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Give yourself a fake DIY braceface with our help
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If you have naturally straight teeth, you’ll be spared a lot of extra time, money, and discomfort by getting to skip the process of braces. However, sometimes the appearance of braces is what you desire, whether or not they’re necessary. Whether you need them for a costume or you just want to change up your look, braces are the perfect way to look geek chic. There are a few methods to easily make fake braces. Be careful, however. Anytime you are putting metal against your teeth, you risk scratching the enamel. Fake braces shouldn't be worn for long periods of time– use them when you want to play dress-up or need an accessory for a costume!

Best Way to Make Fake Braces

Unbend a paper clip and make it into a U-shape. Glue beads along the length of the paper clip so they line up with your teeth. Then, put some orthodontic wax on the ends of the paper clip so it's more comfortable to wear in your mouth.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using a Paper Clip and Beads

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  1. Make sure to choose a thin paper clip for this project. The thicker paper clips will not work for this method, and will also look clunky and unrealistic on your teeth. The beads that you will be using to make the brackets with will also not fit on a thicker paper clip.[1]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Fake Braces
    This shape should fit around your top teeth. After you’ve created the “U” and smoothed out any kinks in the wire, test it. Smile and pop the wire onto your top teeth, seeing how it feels. Fix any areas where it’s uncomfortable or doesn’t look natural. [2]
  3. In other words, see how many teeth are showing when you smile naturally. You’ll need one bead for each visible tooth. The beads will look like the brackets of braces.[3]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Make Fake Braces
    You can find small beads at any art supply store, and choose the colors you’d like for your braces. After they’re all on the paperclip, hold it up to your mouth and smile again. Adjust the beads so that each one is centered on a tooth. Once you have them centered properly, carefully remove the brace from your mouth.[4]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Make Fake Braces
    Carefully lay the paperclip onto a paper plate or piece of paper, and make sure they haven’t moved from their measured positions. Using a non-toxic superglue, carefully glue the beads into place. Let the glue dry for about ten minutes. Once the beads are firmly in place, carefully use your finger to scratch off any excess glue.[5]
    • The superglue won’t breakdown in your mouth for three to four weeks. You likely won’t be wearing the braces 24/7, so your fake braces will last even longer.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Make Fake Braces
    Take a pair of pliers and bend the ends up 90 degrees into an "L" shape. Now bend the tip of your "L" back until it lies flat along the back of the "L." Essentially, the wire will be doubled over. Do this slowly and carefully, and be patient. It will take a couple of gentle compressions with your pliers to create this compressed bend.[6]
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Make Fake Braces
    You can find orthodontic wax in most drugs stores. Break a stick of orthodontic wax in two and roll each piece between your palms to create two balls of wax. Push each end of your braces through a ball of the wax.[7]
  8. Gently place the braces over your top teeth and adjust them. Gently push the orthodontic wax against your teeth so that it helps hold your braces in place, while also flattening out to look more natural. You may have to play around with your braces for a bit to get them looking perfect.[8]
    • Remember, only wear your fake braces for short periods of time to ensure you don't hurt your teeth or gums.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using a Rubber Band and Earring Backs

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  1. You’ll need one that fits around the front of your teeth and goes around the back. The best kinds to use are the small rubber bands used for tiny braids. You can find these at drugstores and beauty supply stores.[9]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Make Fake Braces
    You’ll need to snap one earring back on for each tooth that is visible when you smile. Put them all onto the rubber band facing the same way. The flat part of the butterfly back will be against your tooth, with the bumps facing outwards. These will look like the brackets of braces.[10]
  3. Be careful to stretch the band gently so that it doesn’t snap. Once the rubber band is looped around all of your upper teeth, you can adjust the butterfly backs. Slide each one until it’s centered over each tooth.[11]
    • The butterfly backs can cause gum irritation and scratches to your teeth, so make sure you only wear these for short spurts of time. Take your fake braces off when you’re eating and sleeping.
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Tips from our Readers

  • You can buy "Brace-lets," which are bracelets made from real orthodontic rubber bands that are used on actual braces. They make a pretty cool accessory!
  • You can buy a retainer at a drug store. The metal type kind of look like real braces, and you won't have to glue anything.
  • Make sure you wash the earring backs before putting them on your teeth. Earring backs can harbor a lot of germs.
  • If the end of the wire or paperclip is poking you, put wax or gum on it.
  • You can use a coated paper clip so it does not rub on your teeth.
  • If you use pliers, always disinfect them first.
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wikiHow Staff
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wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 843,935 times.
327 votes - 30%
Co-authors: 135
Updated: December 7, 2024
Views: 843,935
Categories: Braces

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.

Article SummaryX

If you have a paper clip, you can start making your fake braces by shaping the paper clip into a “U” shape. Once that’s done, smile into a mirror and count how many teeth you can see. For each tooth, slide a colored bead onto the paper clip and superglue it in place. Let the glue dry for 10 minutes, then place orthodontic wax on the ends of the paper clip. Put the paper clip into your mouth and press the wax against your teeth! If you want to learn how to use a rubber band and earring backs to make fake braces, keep reading!

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  • Manha M.

    Manha M.

    Jan 7, 2021

    "This article was very helpful because I have been looking everywhere on the internet for how to make fake braces...." more
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