(redirected from Inside Corner)
Category filter:
ICIntegrated Circuit
ICIntelligence Community
ICI See (chat code)
ICIntensive Care
ICInternal Combustion (engine)
ICIndustry Canada (Government Department)
ICInformation Center
ICInsurance Component
ICInsurance Company (IRB)
ICIn Contact (recessed light fixture for direct contact with attic insulation)
ICIowa City
ICIce Cream
ICIn Charge of
ICInclude (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
ICInternal Control
ICIn Character
ICImperial College (UK)
ICIntercontinental (WWE championship)
ICInventory Control (Electric Boat)
ICInformed Consent (drug trials)
ICInformation Circular
ICInternational Community
ICIllinois Central (railroad)
ICIncident Commander
ICIthaca College
ICIndependent Contractor
ICInternational College (Beirut, Lebanon private high school)
ICIntellectual Capital
ICInformation Commons
ICInfection Control
ICIvory Coast
ICInstallation and Configuration (software)
ICIon Chromatography
ICInstrumentation and Controls
ICInterstitial Cystitis
ICIllinois College (Jacksonville, IL)
ICInitial Condition
ICIdentity Card
ICInner Circle
ICIntercity (transportation, travel)
ICIndex Catalogue (astronomy)
ICInput Circuit
ICInstituto Cervantes (Spain)
ICIndiana Code (laws)
ICInformation Collection (various locations)
ICInterface Control
ICIntentional Communities
ICInvestment Committee (various locations)
ICIn-Character (gaming)
ICIncremental Cost
ICIndex Card
ICInternal Communications
ICIncentive Compensation
ICInstitutes and Centers
ICInternet Commerce
ICI'm Confused
ICIndoor Cycling
ICImmune Complex
ICIncoming Call
ICInter City (Deutsche Bahn AG)
ICInstructional Computing
ICIon Chamber (physics)
ICInvestors Chronicle (UK)
ICInternational Communications
ICInterrupt Controller
ICInstitutional Control (various organizations)
ICIntegration Council (various organizations)
ICIron Chef (television program)
ICIndianapolis Colts
ICInitial Contact (aviation radio communication)
ICInter-City (Italian railways)
ICIntelligence Center
ICInternal Consumption
ICInformation Committee (various organizations)
ICInteractive Communication
ICIgnition Coil
ICIron Curtain
ICInfrastructure Committee
ICIntermittent Claudication
ICInterchangeable Core (locksmithing)
ICImplementation Coordinator
ICIce Crystals
ICInspection Chamber
ICInvested Capital
ICInitial Configuration
ICInstitute or Center (National Library of Medicine grants & funding)
ICInflatable Curtain (Volvo)
ICImpulse Control
ICInterference Cancellation
ICIngénierie des Connaissances
ICInter Change
ICIntegrated Controller
ICIron City
ICIndividual Contributor (employee)
ICImage Controller
ICIntelligent Component
ICInteractive C
ICIndependent Council
ICInterrupt Code
ICIsotopic Composition
ICInformation Campaign
ICInterexchange Carrier
ICInstrument Controller
ICIniciativa per Catalunya
ICInspiratory Capacity
ICInstalled Cost
ICImpossible Creatures (Microsoft game)
ICIntercomputer Communication (US NASA)
ICIndustry Commission
ICIgnition Circuit
ICImport Certificate
ICIntelligent Communications
ICInns of Court (UK)
ICIndustry Committee
ICInequitable Conduct (legal)
ICInternal Calibration
ICInternment Camp
ICInterim Change
ICInside Corner (measuring in construction)
ICIntermediate Course
ICInspection Certificate
ICImum Coeli
ICInterior Communications
ICInnovative Creative (Industrial Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University slogan)
ICInterconnect Line
ICInput Controller
ICIndividual Consideration
ICIntegration Consortium (global body responsible for influencing the integration industry)
ICIntracloud (lightning)
ICIntegration Component
ICIndependent Certifier (various locations)
ICImage Computer
ICIstituto di Cristallografia (Italian: Institute of Crystallography)
ICInduction Cooking
ICIloilo City
ICInstructional Council (Maricopa County, AZ community college system)
