Park Slope Plane Crash | The Neighborhood in 1960

Sterling Place, just west of Seventh Avenue, in 1961. In the background, behind the fence, is a bit of bulldozed earth where the Pillar of Fire Church stood until December 16. Meyer Liebowitz/The New York Times Sterling Place, just west of Seventh Avenue, in 1961.

Edwardian and Victorian row houses were scarred with peeling paint, broken windows and missing stoop stones. Scavengers pilfered abandoned or burned-out homes for radiators and brass pipes to sell as scrap metal. Residents called a group of rat-infested buildings on Prospect Park West a “serious blight” and a breeding place for “prostitution, crime, vice, narcotics and immorality.”

December 16, 1960
Horror in the Sky


Remembering the day when two airplanes collided over the city and crashed in Brooklyn and on Staten Island.

In 1960, The New York Times called Park Slope a neighborhood “in transition.” (pdf) But residents who were there, or had grown up with the Tigers and the Garfield Boys, the roaming teen gangs described in Pete Hamill’s memoir “A Drinking Life,” might say that the newspaper’s description was generous.

“It was a neighborhood seriously in trouble,” said the former State Assemblyman Joe Ferris, who also served as the president of the Park Slope Civic Council. One of the worst areas, Mr. Ferris said, was a stretch of row houses on St. John’s Place that looked as if it had been bombed with heavy artillery.

That was the Park Slope where a mortally damaged jet came to rest on Dec. 16, 1960, after hitting another passenger plane over Staten Island. It was a place both similar to and remarkably different than today’s neighborhood of restored brownstones; indeed, to those who lived there 50 years ago, the Park Slope of today is nothing short of a miracle.

Back then, one wary store owner, a florist on Flatbush Avenue, kept a can of lye behind the counter to protect herself in the event of a robbery. (pdf)

The predominantly Irish and Italian middle-class residents were feeling the squeeze of a countrywide economic downturn. Banks had red-lined the area, citing underground streams and a lack of off-street parking as reasons not to lend. The Federal Housing Administration was not backing mortgages in the whole borough, which meant that even middle-class couples looking to buy could not get financing. Lured by the promise of a cheap house with a yard for their children and a driveway for their car, many families migrated to Long Island. Many of the managers at Dime Bank, the Williamsburg Savings Bank and others lived out there, too.

“Brooklyn was, in their mind, the land of crime, gangs and arson,” Mr. Ferris said.

The caption reads: “Sterling Place near 7th Ave., Brooklyn, where plane fell in December.” Meyer Liebowitz/The New York Times Sterling Place near Seventh Avenue after the plane fell, 1961.

Speculators — also called “blockbusters” — were eager to buy up single-family homes and chop them into smaller units for rent. Some buildings were divided into as many as eight units, with parents and children packed into half a floor. Shaken residents who were afraid of changes in the neighborhood were coaxed, or even scared, into selling their homes by agents who ominously suggested they should get out before things got even worse.

“There was still a great deal of racism in our society and it was an easy card to play, particularly with some of the older people here who had never had any experience with integration,” said Bill Jesinkey, a former school teacher who was active in several neighborhood groups that worked closely with the civic council. “The idea that there wouldn’t be all white families on the block was a completely new idea.”

According to the Department of City Planning, 93.4 percent of the population was white. The median family income was $5,782 ($43,457 in 2010 dollars), which was slightly lower than the Brooklyn average. And only 18 percent of residents owned their homes, compared with about 33% in 2000.

Construction workers, teachers and secretaries worshiped beside the white-collar accountants, lawyers and judges who also lived there. Churches kept their doors open, even on weekdays, and Sunday services were so crowded that latecomers were relegated to the stoop. They organized dances and acted as facilitators for the neighborhood.

Tom Miskel, who grew up on Eighth Street near Seventh Avenue, recalled how priests at St. Francis Xavier engaged teenage troublemakers, in particular, ones that were setting fire to dry pine trees after their owners had thrown them out after Christmas, with activities like community service and fund-raisers for the church.

Meyer Liebowitz/The New York Times. Seventh Avenue looking toward Sterling Place in 1961.

But there were perhaps even more bars than churches in the neighborhood, particularly along Seventh Avenue. Louis Poggioli, born in northern Italy, served a middle-aged clientele for 24 years at his tavern, James’s, on Seventh Avenue. He recalled pouring drinks for Hugh L. Carey, who was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 1960 and later became governor, at 2 a.m. Mr. Poggioli did not allow babies in his bar. He did not even like serving the younger folk.

“They don’t spend money,” he explained.

When the plane came down, cartwheeling up Sterling Place, destroying a church and several buildings, it was a psychological blow to the community. “You shook your head,” Mr. Ferris said.

