and-mouse as with the versions of this and AdBlocker Plus in Chrome.
172 (172 / 0)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
I use Firefox but haven't found an ad-blocker that blocks YouTube ads, so I use Chrome for that. Firefox also prompts me as an untrusted browser on several web sites requiring MFA.
Ublock origin: never saw a single ad ever on YouTube... Even on mobile, where firefox mobile + ublock origin works well

A cherished feature of Firefox, which is impossible with chrome, is: the possibility to have multiple Google accounts simultaneously open and active 😅
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190 (196 / -6)
Paging Ms. Khan, paging Ms. Lina Khan...

There has to be some kind of anti-trust implications here, right? Google is a de facto monopoly in the browser space, and they're using that position to privilege their ad product and hurt other businesses. I don't know shit about anti-trust, but if this isn't textbook, open-and-shut anti-trust action, then I don't know what is.
243 (252 / -9)


Ars Tribunus Militum
Is there any word on how this works for Google Workspace (enterprise) organizations? I have forcibly installed uBO on all of our devices. It's a smallish (<50) organization, but I do some management through Google Admin. What does Google do there? Do they show errors to the user (who can't uninstall the extension), or do the errors go to the admin? How long do we admins have to switch away Chrome on all our devices?

I am going to miss the ability to admin people's browsers from Google console. But I will never miss the time before ad blockers, when employees clicked on and download random crap from misleading ads.
59 (59 / 0)
beyond me why people use chrome as their primary browser. you have to have it, for sure, for those chrome-only interfaces, but as a daily driver? do not get it, but i think there is some sort of compulsion to deliver data to google involved.

This is why I never moved off of Firefox, even when Chrome was a better browser.

Well, that and extension support on Android.
98 (100 / -2)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
Just more reason to use a non-Google browser, like Firefox. In addition to having better privacy features than Chrome or Chromium-based browsers, Firefox also allows users to install extensions (like Privacy Badger or adblockers) on mobile devices.

96 (100 / -4)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
I've been using Firefox since Mozilla before Chrome existed and will continue to use Firefox as long as practical.

Chrome is useful for some one-off tasks, but the DDG extension in Firefox makes the web tolerable for me, and I don't need to become the product.

I am going to checkout uBlock Origin based on these comments.
73 (73 / 0)


Ars Praefectus
beyond me why people use chrome as their primary browser. you have to have it, for sure, for those chrome-only interfaces, but as a daily driver? do not get it, but i think there is some sort of compulsion to deliver data to google involved.
I have to use Chrome at work, but at home I've almost entirely switched to Firefox. The only real issue I have with Firefox is that Crunchyroll gets pissy and refuses to save my video preferences (1080p, JP audio ENG subs) so I have to manually reset them every time I log in (one time it had ENG audio with Hebrew subs for some reason). Meanwhile, it never forgets the settings when I log in via Edge. And even then, it's pretty much only an issue when I'm watching on my desktop and can't use the TV because my housemate's using it.
-1 (5 / -6)
beyond me why people use chrome as their primary browser. you have to have it, for sure, for those chrome-only interfaces, but as a daily driver? do not get it, but i think there is some sort of compulsion to deliver data to google involved.
I have to at work. That's the only reason I do.
14 (14 / 0)
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