This XG published their Final Report on 6 December 2011.
The mission of the HTML Speech Incubator Group, part of the Incubator Activity, is to determine the feasibility of integrating speech technology in HTML5 in a way that leverages the capabilities of both speech and HTML (e.g., DOM) to provide a high-quality, browser-independent speech/multimodal experience while avoiding unnecessary standards fragmentation or overlap. The HTML Speech Incubator Group will collect and review use cases, requirements, and HTML change requests on this topic and present a consolidated summary of the same in its final report.
See the charter for more information.
For older news, see the Old News page.
The following are group documents being edited and revised on a regular basis:
The XG will produce a final report that may contain
Discussion is primarily by email on the public list [email protected]. However, teleconferences and face-to-face meetings will be posted here when scheduled.
Lyon TPAC October 2010: Our first face-to-face meeting will be split into two time periods -- the afternoon of November 2nd and the morning of November 4th. Details are available in the October email archives.
2010-11-04: At TPAC the group decided to hold weekly teleconferences for the rest of this year. The specific dates are November 11, 18 and December 2, 9, 16. Our teleconference info is:
Date: Every Thursday
Time: Noon (New York), 1800 (Central Europe), 0200 (Tokyo)
Duration: 90 minutesUS telephone number: +1.617.761.6200
France telephone number: +
UK telephone number: +44.203.318.0479Conference code: 48657# (HTMLS#)
Info on using Zakim:
2011-02-17: This conference is to discuss plans for the virtual face-to-face and check on the status of the proposals expected this month. Teleconference time and info are as above.
2010-10-02/04 TPAC face-to-face meeting in Lyon, France
2010-11-11 Teleconference discussing original requirements 21, 6, 17, and 18
2010-11-18 Teleconference discussing original requirements 18, 7, 26, 28, and 8
2010-12-02 Teleconference discussing original requirements 14, 25, 24, 10, 20, 23, and 12, along with possible User Agent/Speech Service (UA/SS) protocol requirements. There were comments on the minutes in an email from Dan Burnett.
2010-12-09 Teleconference discussing original requirements 34, 32, 19, 11, 9, 13, and 23, and more UA/SS discussion
2010-12-16 Teleconference discussing new requirements that have come up on email, largely having to do with communication with a remote speech service
2011-02-17 Teleconference discussing planning for face-to-face meeting.