Details on Product CSS3 Text

Open, Raised and Pending Review Issues

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There are 5 open and raised issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-291 (edit) OPEN 'line-break' property needs a normative definition 2012-12-04 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-292 (edit) OPEN 'line-break' and 'word-break' interaction not clearly defined 2012-12-04 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-274 (edit) RAISED SVG's white space rules are weird 2012-08-10 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-329 (edit) RAISED letter-spacing: <length> and justification 2013-05-10 CSS3 Text 0
ISSUE-333 (edit) RAISED Should text-align-last require text-align: justify? 2013-05-11 CSS3 Text 0

Open Actions

There is 1 open and pending review action.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-799 (edit) open document CSS3 Text changes (new text features, changes to existing properties) since CSS2.1 Elika Etemad 2016-10-26 CSS3 Text

Add a new action item.

See all issues and actions for this product.

Alan Stearns <[email protected]>, Rossen Atanassov <[email protected]>, Chairs, Chris Lilley <[email protected]>, Fuqiao Xue <[email protected]>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <[email protected]>.
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