2 exact matches found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Core gnupg 2.4.5-1 Complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard 2024-03-11 2024-07-08
x86_64 Core-Testing gnupg 2.4.5-4 Complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard 2024-07-17

21 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra debian-archive-keyring 2023.4-2 GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive 2024-07-12
any Extra debian-ports-archive-keyring 2024.02.02-1 GnuPG archive keys of the debian-ports archive 2024-02-19
x86_64 Core gnupg 2.4.5-1 Complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard 2024-03-11 2024-07-08
x86_64 Core-Testing gnupg 2.4.5-4 Complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard 2024-07-17
x86_64 Extra gpg-crypter 0.4.1-4 A graphical front-end to GnuPG(GPG) using the GTK3 toolkit and libgpgme 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra gpg-tui 0.11.0-1 A terminal user interface for GnuPG 2024-03-17
x86_64 Core gpgme 1.23.2-4 A C wrapper library for GnuPG 2024-04-27
x86_64 Core-Testing gpgme 1.23.2-6 A C wrapper library for GnuPG 2024-07-17
x86_64 Extra kgpg 24.05.2-1 A GnuPG frontend 2024-07-04
x86_64 Multilib lib32-libgcrypt 1.11.0-1 General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG (32-bit) 2024-06-24
x86_64 Multilib lib32-libgcrypt15 1.5.6-7 General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG 2022-03-06
x86_64 Core libassuan 2.5.7-2 IPC library used by some GnuPG related software 2024-04-04 2024-06-19
x86_64 Core-Testing libassuan 3.0.0-1 IPC library used by some GnuPG related software 2024-07-17 2024-07-17
x86_64 Core libgcrypt 1.11.0-2 General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG 2024-06-28
x86_64 Extra libgcrypt15 1.5.6-6 General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG 2023-05-19
any Extra perl-gnupg-interface 1.04-1 Object-oriented methods for interacting with GnuPG 2024-03-13
any Extra python-gnupg 0.5.2-2 A wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG or GnuPG) 2024-04-27
x86_64 Extra python-gnupginterface 0.3.2-12 A Python interface to GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). 2024-04-27
x86_64 Extra ruby-gpgme 2.0.23-1 Ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) 2023-12-24
x86_64 Extra sequoia-chameleon-gnupg 0.10.1-1 A re-implementation and drop-in replacement of gpg and gpgv 2024-07-03
any Extra ubuntu-keyring 2021.03.26-2 GnuPG keys of the Ubuntu archive 2024-07-14 2023-11-29

21 matching packages found.

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