Residents of that Park Slope who are still alive today winced at a sub-headline that appeared in The New York Times on Dec. 17:

“Sterling Place, An Area of Run-Down Houses, Ripped Asunder by Crashing Plane.”

Coming on Tuesday: How it happened: inside the cockpits of the doomed airliners, and with the air-traffic controllers who watched the horror unfold.

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160BlocksFromTiffanys December 13, 2010 · 11:10 am

Here is the same intersection today as in the photos. Certainly shows how the city’s Million Trees program will pay dividends — nothing says “nice neighborhood” more than the presence of street trees.


Why Can’t We All Just Get Along???

“priests at St. Francis Xavier engaged teenage troublemakers, in particular, ones that were setting fire to dry pine trees after their owners had thrown them out after Christmas, with activities like community service and fund-raisers for the church. ”
I have to laugh at the “teenage troublemakers” characterization. I grew up in Park Slope, and attended St. Francis Xavier grammar school — and, yes, I also set fire to discarded Christmas trees. We all did — and you didn’t have to be members of some latter-day dead end gang, either. The kids on the block (I lived on Garfield Pl.) would collect the trees, and sometimes we’d put together a real stockpile before piling them up at the curb and setting them on fire. We were careful about avoiding parked cars and we kept the littlest kids away (though we weren’t even teenagers ourselves when we got into the act). I don’t ever remember anyone getting hurt, although once the fire department came when we’d set off a particularly big blaze. One thing about dry Christmas trees, they burn fast, so the whole thing never lasted little more than about 10 minutes. By the way, don’t remember ever being approached by a priest trying to steer us onto the straight and narrow. Decades later I still look longingly at Christmas trees lying discarded on the city’s streets — going to waste, with no one to set them ablaze. (Though I must say, I’m not lobbying for a return to that old pastime. Maybe kids today couldn’t be trusted to manage their fires the way we did all those years ago.)

I remember 12/16 /1960.

That crash took place during a bad snow storm that had started that AM. The geniuses at our Junior High in Queens literally threw us out of school at 1PM because they felt the buses that picked us up at 3PM wouldn’t make it.

None of us had boots and few had gloves or hats as the severity of the storm was a surprise.

My friends and I walked just about a mile to get home.

It was miserable.

Just one of the many reasons I hated Junior High.

When we got home the story about the collision was on all the TV stations.

I was doing research for a college paper at the Brooklyn Public Library and walk to Seventh Avenue to see the planes. I can still remember seeing the tail rising above the street. Just 8 years later we moved into Park Slope for an uninterrupted 31 year stretch. When we eventually bought we learned about the red lining and had to pull strings to get a mortgage — an exeption to their program. The reports of blight were clearly innacurate, there were pockets but the streets lining the park and west of Flatbush Avenue remained attractive and later became the basis for the neighborhoods miraculous — and profitable for those who, in their naivete didn’t know any better — revival.

At the Robert Moses retrospective exhibit in Columbia University 2 years ago, there was a 1938 map of Blighted Neighborhoods of NYC – the prime target of Moses’ “Urban Renewal” demolitions. In addition to the obvious Old Law tenements of the Lower East Side, there was Park Slope along with literally all of the city’s Brownstone neighborhoods marked as Blighted.

In the last 35 years, Park Slope went from being Red Lined, with houses selling in the $50 thousand range, to $2 million and up. In the late 1970’s prices started to climb at $50 thousand a year, for years. Much of this was based on the gas crises, waking buyers to the problems with buying and “affordable” house out at the commuting edge, spending an hour plus driving, and not being able to get gasoline. Brownstone Brooklyn offered houses at the same price with 30 minute subway or bicycle ride to Manhattan and within walking distance if all else fails.

Even Rivington Street, the block my father grew up on and grandparents had a store, has gone upscale. Those Old Law tenements are valuable in town apartments, with tony hotels and bars replacing the pushcarts of my youth.

We were very happy to buy those wonderful, if shopworn, old houses, to restore them to a state of good repair. Otherwise, they were on their way to being sold back to the fire insurance company, or demolished by Moses and replaced by monolithic monsters (Moses was the Darth Vader of Urban Planning. He knew what was right for everyone.) Keeping the old houses of these Blighted neighborhoods was good for the environment and good for our pocketbooks.

Continuing with the NYT obsession with one Brooklyn neighborhood …

I grew up in that Brooklyn — the one left to die by red-lining lenders, by planners who saw the suburbs as the future, by racists, by the Dodgers, and just about everything else.

The fact that it, and the District of Columbia, survived and have come back to thrive, is practically a miracle. And it is why people who now complain about “gentrification” get no sympathy from me. I’ve seen the opposite, and it’s worse.

