I've become very prejudiced against modern sci fi - for every "Firefly", "Battlestar Galactica remake" or "The Expanse" over the last several decades there have been a hundred thinly veiled fear of foreigners alien invasions, monster horror films set in space (cheap "Alien" knockoffs), or science fiction concept shows written by people who don't know the first thing about science or human nature and are trying for some notion of formula involving spaceships, aliens, AI, or exotic technology, missing the true value of a science fiction setting, which is for telling good human stories. Dark Matter is the good stuff. It's fresh, smart, edgy, interesting, ambitious, ambiguous, moving, has a real, changing story with real, changing characters. And at times it's absolutely hilarious (listen to "3"!). I was not a fan of the Stargate works, finding them too flawed and/or formulaic one way or another, but whatever Stargate contingent came to work on Dark Matter seems to have learned from the mistakes of the Stargate works. Dark Matter is the good stuff. Give it a chance! As for the blu ray package, it works just fine except that it makes me want/expect a blu ray for season 2, which hasn't happened as of this writing. (I have no idea why people think season 2 is not as strong as season 1 - my guess is those are the people who don't like real situational and character changes.)