And just like that, we are done with purple. Any guesses as to what I have planned for the finale? 

QOTD: What is your favorite trilogy? This one was a hard one for me, as I love trilogies! I’m going to say The Hunger Games, since the Red Rising trilogy is more of a full series at this point.

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QOTD: What was the most expensive book you bought?
Don’t tell my dad, but the “Sage Grouse: Icon of the West” book that I got him for Christmas was the most expensive book I ever bought (I told him it was a Black Friday sale, but that was a big ol’... QOTD: What was the most expensive book you bought?
Don’t tell my dad, but the “Sage Grouse: Icon of the West” book that I got him for Christmas was the most expensive book I ever bought (I told him it was a Black Friday sale, but that was a big ol’...

QOTD: What was the most expensive book you bought? 

Don’t tell my dad, but the “Sage Grouse: Icon of the West” book that I got him for Christmas was the most expensive book I ever bought (I told him it was a Black Friday sale, but that was a big ol’ holiday lie). I would never buy a $40 book for myself, but as a gift for a loved one? No hesitation.

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” fleur-aesthetic:
” fleur-aesthetic:
QOTD: What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date) The oldest book I’ve read is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, published in 1811.
Instagram | Goodreads | Twitter | Booktube QOTD: What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date) The oldest book I’ve read is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, published in 1811.
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QOTD: What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date) The oldest book I’ve read is Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, published in 1811.

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spiritnectar on ig

this is pleasing in the strangest way…

QOTD: What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series?
My answer to this question used to be Six of Crows, but now that Netflix is producing it, I’m going to say that The Foxhole Court would make an excellent CW... QOTD: What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series?
My answer to this question used to be Six of Crows, but now that Netflix is producing it, I’m going to say that The Foxhole Court would make an excellent CW...

QOTD: What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series? 

My answer to this question used to be Six of Crows, but now that Netflix is producing it, I’m going to say that The Foxhole Court would make an excellent CW series…

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