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April 2021Tech Update Newsletter

Pondering The Traditional Personal Computer

Several years ago, I questioned should your next personal computer even be a computer. That is, with the advances in mobile technologies and cloud-based computing that had appeared at the time, the question of whether many business professionals genuinely need access to a traditional desktop computer seemed relevant. Today, that question is alive and well more than ever. In this article, you will learn about why your next computer may be quite different from your last.

Prepare For An Economic Boom

How do you prepare for an economic boom? Prepare and plan with your accountant. With their expertise and technology, you can watch cash flow and forecasts.

Career Advice For Women

Epson PowerLite 1795F Projector

Career advice for women could apply to everyone. This advice shows ways to advance in your current company or how to start a new one.

Cash Flow Tracking Solutions


Cash flow tracking solutions can be the difference between success and failure. Learn about tracking cash flow in cloud accounting software.


Four Reasons Why AI Helps Customer Service

Automation supported by artificial intelligence (AI) is already here. It is not in the future anymore. What are 4 Reasons why AI helps customer service? We will provide four reasons beyond the existing customer service automation. Even though AI customer service is not working flawlessly, automation already is. From food delivery to autonomous home devices and automatic check-ins at resorts to airport luggage check-ins, automation has slowly become an essential part of our everyday lives. This article will provide four reasons why AI automation will assist in customer service even more in the future.

K2 Enterprises Highlights
Upcoming Webinars

The K2 Enterprises team is pleased to offer five webinars through the end of May. We invite you to join us in one or more of these sessions.

April 27, 2021

    April 28, 2021
    May 25, 2021

      You can obtain complete details for each session, including learning objectives and registration information, by clicking on the session titles above or clicking the button below.