Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee)

Second Committee

The Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee) of the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session, is chaired by His Excellency Muhammad Abdul Muhith of Bangladesh.

During this session, it will deal with issues relating to economic growth and development such as macroeconomic policy questions; financing for development; sustainable development; globalization and interdependence; eradication of poverty; operational activities for development; agriculture development, food security and nutrition; and information and communications technologies for development.

The Second Committee will also consider issues relating to groups of countries in special situations, as well as the item on permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources.

In accordance with the on-going process of revitalization of the General Assembly, the Second Committee is engaged in updating its working methods and practices in order to improve the quality of debates and the impact of their deliberations and decisions, as well as to further streamline the Committee’s agenda and programme of work, biennialize agenda items, cluster the consideration of agenda items thematically, hold interactive “question time” sessions with secretariat officials after the presentation of substantive reports, and actively work to reduce the number and length of draft resolutions adopted during its sessions.

In line with General Assembly resolution 66/246, the formal meetings of the Second Committee are webcast live at the UN Web TV website, available in the six official languages of the United Nations.  The meetings of the seventy-ninth session will be available from the dedicated multilingual websites in [Arabic], [Chinese], [English], [French], [Russian], [Spanish].


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