WCO implementing the WTO TFA

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  • Message from Secretary General

    Message from the WCO Secretary General, Kunio Mikuriya, on the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation

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  • WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement

    WTO members finally reached consensus on the Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA) at the Bali Ministerial Conference in December 2013. The full text of the TFA is available here.

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  • Use of the ICT - WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation

    Digital Customs has the potential to not only improve efficiency and reduce trade costs but also achieve enhanced trade facilitation.

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  • Mercator Programme

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  • NCFT

    National Committees on Trade Facilitation

    The WCO assists Members in establishing National Committees on Trade Facilitation as required by the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. It has performed a survey and is collecting case studies to share experiences amongst the Members.

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  • Implementation Guidance for Section I

    To support the harmonized implementation of the TFA by using core WCO instruments and tools, the WCO released an Implementation Guidance for Section I. For each TFA Article, it contains the following categories of information: Overview; Text of the TFA Article; relevant RKC Standards and RKC Guidelines; other relevant WCO tools; Member practices; and performance indicators.

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  • Analysis of Section I

    The Analysis of Section I of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement was developed to provide relevant information and guidance in terms of preparing for the implementation of the TFA provisions by using WCO instruments and tools, to ensure a harmonized approach by Customs administrations, and to present the basis for the TFA Implementation Guidance web tool.

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