I remember the collision — it transfixed the City much like 9/11 later did. The tabloids ran the story on their front pages for days. The television news media was just coming into its own in the City and covered the event and ensuing stories afterwards. One young passenger survived the crash and lived for a couple of weeks capturing the public’s sympathy.

But goodness knows — if 50 years ago that plane had fallen into any other nabe in NYC we wouldn’t be seeing this extensive write-up in Park Slope-centric CR today.

And it’s axiomatic that Park Slope (as is the case with any urban nabe) had to first decline before it could be gentrified and thus ultimately find itself home to the bulk of the NYT’s CR reporters.

That said, at the time, the plane crash seemed but another example of the decline Brooklyn seemed to be undergoing. By ’58 the Dodgers had left and white flight was accelerating from areas like Fort Green, Brownsville, Crown Hts., East NY etc. Abraham & Straus was on its last legs as the downtown commercial center around Fulton Street went into a long-term decay. Heck, even the Heights was “in trouble”,

What a difference 50 years makes.

My family lived @ 180 sterling Pl at the time of the crash. My mom thought the boiler (apt heat) had blown up. Took my brother and sister & hid under the bed. Quite a day for the Addotta family and all who lived near > One of my closest friends.. helped carry the bodies to the near make shift morgue… The Plaza Bowling Alley ! He has Never flown in a plane… .NEVER !! & never will because of this day. Says the smell still haunts him.

” You never really leave a place you love… part of it you take with you, leaving a part of you behind…” : ((


My sister still lives about 3 blocks from where we were born and grew up, literally around the corner from Farrell’s, the famous bar. I used to hang out with the current owners, who apparently never left the premises where we drank, at 18years of age in the late 50’s! Pete Hamill was always there. She worked for her son-in-law at the deli 20 feet from Farrell’s, and in 1974, bought her house in Windsor Terrace for $60K. Two years ago, the house 2 doors down from her was sold for $1.25 million, and the purchaser blew it all out, poured another $250K plus, to do it over. She’ll never leave the neighborhood, and I suspect her next move will be to Smith’s Funeral Parlor, On PPW, who buried almost all of our family! I guess we never realized what a great place we were living in.

I grew up on Butler Place just 3 Blocks east of 7th and Sterling Place.. The Boyle’s lived right across the street
from the plane crash and I still speak with Maureen
who lives in Pennsylvania. My father was home at the time
nursing a broken hip it was A Friday and for some reason
I didn’t go to school that day.

I am going to disagree with a lot of what is said here growing up in Park Slope was awesome as a kid. We we close to Ebbets and had two major subway lines the IRT and BMT,
The Flatbush ave, Vanderbilt Ave , St Johns, 7th ave.,
and Union St,. bus lines, and the Long Island R.R.

There was the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, Prospect Park,
The Brooklyn Public Library all within 2 blocks of Butler
Place, and if you caught the Brighton Express you were
on the beach in 30 minutes, another 3 stops to Coney Island and yes Steeplechase Park . I got served in the Windy Gap at 17 , 15 cent beers life was good.

Most of the kids went to either St Theresa’s,
St. Josph’s or St. Augustine’s and P.S.9

Herman’s restaurant was a landmark on Underhill
Avenue, 10 cent Cherry Cokes ar a Vanilla or Chocolate
egg Cream, Herman made his own ice cream and chocolate. Both the Park Slope Indians and Brooklyn
Caveliers football teams hung out there.,
I wonder what happened to the Martense brothers.
we spent a lot of hours listening to the Juke box.
at Hermans 6 records for a quarter.

stickball and football in the street, hoops were
outside at P.S.9 those were the days . There were a lot
of struggling families but we were fortunate to live where
we did, there was never a dull moment. I would not trade my childhood with anyone., and burning Christmas
trees was a rite of passage.

I remember reading in the paper in late 1960 that two planes had collided over Brooklyn and knocked down part of a big department store (Abraham & Strauss?). Was that this crash?

Thank you Ed.. you said it all for me.. I remember all of that and more ,,, it was thee best memories ever… I too would not change a thing or tade my life there for anyone… 180 Sterling Pl.. Flatbush … union st.. Park Pl… vanderbilt ave. Great memories. Google it… You can revisit like we never left… En-joyce

I am posting a couple of e-mail responses from two
of my friends from the old neighborhood whom I am
still in touch with, fyi my nickname growing up was Twitty
My e-mail is [email protected] if you have some info
to share, I now live in Iowa, I met an iic instead
of a bic when stationed here. Iowa Irish Catholic
vs. Brooklyn Irish Catholic

Hi Twitty

Cathy had sent me the link already & I read your post & totally agree with what you wrote…was a FANTASTIC place to grow up. I remember Eileen Brennan & I were called to the principal’s office because the nuns thought the plane crashed near us. I was in Algebra class in St.Francis & the wing of the plane appeared to pass between the school & the church…was truly scary. Remember having to divert from my usual route home which was Sterling Place & going down to 4th Ave…the smell will stay with me forever…saw body parts hanging from light poles…horrible horrible day.

