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How to read a taxoboxWikipǣdia:How to read a taxobox
How to read a taxobox

Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Plantae
(unranked) Eudicots
(unranked) Asterids
Hād: Solanales
Cnēoris: Solanaceae
Cnōsl: Solanum
Cynn: S. melongena
Twinemniendlic nama
Solanum melongena

Solanum ovigerum Dunal
Solanum trongum Poir.
and sēo traht

Sēo ǣgƿyrt is ƿyrt þæs cnēorises Solanaceae (ēac cūþ sƿā þā nihtensceada) and cnōsles Solanum. Hēo bierþ ƿyrt þǣs ilcan naman, þe man mǣste sƿā ƿyrtmete in cōcende brȳcþ. Sƿā nihtensceadu, hēo nīehste þǣm ƿulfpersoce and eorþperue gesibbod is, and is þēodisc to Nepale, Indean, Bængladesce, Pacistane and Taprabanan.
