Democracy Has Prevailed.

Showing posts with label Glenn Meakem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenn Meakem. Show all posts

September 1, 2009

Jerry Bowyer on Night Talk

Watching the 10:00 rerun.


Jerry Bowyer thinks there ARE euthanasia issues found in the Health Care Bill.

Jerry said that Sarah Palin "was sort of on to something" on the "death panel" issue.


Jerry thinks that the solution is found in giving vouchers to the 5 million households that are chronically uninsured. There are really only 15 million uninsured in the US.


The rerun is half over. Some comments. Jerry said he invited Congressmen Altmire and Doyle to be on the show but they couldn't show. SO he had on two conservatives instead.

Unbelievably one sided.

Jerry asked the rhetorical question "why would anyone follow a leader who lies to them?" It would probably be too snarky to point out they weren't discussing Iraq's WMD.


Jerry just said that the Democratic Congressmen would not come on the air to defend the health care plan.


Only 10 or 15 million uninsured. The rest are illegal aliens or those who qualify for insurance but don't choose to get it.


Now they're dragging out the "it'll add $1 trillion to the deficit" meme.


Judging from Jerry's teaser, they're going to be discussing Dr Ezekiel Emanuel.


Dana Irey (one of Jerry's guests) just said you're definitely going to have death panels. Now Glenn Meakem (the other guest) is spreading the VA death book lie.


Now on the screen during the discussion: "Health Care Bill: Is Euthanasia Implied?"


The Health Care bill is questionable Constitutionally.


If you don't like the current health care system, you're going to hate Obamacare.

Show just ended. It's rare that so many myths and falsehoods (see above) could be found in such a short period of time.