ICInstallation Commander
ICIroquois Confederacy (five native american tribes)
ICInscribed Circle
ICIngénieurs et Cadres (French: Engineers and Managers)
ICImmediate Consumption (food and beverage industries)
ICImplementación Conjunta (Spanish)
ICIndifferent Curve (microeconomic theory)
ICInterventional Cardiologist
ICIntegration Contract
ICInitial Capability
ICInspection Committee
ICInvestment Category
ICIntegrity Committee
ICSea Ice Concentration
ICIncrement Count
ICIsrael Center
ICInstant Classics (webcomic)
ICIrate Customer
ICIntegration Committee
ICItalian Cooperation (Rome, Italy)
ICTest The Problem
ICImplementation Conventions
ICIncident Controller
ICIntegration Cycle
ICIntergroup Coordination
ICInterior Cell
ICItinerário Complementar
ICInner Council (Shadowbane gaming)
ICIntrusion Countermeasures
ICIntegration Contractor
ICIndividual Combatant
ICInformacní Centrum (Czech: Information Center)
ICInstallation Coordinator (US Army Europe)
ICIntérêts Communaux (Belgium)
ICInstitute of Charity (religious order)
ICInterpreting Certificate
ICimpaired contractility
ICImaginary Companions
ICInsurgent Camp (America's Army gaming)
ICInhibiting Circuit
ICIndian Airlines Corporation (IATA airline code)
ICImmediate Compress
ICImperial Conflict (online strategy game)
ICInvoice Currency
ICIntercept Controller
ICIntegrated Contractor
ICInterest Campaign
ICIndicator and Control
ICInterpolate then Calculate
ICInterface Certification
ICIsolation Condenser
ICImperial Crusader (Lineage 2 game armor set)
ICInitialization Capability
ICInterchangeability Code
ICIntegrating Center
ICInclusion Coordinator
ICIrish Concern
ICImperial Creations (gaming design team for Age of Empires)
ICInvited Country
ICInterceptor Command
ICImpairment Combination
ICIntercept Committee
ICImpression Construction
IC(USN Rating) Interior Communications Electrician
ICIntegrated Carbine
ICInternational Crime & Drugs (US Department of State)
ICIntegration/Intercept Control
ICInvasive Cholangiography
Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
If there isn't a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
After we squared the foundation, we set four 32-inch 4-by-4 posts 28 inches into the ground at each inside corner, so that the tops of the posts were even with the top of the foundation boards.
In the instance of not being around furniture, you can hide under, use your arms to cover your face and your head while crouching at in an inside corner of the building.
The pitch in question to Moncada from Kluber, a two-time Cy Young winner who has walked 11 batters this season, was a low fastball near or at the knees that appeared to come back toward the plate toward the inside corner. Statcast showed the pitch out of the strike zone.
It originates deep at the medial aspect or the inside corner of the eyelid opening.
To hunt an inside corner, simply place your stand in a tree right at the corner.
Ms Roberts said: "I could immediately see there was a very deep slash wound, which went from the inside corner of his eye, down his nose and through his lip.
Watch them set up the bouncy house and make sure it is properly staked with a minimum of one 18" or larger stake at each outside and inside corner. Usually when accidents happen it is because the bouncer is not properly anchored to the ground.
The image suggests there is about a 3 C difference between the outer edge of the trace and the inside corner. The authors conclude:
Make sure you sweep a pea-sized amount from the inside corner of the eye to the outer corner of the whole under-eye area.
Syndergaard's first pitch was a 97 mph fastball just off the inside corner and way over Alcides Escobar's head, eliciting a huge cheer from fans.
Use 'Argent' as a highlighter on the inside corner of your eyes.