
Shribman Loan Fund

April 1948
Shribman Loan Fund
April 1948

A LOAN FOND to provide financial aid for Dartmouth students from Salem, Mass., was established last month by Mr. Max Shribman of Salem as a memorial to his son, Lt. (jg) Philip A. Shribman '41, USNR, who lost his life off Guadalcanal.

The Philip Alvan Shribman Memorial Fund will be a revolving loan fund, with income and repayments available annually after the fund has been fully established in 1950. Part of the annual income of the fund will be credited each year to the Dartmouth College Alumni Fund in the name of Lieutenant Shribman.

A graduate of Salem High School in 1937, Lieutenant Shribman was killed in pT boat action February 1, 1943. He enlisted in the Naval Reserve in his junior year at Dartmouth and after his graduation was inducted in September, 1941.

Commissioned an ensign upon graduation from the Midshipman's School in Chi- cago, he was assigned to sea duty in the South Pacific and later was promoted to Lieutenant (jg). In the action off Guadalcanal in which he was killed, Lieutenant Shribman's PT boat sank a Japanese cruiser before it was destroyed by a direct enemy hit.