By Lucy Carroll
Traditional antivenom used to treat redback bites is ineffective and does not ease pain, new research shows.
About 4000 Australians are bitten every year and a study of 224 people treated for redback spider bites revealed that patients who received antivenom had no improvement in symptoms compared with those who were not given the medication, said chief researcher and toxicologist Geoff Isbister. ''It just doesn't seem to work,'' he says. ''We know that all antivenoms work in a test tube, but that doesn't translate into making patients better.''
But the head of toxinology at Adelaide's Women's and Children's Hospital, Professor Julian White, said redback antivenom was commonly used and past studies indicated it was highly effective.
''It's important to remember that redbacks are widow spiders, which are found around the world. The global experience suggests that antivenom works.''
Dr Isbister, however, said the discovery would fundamentally change how he treated patients.
''Antivenom isn't a risk-free treatment. One in 20 patients get side effects, which can include anaphylaxis, nausea and allergic reactions. You are always balancing the risk versus benefit. I won't use redback antivenom any more.''
The study, presented at an international toxicology conference in Dubai on Tuesday, showed patients who received a placebo showed no statistically significant improvement in pain or systemic effects over a day compared with those who received the antivenom. All patients were given standard analgesia. ''If it does work, it has a very small effect,'' said Dr Isbister, a toxicologist at Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital. ''The risk of allergy means there is limited benefit.''
Most antivenoms in Australia, which have been used since the 1950s, are produced by injecting a horse with a low dose of venom. The horse becomes immunised and produces antibodies, which are then extracted. ''The risk is that you are giving patients a foreign protein,'' Dr Isbister said.