Climate Action

Science, Solutions, Solidarity

For a livable planet 

Photocomposition: a illustration the Secretary-General speaking at a podium

Securing a livable future for everyone

The Pact for the Future adopted by world leaders at the United Nations on 22 September "is about turbocharging the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, accelerating a just transition away from fossil fuels, and securing a peaceful and livable future for everyone on our planet," the UN Secretary-General said at the opening of the Summit of the Future. He also emphasized that, "we stand and fall not by adopting agreements, but by our actions and their impact on the lives of the people we serve."

illustration of a sun with rainbowed color rays of light

Join the #ActNow campaign

We all have a role to play and a responsibility to speak up and act now for our common future. Download the app and use your actions – and your voice – to do your part.

the title Future Thanks You against a blue background

Picture a brighter future

Thousands have shared their visions for the future by answering three questions on this website. You can too. Join the campaign and explore some of the visions here.

illustration of the earth as a lit match

Extreme heat: a call to action

Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere. Read the UN Chief's call to action leveraging the diverse expertise of various specialized UN entities.

photocomposition: of a themometer in the ocean rising to red

Surging seas in a warming world

Human-induced global warming is causing sea levels to rise at unprecedented rates. Read the latest science on present-day impacts and future projections of sea-level rise.

"We all know the solution – a just phase-out of fossil fuels – and yet, emissions are still rising."

ANTÓNIO GUTERRES, United Nations Secretary-General (22 September 2024)
Secretary-General Portrait

Watch, Listen and Share

COP29 is a vital moment for the world


As the climate crisis hits every economy harder each year, we need to redouble our focus on climate solutions. Solutions that will build a safer, healthier and more prosperous world for all, starting now.

Watch UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell explain.

The forefront of climate litigation

Countries most affected by climate change – as well as citizens and non-profit groups – are increasingly turning to courts to compel governments and fossil fuel producers to address the climate crisis. One Caribbean island nation, Antigua and Barbuda, is at the forefront of this push. It has backed a UN General Assembly resolution requesting the International Court of Justice to weigh in on the obligations of states in respect of climate change.

Can AI help prevent the next wildfire?

Wildfires are raging across the globe, threatening lives, communities, and ecosystems. In 2024, we’ve seen unprecedented destruction, from California's vast landscapes to the heart of Canada to tropical forests in Central Africa. But there’s hope. Cutting-edge technology, including AI, satellites, and smart sensors, is stepping up to help us fight back and revolutionizing how we detect, predict, and respond to wildfires.

Posters for Climate Action

Illustration of the Earth melting

Climate issues

What do food, health, water or energy have to do with climate change?

Illustration about food, jobs and renewable energy

National climate plans

What are Nationally Determined Contributions, and why do they matter?

Illustration with two speech bubbles

Powering a safer future

Why shift to renewables like wind and solar? Find out here.

Latest News

Two boys playing on a narrow bridge over a gully of trash outside thier home

Time to rethink ‘outdated and ineffective’ international financial architecture

Some of the world’s poorest countries spend more on debt repayments than on health, education and infrastructure combined, severely hampering their chances of developing their economies. At the Summit of the Future, reducing inequality and improving people’s lives by overhauling the entire international financial system will be high on the agenda.

Boosting resilience with clean energy in Sri Lanka

Solar-powered technologies in rural Sri Lanka are expected to benefit up to 100,000 farmers and prevent about 2,200 tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the next ten years.

Aligning AI and climate governance

Can AI governance be harnessed to combat climate change? Read about emerging global policies and their potential for climate action in this piece by the United Nations University.


UN Biodiversity Conference

The Earth’s land and the ocean serve as natural carbon sinks, absorbing large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. Conserving and restoring natural spaces, and the biodiversity they contain, is essential for limiting greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate impacts.Countries will meet at the UN Biodiversity Conference in Cali, Colombia, to accelerate action under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the biodiversity plan reached in 2022.

UN Climate Conference

The Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, is expected to focus on finance, as trillions of dollars are required for countries to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect lives and livelihoods from the worsening impacts of climate change. The conference is also a key moment for countries to present their updated national climate action plans under the Paris agreement, which must limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and spur investment in the Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Desertification Conference

This UN Conference will be a critical milestone in advancing global efforts to combat land degradation, desertification and drought, and promote sustainable development. Under the theme “Our Land. Our Future,” the conference will convene 196 countries and the European Union along with experts and civil society to promote urgent action. It is expected to be the largest and most ambitious summit on land and drought resilience, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.

Climate action starting now

Everyone has a role in climate action. At the United Nations, we are calling on people everywhere to work together to solve climate challenges and realize the commitments of the 2015 Paris Agreement. This website keeps up with actions taken by governments, businesses, civil society, youth and more in every part of the world.

It’s our planet, and while we know it is in crisis, we also know that solutions are in reach. Progress is already well underway, from more green energy to more secure food supplies. And the benefits are clear as well, such as green jobs, clean air and sounder economies. A more sustainable, prosperous world is in reach. Join us in taking action to claim it, starting now.