Democracy Has Prevailed.

Showing posts with label Ben Roethlisberger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ben Roethlisberger. Show all posts

August 26, 2015

Go team?

Feeling slightly smug that since I don't give a rat's ass about football, I don't have to support rapists, wife beaters, virulent homophobes, child abuse concealers (on the college level), or dog torturers/killers

Of course I have no choice in supporting their damn stadiums.

June 11, 2010

Big Ben: Just a small town boy, living in a lonely world.

Thanks, Ben and Sally! I won't stop believing!


Just a reminder

Just a reminder that with all the police interviews being made available for your personal dissection and viewing pleasure in the Roethlisberger sexual assault case -- the Georgia one, not the others -- there's one missing. There's no taped police interview with Ben Roethlisberger. He managed never to be interviewed by the police. Instead, we have the recent rash of media interviews with him (no doubt well rehearsed ahead of time with his lawyers and PR people for maximum redemption value). So I guess it all equals out in the end, no?

June 10, 2010


For the love of all that is good and holy, local news, please please please stop airing any more interviews with Big Ben Worthlessberger/footage of his victim speaking to police!

I know that Georgia's laws say that they must make the police interviews available, but that doesn't mean that you have to run them on every newscast or link to them on your front pages (I hear WPXI even interrupted programming for this as "breaking news" yesterday).

And, the interviews with Worthlessberger? If I hear him say one more time how he's come back to God, how he's been spending time at the wholesome family farm or how he has to "find Ben Roethlisberger" I will vomit.

And, it's not like I can avoid this shit by just not watching the local news because you're playing promos 24/7.

As I know that it's in your financial interests to run anything Steelers, can you please do me a favor? Can you tweet me when it's safe to watch local TV again? Until then, I'll be viewing elsewhere.

And speaking of FAIL, here's some major fail from the Trib:


April 23, 2010

Anyone Remember This?

From Baptist Press:
Pittsburgh Steelers rookie quarterback Ben Roethlisberger enjoyed a magical season in 2004, going from third-string signal caller to NFL Rookie of the Year by leading his team to 15 straight wins and within one victory of the Super Bowl.

But what wasn't as well known is how the young player used his newfound pro football platform to share his faith in Jesus Christ.

"Sometimes you're handed an opportunity to speak that you don't even know you're going to have. Only God could have brought me from third team as a rookie to a starter and Rookie of the Year," he said.
One unique opportunity for Roethlisberger came midway through the season when he had the Steelers on a winning streak after taking over due to injuries to the quarterbacks ahead of him. Before a game, he wrote the initials on his armbands, "PFJ," for Playing For Jesus.

The NFL promptly fined the rookie an undisclosed amount for violating the league's uniform dress policy, but Roethlisberger said that wouldn't stop his witness.

"I had to be a little more careful after that, but I'm always going to express my faith. Guys express all kinds of products here in the league, so I'm going to keep expressing my faith," he said about the previously little-known incident.
And so I have to wonder what PFJ stands for now. Anyone want to weigh in? Feel free.

April 19, 2010

What the hell?!

UPDATE: This post has been linked to at Shakesville.

Milledgeville Georgia Mayor Richard Bentley

Here's Milledgeville Mayor Richard Bentley on the alleged sexual assault by Ben Roethlisberger in his town (via TMZ):
"Anything that can draw interest to our town and make people want to visit, we would like."

"If it peaks people's interest about our city, we would certainly welcome them here."

Good on him for not wanting to let go of a good thing.

But, a really great mayor would be proactive.

How about guided tours of the bar with reenactments?

How's about a new town slogan. Something like: "What happens in Milledgeville stays in Milledgeville because we'll fuck up the investigation."

OK, granted, a little long for a slogan. Maybe they can just shorten it to something snappier like:

"Milledgeville: We're rapetastic!"


"Our bitches are drunk! - Help yourself!"

Maybe I'm being too harsh. Maybe TMZ took Bentley's comments out of context...Oh, wait. There is no possible context in which his comments would be anything less than beneath contempt.

Fucking asshole.

Oh yeah, speaking of fucking assholes: DUMP BEN!