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IDIdaho (US postal abbreviation)
IDInside Diameter
IDInside Dimension
IDI'm Down (Beatles song)
IDInformation Development
IDInternational Development
IDInformation Document
IDInterface Device
IDInitial D (Japanese Anime)
IDIdentification Data
IDIndonesia (Including Portuguese Timor)
IDInternal Document
IDIndustrial Design
IDInstallation Data
IDIntegrated Design
IDInterior Design
IDInner Diameter
IDIntelligent Design (theology)
IDInclusive Design (design for all)
IDInternal Diameter
IDInstitution Directory (FDIC)
IDIntellectual Disability
IDInstructional Design
IDInch Down (elevators)
IDInsertion Device
IDInfantry Division
IDInfectious Disease
IDIssue Date
IDImplant Dentistry (journal)
IDIntegrated Diagnostics
IDIntrusion Detection
IDIndefinite Delivery
IDDrain Current
IDInitial Distribution
IDInterior Decorator
IDIdem (Latin: the same)
IDIdes (Latin: Ides, their reckoning of the middle day of the month)
IDIraqi Dinar (unit of currency)
IDIndependent Democrats (South Africa)
IDIntelligence Department
IDIcewind Dale (game)
IDIndustry Discount
IDInduced Draft (thermal power)
IDIdaho Operations Office
IDInvestigación y Desarrollo (Spanish: Research & Development)
IDIm Durchschnitt (German: on average)
IDIm Dienst (German: on duty)
IDInter-Departmental (various organizations)
IDIntegrated Defense (US Air Force)
IDInternational Diplomacy
IDIrrigation Department (Myanmar)
IDInternational Director
IDInternational Delight
IDIncremental Development
IDImage Dynamics (music equipment; Canada)
IDInternational Dateline
IDInteractive Development (various companies)
IDIndustrial Dispute
IDInvisible Disability
IDInstruction Decode (Von Neumann cycle step)
IDIntelligence Duties (US Navy)
IDIntestinal Distress
IDInter Dimensional
IDInventory Discrepancy
IDIzquierda Democrática (Democratic Left, Ecuador)
IDInventory Difference
IDInvariant Density
IDInstituto por la Democracia (Spanish: Institute for Democracy; Guatemala)
IDInterleaving Depth
IDInfective Dose
IDIntermediate Dose (treatment)
IDImplementation Dependency
IDInterconnecting Device
IDInstrument Delivery
IDIntegrated Dictionary
IDInterface Diagram
IDIntegrated Demonstration(s)
IDItem Designator
IDInformation Deficiency
IDIndividuated Dysautomania
IDInterface Diagnostics
IDInertial Dampeners (Star Trek, Stargate Atlantis)
IDInterpretative Documents
IDInstantaneous Description (Turing Machine configuration)
IDIrvine Dataflow
IDInstitut Dayakologi (Indonesian: Dayakologi Institute)
IDIndex Diagram
IDWe're in Demand (an old Id Software's slogan)
IDIditol Dehydrogenase
IDInside Dose (radiation exposure)
IDInterleaved De-Clustering (computing)
IDInhibitors of DNA Binding/Differentiation
IDIncreased Deployability
IDIntegrated Daemon
IDInstituto Desert (Brasil)
IDIncapacitation Dose
IDIntercommunication Device
IDIntrinsic Densitometry
IDInformation during Learning Task (online education)
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References in classic literature ?
"We know that the crust of the globe is 500 miles in thickness; then the inside diameter of Pellucidar must be 7,000 miles, and the superficial area 165,480,000 square miles.
Often, real seats have a larger inside diameter than the blank so the blank needs to be built up using an arbor.
ALIKLER G2 is available with inside diameters from 25mm to 150mm (1-6in) and in standard lengths of 20 and 40m (10 and 20m for ID >100mm) (65 and 131ft; 33-65ft for ID >4in).
A new automatic inside diameter (ID) purge control system dynamically changes purge flow to maintain proper ID pressure at the weld joint.
For instance, the strong-back used on 4" pipes is actually cut from a 5" inside diameter pipe and when shipped to you the label on the silver package even indicates 5".
* With barrel removed, check the front inside diameter of the barrel support for excessive wear.
Used in combination with a Shrink Fit Machine, the tool holders heat up to expand the inside diameter of the holder.
When used in combination with Shrink Fit Unit, Shrink Fit Tool Holders rapidly heat up to expand the inside diameter. As the holder cools, the thermal contraction exerts a uniform pressure that shrinks down around the tool for uniform gripping.
The ECW-60 Automatic Coreless Rewinder winds coreless only at two inches or three inches inside diameter and at cut lengths from 10 feet to a maximum finished diameter of 12 inches.
If the inside diameter of a steel water pipe is about half the diameter of a quarter, it is 3/8-inch pipe.
PVC pipe is labeled by inside diameter; here's an index for the outside diameter of useful pipe sizes.