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HTML5 and Google Chrome - DevFest09
HTML5 and Google Chrome - DevFest09
HTML 5 and
Google Chrome
Mihai Ionescu
Developer Advocate, Google
Browsers Started a Revolution that Continues
• In 1995 Netscape introduced JavaScript
• In 1999, Microsoft introduces XMLHTTP
• In 2002, Mozilla 1.0 includes XMLHttpRequest natively

... Then web applications started taking off ...

• In 2004, Gmail launches as a beta
• In 2005, AJAX takes off (e.g. Google Maps)

... Now web applications are demanding more capabilities
User Experience   The Web is Developing Fast…

                                             Native       Web


           1990 – 2008 Q109          Q209   Q309   Q409
The Web is Developing Fast…

                                                                                                        Android 2.0: Oct 26, 2009

                                                                                                    Chrome 3.0: Sep 15, 2009

                                                                                             Firefox 3.5: June 30, 2009
User Experience

                                                                                      iPhone 3.0: June 30, 2009

                                                                            Safari 4.0: Jun 08, 2009

                                                                   Palm Pre: June 06, 2009
                                                           Chrome 2.0: May 21, 2009
                                              Android 1.5: Apr 13, 2009

                                     Opera Labs: Mar 26, 2009                                   Native            Web


           1990 – 2008 Q109                                       Q209                       Q309        Q409
The web is also getting faster

SunSpider Runs Per Minute


                            100                        100x improvement
                                                   in JavaScript performance




                                  2001   2003   2005   2007        2008        2009
What New Capabilities do Webapps Need?
• Plugins currently address some needs, others are still not well
   – Playing video
   – Webcam / microphone access
   – Better file uploads
   – Geolocation
   – Offline abilities
   – 3D
   – Positional and multi-channel audio
   – Drag and drop of content and files into and out of webapps
• Some of these capabilities are working their way through
 standards process
Our Goal
• Empower web applications
  – If a native app can do it, why can’t a webapp?
  – Can we build upon webapps strengths?
• Understand what new capabilities are needed
  – Talking to application developers (you!)
  – Figure out what native applications people run
      • And what web applications serve similar purposes
      • And what native applications have no web equivalent
• Implement (we’re going full speed ahead...)
  – We prototyped in Gears
  – Now we’re implementing natively in Google Chrome
• Standardize
• One of the first HTML5 additions to be implemented by
 browsers – in Safari, then Firefox and Opera. (We got it for
 free in Google Chrome from WebKit).
• Provides a surface on which you can draw 2D images
• Talk of extending the model for 3D (more later)

// canvas is a reference to a <canvas> element
  var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
  canvas.setAttribute('width', '300'); // clears the canvas
  canvas.width = canvas.width; // clears the canvas
  context.fillRect(100,0,50,50); // only this square remains

(reproduced from
work/#canvas with permission)
<canvas> Demo
<video> / <audio>
• Allows a page to natively play video / audio
 – No plugins required
 – As simple as including an image - <audio src=“song.mp3”>
• Has built-in playback controls
 – Stop
 – Pause
 – Play
• Scriptable, in case you want your own dynamic control
• Implemented in WebKit / Chrome
<video> / < audio> Demo
Local Data Store
• Provides a way to store data client side
• Useful for many classes of applications, especially in
 conjunction with offline capabilities
• 2 main APIs provided: a database API (exposing a SQLite
 database) and a structured storage api (key/value pairs)
• Implementation under way in Google Chrome, already
 working in WebKit.
  db.transaction(function(tx) {
    tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM MyTable', [],
        function(tx, rs) {
          for (var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; ++i) {
            var row = rs.rows.item(i);
Local Storage Demo
• Workers provide web apps with a means for concurrency
• Can offload heavy computation onto a separate thread so
 your app doesn’t block
• Come in 3 flavors:
 – Dedicated (think: bound to a single tab)
 – Shared (shared among multiple windows in an origin)
 – Persistent (run when the browser is “closed”)
   var worker = new Worker(‘extra_work.js');
   worker.onmessage = function (event) { alert(; };

   // do some work; when done post message.
Workers Demo
Application Cache
• Application cache solves the problem of how to make it such
 that one can load an application URL while offline and it just
• Web pages can provide a “manifest” of files that should be
 cached locally
• These pages can be accessed offline
• Enables web pages to work without the user being connected
 to the Internet
• Implemented in WebKit, implementation ongoing in Google
Web Sockets
• Allows bi-directional communication between client and
 server in a cleaner, more efficient form than hanging gets
 (or a series of XMLHttpRequests)
• Intended to be as close as possible to just exposing raw
 TCP/IP to JavaScript given the constraints of the Web.
• Available in dev channel

 var socket = new WebSocket(location);
 socket.onopen = function(event) {
                    socket.postMessage(“Hello, WebSocket”);}
 socket.onmessage =function(event) { alert(; }
 socket.onclose = function(event) { alert(“closed”); }
• Alert() dialogs are annoying, modal, and not a great user
• Provide a way to do less intrusive event notifications
• Work regardless of what tab / window has focus
• Provide more flexibility than an alert() dialog
• Prototype available in Webkit / Chrome
• Standardization discussions ongoing
 var notify = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(
                                         icon, title, text);;

