IPNSIntense Pulsed Neutron Source
IPNSInstitute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (Japan)
IPNSInternet Patent News Service
IPNSInternet Professionals & Network Solutions
IPNSIntegrated Plant Nutrition System
IPNSISDN PBX Networking Standard
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References in periodicals archive ?
IPNs are polymer systems that at each point include two or more distinct, but interpenetrating, networks.
IPNs are of different types: sequential IPN, subsequent IPN, latex IPN, gradient IPN, and thermoplastic IPN.
Integrated plant nutrition system (IPNS) in wheat under rainfed conditions.
The Army is "really working hard at identifying these installation processing nodes or IPNs ...
To remedy this situation, all health care facilities must report injury and poisoning cases to the Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) from January 2013 onwards, via the Injury and Poisoning Notification System (IPNS).
The Injury and Poisoning Notification System (IPNS), which is being implemented for the first time in Abu Dhabi and the UAE through the emergency departments, aims to better understand the burden and profile of injuries and poisoning in the emirate to design and implement preventive strategies for those who are at risk.
IRS Large Business and International (LB&I) Division executives have I referred several times in recent months to issue practice groups (IPGs) and international practice networks (IPNs).
Natural polymers, biopolymers, biomaterials, and their composites, blends and IPNs.
It can be seen that the values of elastic modulus increase as the temperature is increased from 25 to 35[degrees]C for all IPNs but decrease (excepting for IPN-2) as the temperature is further increased to 45[degrees]C.
Mishra, Preparation and characterization of tetracycline-loaded IPNs of Carboxymeethyl cellulose and poly(acrylic acid):water sorption and drug release study, Polym inter, 54:1347-1356, (2004).