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Agricultural pests

Biological control (1)
Control (3)
Integrated control (1)


Global Crop Pests Identification and Information

This Web site from the Cornell Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development contains a newly developed prototype of the "Global Crop Pest Identification and Information Services in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)." Available in English and Spanish, this online guide aims to "increase crop pest diagnosis and IPM information capability among extensionists and farmers of developing countries."...
The Banana's Future May be Uncertain

In the United States, the banana is one of the most popular fruits in the average grocery store, and rightly known as a good source of potassium. In much of the developing world, such as Latin America and Africa, the banana (along with the plantain) constitute some of the most plentiful and crucial foodstuffs and are the fourth most important food crop after rice, wheat, and corn. In recent years,...