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Ònan̄a me Wikipedia


Eyi ìre Wìkìpedia Usem Obolo (ann).

Wìkìpedia Usem Obolo
Wìkìpedia Usem Obolo
Atikulu 416 okup me
Wìkìpedia Usem Obolo

Adasi akpọk ikpa ire eyi. Wìkìpedia ìre ọsọ ensaikilopedia (ikpele ikpa ifuk-ibot eyi ene geelek, mè owu si, môkọtbe igọọk ige). Ire oriọọn̄ itumu usem yi, owu môkọt itap ubọk irọ inyi ikwaan̄ isasa ifuk-ibot ijuuk igbet ebi ìkitumu usem yi ije ifo isi. Ire okaan̄ inu oboge, kakiket ukot; kakikikene si. Jibi ije wup! Ire, ge me usem ekisa ige Obolo me ikpa, ufuna otutuuk ene ekọt efuk mè egobo etet.

Si me ere keyi ke owu mômun̄ inu eweekbe ibe owu orọ inyi ògọọk òkoge inu me ikpa yi.

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Because this is a test-wikipedia all articles here must begin with the format [[Name of article]]. For example, an article about the Obolo Bible, Ikpa Mbuban, should be titled here as [[Ikpa Mbuban]]. So, just type in the name of your article in front of the "" in the input box above. (Of course in the actual Wikipedia, the article would be titled as [[Ikpa Mbuban]].