This document discusses indirect object pronouns in Spanish. It defines indirect objects as nouns or pronouns that receive the action of the verb indirectly, as opposed to direct objects which receive the action directly. It provides the singular and plural forms of the indirect object pronouns in Spanish and notes that they are similar to the direct object pronouns for the first and second persons. Examples are given to demonstrate how to use indirect object pronouns, including placing them before or attaching them to verbs.
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Indirect Object Pronoun
1. Indirect object pronouns
You learned that a direct object is a noun or pronoun that
receives the action of the verb directly.
In contrast, indirect objects are nouns or pronouns that
receive the action of the verb indirectly.
2. Indirect object pronouns
An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that answers the
question to whom or for whom an action is done.
In the preceding example, the indirect object answers this
¿A quién le presta Roberto cien pesos?
To whom does Roberto lend 100 pesos?
Note the following example:
Roberto le presta cien pesos a Luisa.
Roberto lends 100 pesos to Luisa.
3. Indirect object pronouns
me (to, for) me
te (to, for) you (fam.)
le (to, for) you (form.)
(to, for) him; her
nos (to, for) us
os (to, for) you (fam.)
les (to, for) you (form.)
(to, for) them
4. Indirect object pronouns
The forms of indirect object pronouns for the first and
second persons (me, te, nos, os) are the same as the
direct object pronouns.
Indirect object pronouns agree in number with the
corresponding nouns, but not in gender.
5. Indirect object pronouns
Spanish speakers commonly use both an indirect
object pronoun and the noun to which it refers in the
same sentence. This is done to emphasize and clarify
to whom the pronoun refers.
Ella le vende la ropa a Elena.
Les prestamos el dinero a Inés y Álex.
Using indirect object pronouns
6. Indirect object pronouns
Indirect object pronouns are also used without the
indirect object noun when the person for whom the
action is being done is known.
Ana le presta la falda a Elena.
Ana lends her skirt to Elena.
También le presta unos bluejeans.
She also lends her a pair of blue jeans.
Using indirect object pronouns
7. Indirect object pronouns
Indirect object pronouns are usually placed before the
conjugated form of the verb.
Martín me compra un regalo.
Martín buys me a gift.
In negative sentences the pronoun is placed between no
and the conjugated verb.
Eva no me escribe cartas.
Eva doesn’t write me letters.
8. Indirect object pronouns
When a conjugated verb is followed by an infinitive or the
present progressive, the indirect object pronoun may be
placed before the conjugated verb or attached to the infinitive
or present participle.
Él no quiere pagarte.
He does not want to pay you.
Él no te quiere pagar.
He does not want to pay you.
Él está escribiéndole una postal a ella.
He is writing a postcard to her.
Él le está escribiendo una postal a ella.
He is writing a postcard to her.
9. Indirect object pronouns
When an indirect object pronoun is attached to a present
participle, an accent mark is added to maintain the
proper stress.
escribiendo → escribiéndole
For more information on accents, see
- Pronunciación, Lección 4
- Ortografía, Lección 10
- Ortografía, Lección 11
10. Indirect object pronouns
Because the indirect object pronouns le and les have
multiple meanings, Spanish speakers often clarify to
whom the pronouns refer with the preposition a +
[pronoun] or a + [noun].
Yo le compro un abrigo.
Ella le describe un libro.
Él les vende unos sombreros.
Ellos les hablan muy claro.
Yo le compro un abrigo a él/ella/usted.
Ella le describe un libro a Juan.
Él les vende unos sombreros a
Ellos les hablan muy claro a los clientes.
11. Indirect object pronouns
Mi abuela me da muchos regalos. Te digo la verdad.
My grandmother gives me lots of gifts. I’m telling you the truth.
No les digo mentiras a mis padres. Voy a darle consejos.
I don’t tell lies to my parents. I’m going to give her advice.
yo doy
tú das
Ud. / él / ella da
nosotros/as damos
vosotros/as dais
Uds. / ellos / ellas dan
The irregular verb dar (to give), as well as decir, are
often used with indirect object pronouns.
12. Indirect object pronouns
Here are some common expressions with dar:
dar consejos to give advice
dar un regalo to give a present
dar una fiesta to throw a party
13. Indirect object pronouns
¡INTÉNTALO! Use the cues in parentheses to provide
the indirect object pronoun for the sentence.
1. Juan quiere dar _____ un regalo. (to Elena)
2. María _____ prepara un café. (for us)
3. Beatriz y Felipe _____ escriben desde Cuba. (to me)
4. Marta y yo _____ compramos unos guantes. (for them)
5. Los vendedores _____ venden ropa. (to you, fam. sing.)
6. La dependienta _____ enseña los guantes. (to us)