Hey Twitty,

Hope everyone is well …..

MoMo’s brother Johnny sent us the article, so we are aware of it. I remember being in school and hearing something and looking out the window and seeing a strange shape fly over. It was the main portion of the plane which eventually went through top floor of Boyle house. My Dad was a cop in Red Hook and since he lived near-by he was assigned there for a few days.

Don’t know if you remember this, but around the same time the Constellation caught fire at the Brooklyn Navy Yard so between the two events we didn’t see him for a week.

Please wish everyone a Happy Holiday from us in PA.


I remember sitting in gade school in Baldwin LI and the principal (a nun) coming in to say there was a” horrible plane crash in Brooklyn and we all had to pray for the victims” At that time, many of the nuns had relatives in Brooklyn and came from convents there themselves, of course. May years later, I went to the Methodist nursing school and was touched by the memorial in the chapel. Park Slope was a great neighbor hood the (1970’s) not as snotty and precious as it is now. I miss it and my first apartment on Carroll St, but I know it has changed very much.

When the plane crash occurred in Park Slope, Brooklyn on December l6, 1960, I was so moved I did first one painting, and then another. The first one was shown in my exhibiton at the Terrain Gallery in 1961, and is on my website now.

One of the deepest and most important things I have learned through my study of Aesthetic Realism is that ugliness is not only in the same world as the beautiful, but through relation we can find something like form in the ugly which makes for a new relation that is wonderful. We can even find sense in what seems so senseless.

Looking at a photograph of the crash I saw the white wings of the plane on the ground and I saw a wide sky. People were dark in the foreground. The photo I saw is reprinted in the Dec. 15 NYT. Something high had fallen low. I saw a symbolism in it quite other than the horror of having more than 100 people suddenly, terribly killed Sometimes when what is high (and wrongly high) is brought low, a person feels it is right. I translated the awful happening into that ethical situation. I hoped to show that in the painting.

Meanwhile I was moved by the fact that one lone, little boy had survived. And I read that a nurse had come to take care of him. Gabe Pressman in his emotionally affecting broadcast may have mentioned this. I do not remember. But I wrote to the woman at a place she was said to have frequented, Snooky’s Pub. But unfortunately as the proprietor, Michael Hillyer wrote to me Ms. Lewnes did not appear. Or at least did not choose to respond.

I was born and brought up in Brooklyn not far from the site of that crash, and I was shaken as everyone was. But Brooklyn is the site of such beauty and such tragedy all mixed, and to be made sense of.

I was 10 yrs old when this crashed occured. I remember Stephen’s picture on the front page of the NY Daily News. Stephen survived a few days in Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn where he was brought after the crash. His face on the front page of the newspaper is one I never forgot. I was so frightened when I saw him. My grandmother lived on Prospect Ave and I remember not being able to visit her because the plane remained on 7th Ave for several weeks. I did see it from Flatbush Ave while traveling on a bus in the neighborhood.

In the chapel at Methodist Hosp ( which is now renamed) is a plaque on the wall which dedicates the chapel to him and on which the change that he had in his pocket is adhered to . I believe it is 42 cents. I have seen the plaque.

On the day of the crash, I was a third grade student at St. Augustine’s. My teacher was Ms. Gilroy. Our classroom faced 6th avenue. We heard this strange whistling sound, heard a huge bang, and saw this huge ball of fire rise in the air from our classroom window.

The school went on “lockdown”. We were not allowed to leave until our parents came to get us. My brother Michael was a student at St. Augustine’s HS (we shared the building) and I was so terrified they let me go to my brothers class to be with him. Eventually we left school, with the parent of one of his friends. We had to take several detours to get to 328 Sterling Place where we lived. Later that night, as it was Friday, and our norm, we had pizza at Tony’s Pizza place next to the Carlton Theatre on Flatbush. We stood at the barracades in place on Sterling Place and watched all the activity. It was surreal, pieces of huge palne lying in the intersection in pieces.

Twitty, I remember you, I remember Herman’s, Butler Place and the beach. I have GREAT memories of growing up in that neighborhood. I cherish them, and share them with my grandchildren here in Florida.

I remember on that day, i was skipping class and drinking on the roof. I had to use the bathroom badly and i felt i couldn’t make it downstairs quick enough. As i leaned against the cold chimney top, BANG!