This Game Is a Trip!

Enjoy a fun-filled getaway with hilarious robot pals.

Vacation Simulator


Where will you go on your next holiday: beach, forest, or mountains? With Vacation Simulator, you can visit all three—and befriend amusing robots while partaking in goofy activities. Let’s play tourist!

Chasing dragonflies, shooting hoops—there’s a pastime here for everyone.

What we love: All the activities! Play musical shells while scuba diving. Ski, raft, and rock climb. Make s’mores for a child bot while their parent tells a spooky story (about dial-up internet…shudder). Opportunities to play and create abound!

Don’t miss: The grand finale. Play through activities to earn memories you can use to unlock a farewell party with all your new robo buddies. Huzzah!

Quick tip: Can’t find fish that match the colors River Bot is looking for? Grab the hanging fruit and dye your catch with it—it’ll turn those fish the desired shade.