University of Aberdeen
The Children and Technology Laboratory at the University of Sussex, in collaboration with Dr Stefan Kreitmayer, recently developed software to assess and improve the capacity of children to comprehend jokes. This software was tested in a... more
This is a single-page general proof of the fact that the digital root of any natural multiple of (b-1) in a numeral system with radix b will be equal to b-1. In decimal (i.e. the numeral system with radix 10), this is known as the rule of... more
This thesis examines Scottish Gaelic traditions in the light of life and death and looks specifically at the imagery in water folklore. Included in the water folklore are not only customs that use water but also the creatures that were... more
Tha an tràchdas seo ag amharc air an dualchas a bha (agus a tha fhathast) ann an Alba a bhith ag adhlacadh a' mharbh air eilean. Ged a bhios barrachd air 10 eisimpleirean de "eilean-cladh" ann an Alba, chan eil mòran sgrìobhte man... more
In this PhD dissertation, I explore the various informal and non-formal spaces and ways in which adult learners of Gaelic use their language skills. This is an ethnographic qualitative study in second language acquisition of endangered... more
In this paper, I explore the image and representations of the "island of the dead" in Breton folklore and traditions, and the relationship between the said traditions and other Celtic folklores, both ancient and modern.
The following paper is a qualitative study of the way cultural actors in New Caledonia, Tahiti, and Fiji perceive the impact of globalisation on their linguistic communities. The data has been gathered from nineteen questionnaires and... more
La transmission intergénérationnelle est souvent observée de l'adulte à l'enfant pour des raisons tout à fait logiques. Plus largement, la question de la transmission linguistique est perçu comme un processus familiale. Cependant,... more
Abstract The following paper is a qualitative study of the way Kanak cultural activists in New Caledonia perceive the impact of globalisation on their linguistic communities. The data has been gathered from sixteen questionnaires and... more