Although consumer opportunistic behavior has drawn attention from managers and scholars for a long time, a special context of two-sided market has been ignored. A multi-stage research program, comprising in depth interviews (Study 1) and three experimental studies (Studies 2, 3, 4), explored opportunistic claiming during service guarantee. The main characteristics of two-sided market (consumer, platform and reference group) are considered in this paper. The findings are as follows: 1) consumers with higher level of Machiavellianism are more likely to claim in an opportunistic manner. 2) The reasonable compensation would evoke the desire for cheating behavior for Low Machs, while reduce the probability of opportunistic claiming behavior for High Machs. Both platform attitude and reference group only have significant effects on Low Machs. Specifically, 3) platform with tolerant attitude would face to more opportunistic claims and 4) reference group’s opportunistic manners would misguide others to do so.
Recommended Citation
Xinyan, Liu; Wenyan, Zhou; and Li, Zhao, "Opportunistic Claiming Behavior in Two-sided Market" (2013). WHICEB 2013 Proceedings. 82.