#randomthoughts (Posts tagged babies)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

So, my grandpa lived his whole life on a farm, and he didn’t have any siblings or cousins or anything, and apparently when he and Grandma had their first kid he was astounded to see that her eyes were open… he’d only ever been around animal babies, not human babies… he thought her eyes would be closed for the first few weeks like a cat or a dog…

I swear to God he is the dumbest smart person I know.

randomthoughts Grandpa Grandparents story time story farm animals babies birth funny lol

So, as far as I’ve seen most cut off dates for abortions is 24 weeks. At that point I seriously doubt anyone doesn’t know they’re pregnant, but I honestly didn’t realize how long that was until I did the math because 24 weeks is 6 friggin months. Three more and that baby is due.

There will always be some cases with extenuating circumstances, but at six months the question must be asked, what the hell have you been doing? It’s been half a year!

On to the point of this post, why not enduce labor? Or go for a c-section? Put the baby in an incubator. I’m all for bodily autonomy, but when the baby is viable, when it has a chance to survive outside the womb, doesn’t it have it’s own bodily autonomy?

Furthermore, maybe everyone should take all that time and money they’re wasting on the abortion argument and put it towards artificial wombs. I don’t have any links (because I’m a lazy piece of sh*t) but from what I can tell they’re making some great strides. Wouldn’t the argument be pretty much obliterated if instead of aborting or keeping the fetus there was a third option of moving it to another womb?

I mean, dbags will find any excuse to argue and make assess of themselves, but anyone arguing over the option to save the fetus in a way that removes the dangers of pregnancy and birth and could give a fetus longer to be in the womb is gonna look like a pretty big asshole, but whatever.

Not to mention the reason human babies are born at nine months and are really useless compared to other species is because the vaginal canal isn’t big enough to wait any longer. We could jump start the next step in human evolution with artificial wombs by keeping babies in there for longer. And, the thought does occur, there are experts who say the mother’s heartbeat is a soothing thing for the baby, even after it’s born, and not having that could have a psychological effect on the kid, but people wear heartbeat monitors just for fun these days. Something tells me it isn’t a stretch to have that heartbeat connected to the womb in some way or another, but that’s all besides the point.


randomthoughts abortion pro life pro choice artificial wombs just a thought babies technology science evolution