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I need some opinions on my villain’s backstory

So, Victoria was born in Germany right in the height of the witch hunts and abandoned as a baby. A miller took her in and taught her not to hate those who act out of fear. He was also a witch sympathizer and she learned how to use her powers from the many men and women he helped hide. Then one day she was out and when she came back and wirch hunters had set fire to the mill and killed him. She was, like, twelve.

Well, she ran and this village in buttf*ck nowhere collectively took her in and she used her powers to help them and they helped her build a little cottage in the woods where she could safely practice her magic and people could go to her for help, then the village as a whole wouldn’t get hurt if she made a mistake.

Kid was fifteen when word got out and three witches found her. Witches who were sick of being hunted and running away. They wanted her to join them in enslaving/killing humanity and she refused. She wasn’t the first witch they propositioned, but she was the first to say no. So they cursed her to slowly become a monster and lose ability to control her own body so she had to watch as limbs that were both hers and not hers killed people, taste their blood, feel herself rip out their throats, and hear their screams.

At any rate that’s when she ran from the village so she didn’t hurt them and she met James, he was chopping wood and found her crying. He was sixteen and offered to help. She taught him magic and they started hunting down the witches (the only way to break a curse like that without the witches doing it willingly is to kill them) They managed to kill one beforr she was completely gone and James met Charlotte, who has her own tragic backstory. James and Charlotte manage to find and kill all three witches and break the curse. Then the three of them keep hunting down monsters and witches who were hurting innocent people.

Well by then Victoria had, understandably, gone off the deep end, she starts manipulating Charlotte and James and starts her quest to become more powerful, (In this if you kill a witch you absorb their powers) the main story is her hunting down these nine kids so she can take their power. She wants to be powerful enough that noone or thing can ever hurt her again.

So, opinions? I’m showing her as this innocent chick throughout the story, James is my red herring, and I want to know if this is a decent backstory and motivation for her, does it make sense? Are there plot holes? Etc. Thanks!

randomthoughts writing story backstory witches witchcraft magic tragedy sad fire help antagonist female antagonist please thank you

I think the most scared I’ve ever been of a kid was at a youth group meeting. It was at a leader’s house and we were roasting marshmallows in the back yard. For a moment this little girl and I were the only ones next to the fire and her eyes get a little crazy as she said, “Fire.” In the creepiest pyromaniac voice and I honestly feared I was in the presence of the disaster girl meme incarnate.

randomthoughts fire marshmallows kids creepy children disaster girl disaster girl meme memes scary creepy pyromaniac