Benfleet Station Experimental Order
Works location and photos
About the scheme
Castle Point Local Highways Panel are making preparations to introduce an Experimental Order at Benfleet Railway Station.
This involves a one way system on High Street permitting travel in a north westerly direction, and no entry restriction from the High Street, into Station Road. These restrictions are designed to improve traffic flows on High Street, providing a safer passage for pedestrians and road users.
The decision follows engagement with Castle Point Borough Council and local taxi drivers following a study commissioned by Essex Highways to investigate options to relieve congestion that occurs outside of Benfleet railway station.
This proposal is subject to an 18 month trial period which allows time for local people and commuters to adjust their driving behaviours and for the true effects of the scheme to be considered.
How this may affect you
With effect from Friday 1 February 2019 for a period of 18 months the Experimental Order will be in place.
The works will be carried out prior to the commencement date with signs covered until they become effective.
Changes that will be effective from 1 February 2019 include:
One Way System - High Street (permitting travel between Station Road towards B1014 Ferry Road/High Street Roundabout):
No Entry signs will be situated at the junction of High Street/B1014 High Street, prohibiting vehicles from entering the High Street towards Benfleet Station from B1014/High Street roundabout.
High Street will become a one way road with vehicles permitted to travel in a north westerly direction only away from Benfleet Station towards the B1014.
The restriction will start a couple of metres north of the junction with Station Road, allowing vehicles to still turn left from Station Road into High Street to access the Train Station Car Park.
Alternative route to Benfleet Station:
Drivers using the B1014 High Street/Ferry Road Roundabout to access Benfleet Railway Station will need to continue northwards on B1014 High Street to the Essex Way/School Lane Roundabout to access Benfleet Station.
No entry to Station Road from High Street/Station Car Park:
No entry signs will be installed on High Street prohibiting vehicles from entering Station Road from the High Street.
Station Road itself will remain open to two way traffic as it is at the moment.
Taxi bay:
Preparations are being made to remove a single taxi bay on High Street (sited towards the junction of B1014) which is considered to be under-utilised.
Public consultation period - Feedback
The Order will be effective from Friday 1 February 2019 and we welcome your comments and feedback on the scheme in writing between 1 February up to 1 August 2019 by emailing: [email protected] or by writing to the following address:
TRO Consultation responses – Benfleet, Essex Highways, Springfield Depot, Colchester Road, Springfield, Chelmsford CM2 5PU
During this time Essex Highways will review the effectiveness of the Order, taking into account comments and feedback received during the consultation period. If during this period the trial proves to be unsuccessful then recommendations can be made for its removal, however if successful we will look to make the Order permanent at the end of the 18 month trial.
This work is being delivered by Castle Point Local Highway Panel.
The latest updates about these works will be reflected on site signage and updated to this webpage.
For details about other roadworks in the area please visit: