

Captures analytics data from an AMP document.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>


The <amp-analytics> component specifies a JSON configuration object that contains the details for what to measure and where to send analytics data. It can report to an in-house or integrated third-party solution.

The configuration object for <amp-analytics> uses the following format:

  "requests": {
    "request-name": request-value,
  "vars": {
    "var-name": var-value,
  "extraUrlParams": {
    "extraurlparam-name": extraurlparam-value,
  "triggers": {
    "trigger-name": trigger-object,
  "transport": {
    "beacon": *boolean*,
    "xhrpost": *boolean*,
    "image": *boolean*,

The configuration data may be specified inline or fetched remotely by specifying a URL in the config attribute. Additionally, built-in configuration for popular analytics vendors can be selected by using the type attribute.

If configuration data from more than one of these sources is used, the configuration objects (vars, requests, and triggers) will be merged together such that:

  1. Remote configuration takes precedence over inline configuration and
  2. Inline configuration takes precedence over vendor configuration.

Before you start using AMP analytics on your site, you need to decide whether you will use third-party analytics tools to analyze user engagement, or your own in-house solution.

Learn all about AMP analytics in the Configure Analytics guide.

Send data to an analytics vendor

The amp-analytics component is specifically designed to measure once and report to many. If you are already working with one or more analytics vendors, check the list of Analytics Vendors to see if they’ve integrated their solution with AMP.

Integrated analytics vendors

For integrated AMP analytics vendors:

  1. In the <amp-analytics> tag, add the type attribute and set its value to the specified vendor.
  2. Determine what data you want to capture and track, and specify those details in the configuration data. See the vendor's documentation for instructions on how to capture analytics data.

In the following example, analytics data is sent to Nielsen, a third-party analytics provider that has integrated with AMP. Details for configuring analytics data for Nielsen can be found in the Nielsen documentation.

<amp-analytics type="nielsen">
  <script type="application/json">
      "vars": {
        "apv": "1.0",
        "apn": "My AMP Website",
        "section": "Entertainment",
        "segA": "Music",
        "segB": "News",
        "segC": "Google AMP"

Non-integrated analytics vendors

If the analytics vendor hasn’t integrated with AMP, reach out to the vendor to ask for their support. We also encourage you to let us know by filing an issue requesting that the vendor be added. See also Integrating your analytics tools in AMP HTML. Alternatively, work with your vendor to send the data to their specified URL. Learn more in the Send data in-house section below.

Send data in-house

If you have your own in-house solution for measuring user engagement, the only thing you will need to integrate AMP analytics with that solution is a URL. This is where you will send the data. You can also send data to various URLs. For example, you can send page view data to one URL, and social engagement data to another URL.

If your in-house solution involves working with an analytics vendor that hasn't integrated with AMP, work with the vendor to determine what configuration information is required.

To send data to a specific URL:

  1. Determine what data you want to capture and track, and specify those details in the configuration data.
  2. In the requests configuration object, specify the type of request to track (e.g., pageview, specific triggered events) and the url(s) of where you want to send the tracking data to.

When processing AMP URLs in the referrer header of analytics requests, strip out or ignore the usqp parameter. This parameter is used by Google to trigger experiments for the Google AMP Cache.

The example below tracks page views. Every time a page is visible, the trigger event fires, and sends the pageview data to a defined URL along with a random ID.

  <script type="application/json">
      "requests": {
        "pageview": ""
      "triggers": {
        "trackPageview": {
          "on": "visible",
          "request": "pageview"

For some common tracking use cases (e.g., page views, page clicks, scrolling, etc.) see Analytics: Use Cases.

Load remote configuration

To load a remote configuration, in the <amp-analytics> element, specify the config attribute and the URL for the configuration data. The URL specified should use the HTTPS scheme. The URL may include AMP URL vars. To access cookies, see the data-credentials attribute. The response must follow the AMP CORS security guidelines.

In this example, we specify the config attribute to load the configuration data from the specified URL.


Dynamically rewrite a configuration

The configuration rewriter feature is designed to allow analytics providers to dynamically rewrite a provided configuration. This is similar to the remote configuration feature but additionally includes any user-provided configuration in the request made to the sever. This currently can only be enabled by an analytics vendor.

An analytics vendor specifies a configRewriter property with a server url.

    'configRewriter': {
      'url': '',

AMP sends a request containing the inlined configuration, merged with the provided remote configuration, to the configRewriter endpoint given by the vendor. The vendor uses this data server side to construction and return a new rewritten configuration.

AMP then merges all the provided configurations to determine the final configuration in order of highest to lowest precedence:

  1. Rewritten Configuration
  2. Inlined Configuration
  3. Vendor defined configuration

Enable Predfined Variable Groups

Variable Groups is a feature that allows analytics providers to group a predefined set of variables that can easily be enabled. These variables will then be resolved and sent along to the specified configRewriter endpoint.

Analytics providers need to create a new varGroups object inside of the configRewriter configuration to enable this feature. Publishers can then include any named analytic provider created varGroups they wish to enable in their analytics configuration. All of the variables supported by AMP HTML Substitutions Guide can be used. Important note: the ${varName} variants will not work.

For example we may have a vendor whose configuration looks like this:

// This is predefined by vendor.
    'configRewriter': {
      'url': '',
      'varGroups' : {
        'group1': {
          'referrer': 'DOCUMENT_REFERRER',
          'source': 'SOURCE_URL',
        'group2': {
          'title': 'TITLE',

You can specify which variable groups are enabled by including {enabled: true} for the specified varGroups within the provider's <amp-analytics> configuration. enabled is a reserved keyword, and can not be used as a variable name.

In the example below, both group1 and group2 have been enabled. Any groups that have not been specifically enabled will be ignored. The runtime will then resolve all of these enabled variables, and merge them into a single configRewriter.vars object that will be sent to the configuration rewriter url.

/* Included on publisher page */
<amp-analytics type="myVendor" id="myVendor" data-credentials="include">
  <script type="application/json">
      "configRewriter": {
        "varGroups": {
          "group1": {
            "enabled": true
          "group2": {
            "enabled": true

In this example the request body would look something like this:

/* Sent to configuration rewriter server. */
"configRewriter": {
  "vars": {
    "referrer": "",
    "source": "",
    "title": "Cool Amp Tips"

Configuration data objects


The requests configuration object specifies the URLs used to transmit data to an analytics platform as well as batching or reporting behavior of the request. The request-name specifies what request should be sent in response to a particular event (e.g., pageview, event, etc.) . The request-value contains an https URL, the value may include placeholder tokens that can reference other requests or variables. The request-value can also be an object that contains optional request configs.

The properties for defining a request with an object are:

  • baseUrl: Defines the url of the request (required).
  • reportWindow: An optional property to specify the time (in seconds) to stop reporting requests. The trigger with important: true overrides the maximum report window constraint.
  • origin: An optional property to specify the origin for requests

In this example, all requests are valid.

"requests": {
  "base": "${account}&u=${canonicalUrl}&t=${title}",
  "pageview": {
    "baseUrl": "${base}&type=pageview"
  "event": {
    "baseUrl": "${base}&type=event&eventId=${eventId}",
    "batchInterval": 5,
    "reportWindow" : 30

Some analytics providers have an already-provided configuration, which you use via the type attribute. If you are using an analytics provider, you may not need to include requests information. See your vendor documentation to find out if requests need to be configured, and how.

Define a request origin

The top-level requestOrigin property accepts an absolute URL and defines the origin for requests. If requestOrigin is declared, the origin will be extracted from the value and it will be prepended to baseUrl. requestOrigin accepts and supports variables substitution. Variables will not be encoded in requestOrigin.

"requestOrigin": "${example}/ignore_query",
"requests": {
  "base": "/analytics?a=${account}",
  "pageview": {
    "baseUrl": "${base}&type=pageview"
  "event": {
    "baseUrl": "${base}&type=event",
"vars": {
  "example": ""

In this example, outgoing requests will be${account}&type=pageview for pageview requests and${account}&type=event for event requests. Notice that the requestOrigin value is not encoded and that only the origin is added to baseUrl.

Request objects can also have an origin property that will override this top-level requestOrigin property.

"requestOrigin": "",
"requests": {
  "pageview": {
    "origin": "",
    "baseUrl": "/analytics?type=pageview"

In this example, the outgoing request will be for the pageview request.

Schedule batch requests

To reduce the number of request pings, you can specify batching behaviors in the request configuration. Any extraUrlParams from triggers that use the same request are appended to the baseUrl of the request.

The batching property is batchInterval. This property specifies the time interval (in seconds) to flush request pings in the batching queue. batchInterval can be a number or an array of numbers (the minimum time interval 200ms). The request will respect every value in the array, and then repe the last interval value (or the single value) when it reaches the end the array.

For example, the following config sends out a single request ping every 2 seconds, with one sample request ping looking like

"requests": {
  "timer": {
    "baseUrl": "",
    "batchInterval": 2
"triggers": {
  "timer": {
    "on": "timer",
    "request" : "timer",
    "timerSpec": {
      "interval": 1
    "extraUrlParams": {
      "rc": "${requestCount}"

The following config sends out the first request ping after 1 second and then sends out a request every 3 seconds. The first request ping looks like, the second request ping looks like

"requests": {
  "timer": {
    "baseUrl": "",
    "batchInterval": [1, 3]
"triggers": {
  "timer": {
    "on": "timer",
    "request" : "timer",
    "timerSpec": {
      "interval": 1
    "extraUrlParams": {
      "rc": "${requestCount}"


The amp-analytics component defines many basic variables that can be used in requests. A list of all such variables is available in the amp-analytics Variables Guide. In addition, all of the variables supported by AMP HTML Substitutions Guide are also supported.

Variables are resolved asynchronously and can delay the request until they are fulfilled. For example, some metrics such as Cumulative Layout Shift and Largest Contentful Paint are calculated after the page is hidden. For First Input Delay, it is resolved after the user interacts with the page. For this reason these metrics might not be suitable for use with all triggers (for example, on timer or visible).

The vars configuration object can be used to define new key-value pairs or override existing variables that can be referenced in request values. New variables are commonly used to specify publisher specific information. Arrays can be used to specify a list of values that should be URL encoded separately while preserving the comma delimiter. Substituting built-in and custom variables within arrays is supported, except when the variable expands into another array.

"vars": {
  "account": "ABC123",
  "countryCode": "tr",
  "tags": ["Swift,Jonathan", "Gulliver's Travels", "${account}"]

Register event triggers

The triggers configuration object describes when an analytics request should be sent. The triggers attribute contains a key-value pair of trigger-name and trigger-configuration. A trigger-name can be any string comprised of alphanumeric characters (a-zA-Z0-9). Triggers from a configuration with lower precedence are overridden by triggers with the same names from a configuration with higher precedence.

For details on how to set up triggers, see Available triggers.

As an example, the following configuration can be used to sample 50% of the requests based on random input or at 1% based on client id.

"triggers": {
  "sampledOnRandom": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "request",
    "sampleSpec": {
      "sampleOn": "${random}",
      "threshold": 50
  "sampledOnClientId": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "request",
    "sampleSpec": {
      "sampleOn": "${clientId(cookieName)}",
      "threshold": 1
Element selector

Some triggers such as click, video, and visible allow specifying a single element or a collection of elements using the selector properties. Different triggers can apply different limitations and interpretations on selected elements, such as whether a selector applies to all matched elements or the first one, or which elements can be matched: all or only AMP elements. See the documentation for each relevant trigger for more details.

The selector properties are:

  • selector This property is used to find an element or a collection of elements using CSS/DOM query. The semantics of how the element is matched can be changed using selectionMethod. The value of this property can be one of:

    • a valid CSS selector, e.g. #ad1 or amp-ad.
    • :root - a special selector that matches the document root.
  • selectionMethod When specified, this property can have one of two values: scope or closest. scope allows selection of element within the parent element of amp-analytics tag. closest searches for the closest ancestor of the amp-analytics tag that satisfies the given selector. The default value is scope.

Selector Values

As mentioned above, for click, video, and visible triggers it is possible to specify a single CSS selector or a collection of CSS selectors for the selector value.

If a single string CSS selector is specified, an element that maps to that selector will be extracted - even if the CSS selector maps to more than one element.

In the case where a single configuration applies to multiple elements, instead of creating separate configuration for each, it can be simplified by specifying all the selectors at once. To do so, specify an array of selectors that are comma separated and individually enclosed in quote marks.

"triggers": {
  "video-pause": {
    "on": "video-pause",
    "request": "event",
    "selector": ["#Video-1", "#Video-2"]
Available triggers

The on trigger provides an event to listen for. Valid values are render-start, ini-load, blur, change, click, scroll, timer, visible, hidden, user-error, access-*, and video-*.

Other available triggers include request, vars, important, selector, selectionMethod, scrollSpec, timerSpec, sampleSpec, and videoSpec.

"on": "render-start" trigger

AMP elements that embed other documents in iframes (e.g., ads) may report a render start event ("on": "render-start"). This event is typically emitted as soon as it's possible to confirm that rendering of the embedded document has started. Consult the documentation of a particular AMP element to see whether it emits this event.

The trigger for the embed element must include a selector that points to the embedding element:

"triggers": {
  "renderStart": {
    "on": "render-start",
    "request": "request",
    "selector": "#embed1"

The render start event is also emitted by the document itself and can be configured as:

"triggers": {
  "renderStart": {
    "on": "render-start",
    "request": "request"
"on": "ini-load" trigger

The initial load event ("on": "ini-load") is triggered when the initial contents of an AMP element or an AMP document have been loaded.

The "initial load" is defined in relationship to the container and its initial size. More specifically:

  • For a document: all elements in the first viewport.
  • For an embed element: all content elements in the embed document that are positioned within the initial size of the embed element.
  • For a simple AMP element (e.g. amp-img): the resources itself, such as an image or a video.

The trigger for an embed or an AMP element must include a selector that points to the element:

"triggers": {
  "iniLoad": {
    "on": "ini-load",
    "request": "request",
    "selector": "#embed1"

The initial load event is also emitted by the document itself and can be configured as:

"triggers": {
  "iniLoad": {
    "on": "ini-load",
    "request": "request"
"on": "blur" trigger

The on blur is part of the browser events that are supported by the Browser Event Tracker. Use the blur trigger ("on": "blur") to fire a request when a specified element is no longer in focus. Use selector to control which elements will cause this request to fire. The trigger will fire for all elements matched by the specified selector. The selector can either be a single CSS query selector or an array of selectors.

"triggers": {
  "inputFieldBlurred": {
    "on": "blur",
    "request": "event",
    "selector": ["inputField-A", "inputField-B"]
    "vars": {
      "eventId": "${id}"
"on": "change" trigger

Similar to the blur trigger, the change trigger is part of the Browser Events. Use the change trigger ("on": "change") to fire a request when a specified element undergoes a state change. The state change may vary for different elements. Use selector to control which elements will cause this request to fire. The selector can either be a single CSS query selector or an array of selectors. The trigger will fire for all elements matched by the specified selector.

"triggers": {
  "selectChange": {
    "on": "change",
    "request": "event",
    "selector":["dropdownA", "dropdownB"],
    "vars": {
      "eventId": "${id}"
"on": "click" trigger

Use the click trigger ("on": "click") to fire a request when a specified element is clicked. Use selector to control which elements will cause this request to fire. The trigger will fire for all elements matched by the specified selector.

"vars": {
  "id1": "#socialButtonId",
  "id2": ".shareButtonClass"
"triggers": {
  "anchorClicks": {
    "on": "click",
    "selector": "a, ${id1}, ${id2}",
    "request": "event",
    "vars": {
      "eventId": 128

In addition to the variables provided as part of triggers you can also specify additional / overrides for variables as data attribute. If used, these data attributes have to be part of element specified as the selector.

"on": "scroll" trigger

Use the scroll trigger ("on": "scroll") to fire a request under certain conditions when the page is scrolled. This trigger provides special vars that indicate the boundaries that triggered a request to be sent. Use scrollSpec to control when this will fire.

scrollSpec is an object that contains the properties:

  • horizontalBoundaries, verticalBoundaries (At least one of these is required for a scroll event to fire.)

    These should be number arrays containing the percentage boundaries on which a scroll event is fired.

    (To keep the page performant, these percentages are rounded to multiples of 5.)

  • useInitialPageSize (optional, default false)

    If set to true, scroll position is calculated based on the initial sizing of the page, ignoring its new dimensions when resized.

When using <amp-analytics> with infinitely scrolling experiences such as <amp-next-page> and <amp-list>, you might find it helpful to use useInitialPageSize in order to have scroll triggers report on the initial height of the pages (before <amp-next-page> or <amp-list> elements get added). Note that this will also ignore the size changes caused by other extensions (such as expanding embedded content) so some scroll events might fire prematurely instead.

For instance, in the following code snippet, the scroll event will be fired when page is scrolled vertically by 25%, 50% and 90%. Additionally, the event will also fire when the page is horizontally scrolled to 90% of scroll width.

"triggers": {
  "scrollPings": {
    "on": "scroll",
    "scrollSpec": {
      "verticalBoundaries": [25, 50, 90],
      "horizontalBoundaries": [90]
    "request": "event"
"on": "timer" trigger

Use the timer trigger ("on": "timer") to fire a request on a regular time interval. Use timerSpec to control when this will fire.

timerSpec Specification for triggers of type timer. Unless a startSpec is specified, the timer will trigger immediately (by default, can be unset) and then at a specified interval thereafter.

  • interval Length of the timer interval, in seconds.
  • maxTimerLength Maximum duration for which the timer will fire, in seconds. An additional request will be triggered when the maxTimerLength has been reached. The default is 2 hours. When a stopSpec is present, but no maxTimerLength is specified, the default will be infinity.
  • immediate trigger timer immediately or not. Boolean, defaults to true

The timer trigger will continue to send out requests regardless of document state (inactive or hidden), until the maxTimerLength has been reached (default to 2 hours if stopSpec doesn't exist and inifity if it does) or stopSpec has been met. In the case of no stopSpec, the maxTimerLength will default to infinity.

See the following example:

"triggers": {
  "pageTimer": {
    "on": "timer",
    "timerSpec": {
      "interval": 10,
      "maxTimerLength": 600
    "request": "pagetime"

To configure a timer which times user events use:

  • startSpec Specification for triggering when a timer starts. Use the value of on and selector to track specific events. A config with a startSpec but no stopSpec will only stop after maxTimerLength has been reached.
  • stopSpec Specification for triggering when a timer stops. A config with a stopSpec but no startSpec will start immediately but only stop on the specified event.

See the spec on triggers for details on creating nested timer triggers. Note that using a timer trigger to start or stop a timer is not allowed. The example below demonstrates how to configure a trigger based on a documents hidden and visible events and a trigger based on a videos play and pause events.

"triggers": {
  "startOnVisibleStopOnHiddenTimer": {
    "on": "timer",
    "timerSpec": {
      "interval": 5,
      "startSpec": {
        "on": "visible",
        "selector": ":root"
      "stopSpec": {
        "on": "hidden",
        "selector": ":root"
    "request": "timerRequest"
  "videoPlayTimer": {
    "on": "timer",
    "timerSpec": {
      "interval": 5,
      "startSpec": {
        "on": "video-play",
        "selector": "amp-video"
      "stopSpec": {
        "on": "video-pause",
        "selector": "amp-video"
    "request": "videoRequest"
"on": "visible" trigger

Use the page visibility trigger ("on": "visible") to fire a request when the page becomes visible. The firing of this trigger can be configured using visibilitySpec.

"triggers": {
  "defaultPageview": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "pageview"

The element visibility trigger can be configured for any AMP or non-AMP element or a document root using selector. The trigger will fire when the specified element matches the visibility parameters that can be customized using the visibilitySpec.

"triggers": {
  "defaultPageview": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "elementview",
    "selector": "#ad1",
    "visibilitySpec": {/* optional visibility spec */}

The element visibility trigger waits for the signal specified by the waitFor property in visibilitySpec before tracking element visibility. If waitFor is not specified, it waits for element's ini-load signal. See waitFor docs for more details. If reportWhen is specified, the trigger waits for that signal before sending the event. This is useful, for example, in sending analytics events when the page is closed.

selector can either be a single selector string (shown above) or an array of selector strings (shown below). If selector is a string, then it will be used to only specify a single element or a document root. If selector is an array of strings, each selector will specify all the elements in the doc that share the selector and have the data-vars-* attribute (useful for identifying elements).

"triggers": {
  "defaultPageview": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "adViewWithId",
    "selector": ["amp-ad", ""],
    "visibilitySpec": {/* optional visibility spec */}
"on": "hidden" trigger

Use the hidden trigger ("on": "hidden") to fire a request when the page becomes hidden.

"triggers": {
  "defaultPageview": {
    "on": "hidden",
    "request": "pagehide"

A visibilitySpec can be included so that a request is only fired if the visibility duration conditions are satisfied.

"triggers": {
  "defaultPageview": {
    "on": "hidden",
    "request": "pagehide",
    "visibilitySpec": {
      "selector": "#anim-id",
      "visiblePercentageMin": 20,
      "totalTimeMin": 3000

The above configuration translates to:

When page becomes hidden, fire a request if the element #anim-id has been visible (more than 20% area in viewport) for more than 3s in total.

"on": "user-error" trigger

The user error event ("on": "user-error") is triggered when an error occurs that is attributable to the author of the page or to software that is used in publishing the page. This includes, but not limited to, misconfiguration of an AMP component, misconfigured ads, or failed assertions. User errors are also reported in the developer console.

"triggers": {
  "userError": {
    "on": "user-error",
    "request": "error"

There is a known issue that it still reports errors from A4A iframe embeds, which are irrelevant to the page.

"on": Component-specific triggers
  • Access triggers: AMP Access system issues numerous events for different states in the access flow. For details on access triggers ("on": "access-*"), see AMP Access and Analytics.
  • Video analytics triggers: Video analytics provides several triggers ("on": "video-*") that publishers can use to track different events occurring during a video's lifecycle. More details are available in AMP Video Analytics.
  • Browser Event Trackers: AMP provides the ability to track a custom set of browser events. The set of browser events that are supported are listed in the allow-list. Currently, events ("on": "change") and ("on": "blur") are supported.
request trigger

Name of the request to send (as specified in the requests section).

vars trigger (optional)

An object containing key-value pairs used to override vars defined in the top level config, or to specify vars unique to this trigger.

important trigger (optional)

Can be specified to work with requests that support the batching behavior or the report window. Setting important to true can help to flush batched request queue with some certain triggers. In this case, it's possible to reduce the request pings number without losing important trigger events. Setting important to true can also override the request's reportWindow value to send out important request pings regardless.

selector and selectionMethod trigger (optional)

Can be specified for some triggers, such as click and visible. See Element selector for details.

scrollSpec trigger

This configuration is used in conjunction with the scroll trigger. See scroll for details. Required when on is set to scroll.

timerSpec trigger

This configuration is used in conjunction with the timer trigger. See timer for details. Required when on is set to timer.

sampleSpec trigger (optional)

This object is used to define how the requests can be sampled before they are sent. This setting allows sampling based on random input or other platform supported vars. The object contains configuration to specify an input that is used to generate a hash and a threshold that the hash must meet.

  • sampleOn: This string template is expanded by filling in the platform variables and then hashed to generate a number for the purposes of the sampling logic described under threshold below.
  • threshold: This configuration is used to filter out requests that do not meet particular criteria. For a request to go through to the analytics vendor, the following logic should be true HASH(sampleOn) < threshold.
videoSpec trigger

This configuration is used in conjunction with the video-* triggers. Used when on is set to video-*.


The transport configuration object specifies how to send a request. The value is an object with fields that indicate which transport methods are acceptable.

  • beacon Indicates navigator.sendBeacon can be used to transmit the request. This will send a POST request with credentials. The request will be sent with an empty body unless useBody is true. See Extra URL parameters for more information about useBody.
  • xhrpost Indicates XMLHttpRequest can be used to transmit the request. This will send a POST request with credentials. The request will be sent with an empty body unless useBody is true. See Extra URL parameters for more information about useBody.
  • image Indicates the request can be sent by generating an Image tag. This will send a GET request. To suppress console warnings due to empty responses or request failures, set "image": {"suppressWarnings": true}.
  • iframe Indicates that an iframe can be used to transmit the request. See iframe for details.

If more than one of the above transport methods are enabled, the precedence is iframe > beacon > xhrpost > image. Only one transport method will be used, and it will be the highest precedence one that is permitted and available. If the client's user agent does not support a method, the next highest precedence method enabled will be used. By default, all four methods above are enabled.

In the example below, an iframe URL is not specified, and beacon and xhrpost are set to false, so they will not be used even though they have higher precedence than image. image would be set true by default, but it is explicitly declared here. If the client's user agent supports the image method, then it will be used; otherwise, no request would be sent.

"transport": {
  "beacon": false,
  "xhrpost": false,
  "image": true

To learn more, see this example that implements iframe transport client API and this example page that incorporates that iframe. The example loads a fake ad, which contains the amp-analytics tag. Note that the fake ad content includes some extra configuration instructions that must be followed.


MRC-accredited vendors may utilize a fourth transport mechanism, "iframe transport", by adding a URL string to iframe-transport-vendors.js. This indicates that an iframe should be created, with its src attribute set to this URL, and requests will be sent to that iframe via window.postMessage(). In this case, requests need not be full-fledged URLs. iframe may only be specified in iframe-transport-vendors.js, not inline within the amp-analytics tag, nor via remote configuration. Furthermore, the vendor frame may send a response, to be used by amp-ad-exit. See analytics-iframe-transport-remote-frame.html and fake_amp_ad_with_iframe_transport.html: the former file sends a response JSON object of {'collected-data': 'abc'}, and the latter file uses that object to substitute 'abc' for 'bar_' in finalUrl.

Referrer policy

Referrer policy can be specified as referrerPolicy field in the transport config. Currently only no-referrer is supported. Referrer policy is only available for image transport. If referrerPolicy: no-referrer is specified, the beacon & xhrpost transports are overridden to false.

"transport": {
  "beacon": false,
  "xhrpost": false,
  "image": true,
  "referrerPolicy": "no-referrer"

Extra URL parameters

The extraUrlParams configuration object specifies additional parameters to be included in the request. By default, extra URL params are appended to the query string of a request URL via the usual "&foo=baz" convention.

Here's an example that would append &a=1&b=2&c=3 to a request:

"extraUrlParams": {
  "a": "1",
  "b": "2",
  "c": "3"

extraUrlParams may be sent via the request body instead of the URL if useBody is enabled and the request is sent via the beacon or xhrpost transport methods. In this case, the parameters are not URL encoded or flattened.

The useBody configuration option indicates whether or not to include extraUrlParams in the POST request body instead of in the URL as URL-encoded query parameters.

useBody is only available for the beacon and xhrpost transport methods. If useBody is true and used in conjunction with either of these transport methods, extraUrlParams are sent in the POST request body. Otherwise, the request is sent with an empty body and the extraUrlParams are included as URL parameters.

With useBody, you can include nested objects in extraUrlParams. However, if the request falls back to other transport options that don't support useBody (e.g. image), then those nested objects will be stringified into the URL as [object Object].

"transport": {
  "beacon": true,
  "xhrpost": true,
  "useBody": true,
  "image": false
Map replacement strings in parameters

The extraUrlParamsReplaceMap attribute specifies a map of keys and values that act as parameters to String.replace() to pre-process keys in the extraUrlParams configuration. For example, if an extraUrlParams configuration defines "page.title": "The title of my page" and the extraUrlParamsReplaceMap defines "page.": "_p_", then &_p_title=The%20title%20of%20my%20page%20 will be appended to the request.

extraUrlParamsReplaceMap is not required to use extraUrlParams. If extraUrlParamsReplaceMap is not defined, then no string substitution will happens and the strings defined in extraUrlParams are used as-is.

If useBody is enabled and the request is sent via the beacon or xhrpost transport methods, extraUrlParamsReplaceMap string substitution will only be performed on the top-level keys in extraUrlParams.

Customize the visible and hidden triggers with visibilitySpec

The visibilitySpec is a set of conditions and properties that can be applied to visible or hidden triggers to change when they fire. If multiple properties are specified, they must all be true in order for a request to fire. Configuration properties supported in visibilitySpec are:

  • waitFor: This property indicates that the visibility trigger should wait for a certain signal before tracking visibility. The supported values are none, ini-load, and render-start. If waitFor is undefined, it is defaulted to ini-load (for AMP elements) when selector is specified, or to none otherwise. When tracking non-AMP elements, only none is supported, which is its default value. Tracking non-AMP elements may not always work as intended. For example, tracking a <div> element that contains an <amp-iframe>, may not accurately wait for the iframe to load before sending the signal out.

  • reportWhen: This property indicates that the visibility trigger should wait for a certain signal before sending the trigger. The only supported value is documentExit. reportWhen and repeat may not both be used in the same visibilitySpec. Note that when reportWhen is specified, the report will be sent at the time of the signal even if visibility requirements are not met at that time or have not been met previously. Any relevant variables (totalVisibleTime, etc.) will be populated according to the visibility requirements in this visibilitySpec.

  • continuousTimeMin and continuousTimeMax: These properties indicate that a request should be fired when (any part of) an element has been within the viewport for a continuous amount of time that is between the minimum and maximum specified times. The times are expressed in milliseconds. The continuousTimeMin is defaulted to 0 when not specified.

  • totalTimeMin and totalTimeMax: These properties indicate that a request should be fired when (any part of) an element has been within the viewport for a total amount of time that is between the minimum and maximum specified times. The times are expressed in milliseconds. The totalTimeMin is defaulted to 0 when not specified.

  • visiblePercentageMin and visiblePercentageMax: These properties indicate that a request should be fired when the proportion of an element that is visible within the viewport is between the minimum and maximum specified percentages. Percentage values between 0 and 100 are valid. Note that the upper bound (visiblePercentageMax) is inclusive. The lower bound (visiblePercentageMin) is exclusive, unless both bounds are set to 0 or both are set to 100. If both bounds are set to 0, then the trigger fires when the element is not visible. If both bounds are set to 100, the trigger fires when the element is fully visible. When these properties are defined along with other timing related properties, only the time when these properties are met are counted. The default values for visiblePercentageMin and visiblePercentageMax are 0 and 100, respectively.

  • repeat: If this property is set to true, the trigger fires each time that the visibilitySpec conditions are met. In the following example, if the element is scrolled to 51% in view, then 49%, then 51% again, the trigger fires twice. However, if repeat was false, the trigger fires once. The default value of repeat is false. reportWhen and repeat may not both be used in the same visibilitySpec.

"visibilitySpec": {
  "visiblePercentageMin": 50,
  "repeat": true

visiblePercentageThresholds may be used as a shorthand for creating multiple visibilitySpec instances that differ only in visiblePercentageMin and visiblePercentageMax. For example the following are equivalent:

// Two triggers with visibilitySpecs that only differ in visiblePercentageMin and visiblePercentageMax:
"triggers": {
  "pageView_30_to_40": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "pageview",
    "selector": "#ad1",
    "visibilitySpec": {
      "visiblePercentageMin": 30,
      "visiblePercentageMax": 40,
      "continuousTimeMin": 1000
  "pageView_40_to_50": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "pageview",
    "selector": "#ad1",
    "visibilitySpec": {
      "visiblePercentageMin": 40,
      "visiblePercentageMax": 50,
      "continuousTimeMin": 1000

// A single trigger equivalent to both of the above:
"triggers": {
  "pageView": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "pageview",
    "selector": "#ad1",
    "visibilitySpec": {
      "visiblePercentageThresholds": [[30, 40], [40, 50]],
      "continuousTimeMin": 1000

In addition to the conditions above, visibilitySpec also enables certain variables which are documented here.

"triggers": {
  "defaultPageview": {
    "on": "visible",
    "request": "pageview",
    "selector": "#ad1",
    "visibilitySpec": {
      "waitFor": "ini-load",
      "reportWhen": "documentExit",
      "visiblePercentageMin": 20,
      "totalTimeMin": 500,
      "continuousTimeMin": 200

In addition to the variables provided as part of triggers you can also specify additional / overrides for variables as data attribute. If used, these data attributes have to be part of element specified as the selector.


The linkers feature is used to enable cross domain ID syncing. amp-analytics will use a configuration object to create a "linker string" which will be appended to the specified outgoing links on the page as URL param. When a user clicks on one of these links, the destination page will read the linker string from the URL param to perform ID syncing. This is typically used to join user sessions across an AMP proxy domain and publisher domain.

Details on setting up your linker configuration are outlined in Linker ID Forwarding.

If you need to ingest this parameter, information on how this parameter is created is illustrated in Linker ID Receiving.


The cookies feature supports writing cookies to the origin domain by extracting QUERY_PARAM and LINKER_PARAM information from the document url. It can be used along with linkers features to perform ID syncing from the AMP proxied domain to AMP pages on a publisher's domain.

Details on setting up the cookies configuration can be found at Receiving Linker Params on AMP Pages.



Specifies the type of vendor. For details, see the list of Analytics vendors.


config (optional)

This is an optional attribute that can be used to load a configuration from a specified remote URL. The URL specified should use the HTTPS scheme. See also the data-include-credentials attribute below. The URL may include AMP URL vars. The response must follow the AMP CORS security guidelines.


data-credentials (optional)

If set to include, this turns on the ability to read and write cookies on the request specified via the config attribute. This is an optional attribute.

If provided, the page will not process analytics requests until an amp-user-notification with the given HTML element id is confirmed (accepted) by the user. This is an optional attribute.


AMP component developers can implement collection of data using AMP analytics. For more information, please refer to Implementing analytics for AMP components.

Google Analytics 4 and AMP

For information on how to set up Google Analytics 4 with amp-analytics see amp-analytics dev guide and gtagjs guide


See amp-analytics rules in the AMP validator specification.

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