In this webcast, dive straight into the deep end. Show you what you need to get started programming the AVR ATMega (and ATTiny) series microcontrollers, give you an overview of their built-in peripherals, and demonstrate most of the important functionality. And while the focus of this webcast is on Atmel's AVR series, nearly everything you'll learn here is transferable to other microcontrollers.
About Elliot Williams
Elliot Williams is a Ph.D. in Economics, a former government statistician, and a lifelong electronics hacker. He taught himself to program microcontrollers long before there was any such thing as an Arduino, and loves to spread the knowledge. Most recently, he is author of the Maker Media book "Make: AVR Programming, Learning to Write Software for Hardware", which is chock full of microcontroller-programming tidbits and thick enough to stun a rhino.