#randomthoughts (Posts tagged lesbian)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I was talking to my mom about straight people (specifically on sitcoms) and why it is so many married couples seem to hate each other and how in the hell they ended up married, let alone producing kids, and she pointed out that a lot of couples who get together in their teenage years with the shitty sex ed in schools and end up having to get a shotgun wedding, which leads to them resenting one another for the pregnancy, and therefore resenting the child as well.

This got me thinking, do you think the reason homophobes, especially religious ones, are so against gay marriage because they’re jealous? They’re stuck in an unhappy marriage, and thanks to the stigma around divorce stay there because they think they don’t have a choice, so they see a couple that are together and genuinely love one another and actually WANT to get married and they’re jealous of that so they take the repressed rage they’re trying to deny came from their shit marriage and direct it at young happy couples.

For young straight couples that means the usual thing of complaining about their marriage and giving ‘advice’ about why not to get married, ie, they drag you down, ball and chain, you’ll lose your freedom, they stop paying attention once you’re no longer young and pretty, but with gays that comes in the form of trying to keep them from getting married, lashing out using the same chains that bind them, turning religion into a weapon.

TL;DR are straight people jealous of gay people?

randomthoughts sitcom straight people marriage Gay Lesbian Bisexual Queer lgbtq jealousy gay marriage Homophobia Homosexuality Homophobes

Ever notice that even the most cliche, over done, predictable as hell story becomes instantly more interesting if the main character is gay?

Like, horse movie, but the troubled teen is gay, the reason the perfect, hot as hell ranch hand is still single is because he’s gay and hasn’t found anyone in the small town or on the ranch, until troubled teen comes along. Or maybe troubled teen is a lesbian, and the tension between them and snobby horse racing rich girl is just disaster lesbian energy.

Goofy smart guy that knows everything is sent on a mission only he can do for some fucking reason to get the artifact with a hot chick who is comically out of his league but everyone knows they’ll end up together. What if goofy guy is actually gay, and agreed to go on the mission because he has the hots for the guy who sent them?

What if the eye candy sex object villain hench woman with the seduction to steal important thing and ends up going to the good side because hot people can’t be evil is a lesbian with the hots for generic action hero’s love interest and goes to the good side because she’s tired of being treated like a sex object and wants to be treated like an equal. Then the end of movie scene is love interest and hench woman living on a quiet farm together, or being total badasses together on missions.

Hero must save the damsel in distress? Make that hero a chick and you’ve got yourself a story. Bonus points for some sort of, “No man can ever save her!” Line. Or have the princess not be useless and fight her way out to where her girlfriend is casually waiting outside the tower to give her a ride home. Or make the damsel a prince who is being held for ransom and the king sends some knights to rescue him, and the captain of the guard falls in love with the prince.

There are billions of hetro stories out there, they’re everywhere, but take any cliche trope and toy with the roles and it gets infinitely better. Take a story where everyone knows what’s going to happen, and then subvert their expectations.

randomthoughts story stories movies cliche predictable princess prince king queen knights monster horses horse movie action film romance gay lesbian LGBTQA

So, I was talking over my decision to make a character trans with my sister, and she actually said she thought I was going a little overboard with the representation, and asked if I actually had any straight characters. Honest answer? Of course I do! They’re just not as relevant to the plot. Although, after I thought about it I do have a straight love interest for a demisexual character, but she’s a total badass and that particular couple flips gender norms on the head, so I’ll probs just leave it.

randomthoughts books writing LGBT representation demisexual asexual transgender mtf gay lesbian bisexual writing problems author story everyone is gay hella gay most of the straight characters act as parents and most of the relevant parents aren't even straight God I love writing to the music of let it go make it gay make it gay lol wtf because why not my goal in life is to piss people off

Guys I just had the best idea for the end of my book. I wanted it to end with my favorite ship getting married (two ladies, Marcella and Jessica) and the idea of a theme came to me. Pride. That’s the theme. Every invitation says for gusts to wear their pride colors, if it’s safe for them to do so, they’ve got every different pride flag they could get their hands on to decorate the place. The wedding is in June, I got a guy wearing an aromantic toga with a pansexual cape, it’s got all the feels and I’m even putting in a handful of heterosexuals because everyone should feel comfortable in their sexuality, gender identity, and romantic orientation no matter what it is.

randomthoughts wedding wedding theme june writer writing story book pride pride month LGBT bisexual lesbian demisexual pansexual asexual aromantic biromantic hetrosexual panromantic romantic orientation sexuality hetronormativity gender orientation trans transgender I'm sorry I don't know all of the orientations love yourself i believe in you I love you