GOTIKA ha compartido esto
“Over the years, people have tried to convince me to change, but Phoenix works best for my work. Because I am a colorist too, we colour and restore at the same time because it makes a more efficient workflow for us and avoids delays down the line by needing to send footage back and forth between the two departments. Phoenix let’s us do this.” We chatted to Gabriela Plazas who has worked on hundreds of restoration projects, with work appearing on Amazon, Netflix and the Festival de Cannes. But now she's taking on her biggest project, the 'Plan Recuperar' She's been fighting for many years to protect Argentina’s filmic heritage. With no support from the government and no centralised archives, she has established the ‘Plan Recuperar’ project to protect Argentina’s film history. Check out more here: Find out how Phoenix and our Killer DVO's can help you: If you've got a story you wanna share then sign up to the Academy and give us a shout: #film #restoration #DVO #filmworkz #create #incredible #arentina #academy #phoenix #color #grading #tv #history #archive #planrecuperar #filmarchive #project #story #powerful #filmisnotdead #restorationproject