 notify.ondisplay = function() { alert(‘ondisplay’); };
 notify.onclose = function() { alert(‘onclose’); };
Notifications Demo
• WebGL (Canvas 3D), developed by Mozilla, is a command-
 mode API that allows developers to make OpenGL calls via
• O3D is an effort by Google to develop a retain-mode API
 where developers can build up a scene graph and manipulate
 via JavaScript, also hardware accelerated
• Discussion on the web and in standards bodies to follow
WebGL Demo
• Make JavaScript APIs from the client to figure out where you
• Location info from GPS, IP address, Bluetooth, cell towers
• Optionally share your location with trusted parties
• Watch the user’s position as it changes over time
• Implementation ongoing in Chrome

  // Single position request.

  // Request position updates.
Geolocation Demo
And So Much More…
• There’s much work ahead.
• Some is well defined
 – File API
 – Forms2
 – WebFont @font-face
• Many things less defined
 – P2p APIs
 – Better drag + drop support
 – Webcam / Microphone access
 – O/S integration (protocol / file extension handlers and more)
 – And more
Chrome HTML 5 in a Nutshell
      Video, Audio, Workers
                                                            Additional APIs
      available in Chrome 3.
                                                            (TBD) to better
      Websockets in dev channel.                            support web
                  Appcache,             More work
                  Notifications,        -Geolocation
                  Database,             , Web GL,
                  Local storage,        File API
                  in dev channel

 Q4          Q1 / 2010             Q2                  Q3
HTML 5 Native Support




Local storage

Web workers
HTML 5 Native Support

                        Chrome Frame




Local storage

Web workers
HTML 5 Resources
HTML5 and Google Chrome - DevFest09

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  • 4. Browsers Started a Revolution that Continues • In 1995 Netscape introduced JavaScript • In 1999, Microsoft introduces XMLHTTP • In 2002, Mozilla 1.0 includes XMLHttpRequest natively ... Then web applications started taking off ... • In 2004, Gmail launches as a beta • In 2005, AJAX takes off (e.g. Google Maps) ... Now web applications are demanding more capabilities
  • 5. User Experience The Web is Developing Fast… XHR Native Web CSS DOM HTML 1990 – 2008 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409
  • 6. The Web is Developing Fast… Android 2.0: Oct 26, 2009 Chrome 3.0: Sep 15, 2009 Firefox 3.5: June 30, 2009 User Experience iPhone 3.0: June 30, 2009 Safari 4.0: Jun 08, 2009 Palm Pre: June 06, 2009 Chrome 2.0: May 21, 2009 Android 1.5: Apr 13, 2009 XHR Opera Labs: Mar 26, 2009 Native Web CSS DOM HTML 1990 – 2008 Q109 Q209 Q309 Q409
  • 7. The web is also getting faster 160 140 SunSpider Runs Per Minute 120 100 100x improvement in JavaScript performance 80 60 40 20 00 2001 2003 2005 2007 2008 2009
  • 8. What New Capabilities do Webapps Need? • Plugins currently address some needs, others are still not well addressed – Playing video – Webcam / microphone access – Better file uploads – Geolocation – Offline abilities – 3D – Positional and multi-channel audio – Drag and drop of content and files into and out of webapps • Some of these capabilities are working their way through standards process
  • 9. Our Goal • Empower web applications – If a native app can do it, why can’t a webapp? – Can we build upon webapps strengths? • Understand what new capabilities are needed – Talking to application developers (you!) – Figure out what native applications people run • And what web applications serve similar purposes • And what native applications have no web equivalent • Implement (we’re going full speed ahead...) – We prototyped in Gears – Now we’re implementing natively in Google Chrome • Standardize
  • 10. <canvas> • One of the first HTML5 additions to be implemented by browsers – in Safari, then Firefox and Opera. (We got it for free in Google Chrome from WebKit). • Provides a surface on which you can draw 2D images • Talk of extending the model for 3D (more later) // canvas is a reference to a <canvas> element var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.fillRect(0,0,50,50); canvas.setAttribute('width', '300'); // clears the canvas context.fillRect(0,100,50,50); canvas.width = canvas.width; // clears the canvas context.fillRect(100,0,50,50); // only this square remains (reproduced from work/#canvas with permission)
  • 12. <video> / <audio> • Allows a page to natively play video / audio – No plugins required – As simple as including an image - <audio src=“song.mp3”> • Has built-in playback controls – Stop – Pause – Play • Scriptable, in case you want your own dynamic control • Implemented in WebKit / Chrome
  • 13. <video> / < audio> Demo
  • 14. Local Data Store • Provides a way to store data client side • Useful for many classes of applications, especially in conjunction with offline capabilities • 2 main APIs provided: a database API (exposing a SQLite database) and a structured storage api (key/value pairs) • Implementation under way in Google Chrome, already working in WebKit. db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM MyTable', [], function(tx, rs) { for (var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; ++i) { var row = rs.rows.item(i); DoSomething(row['column']); } }); });
  • 16. Workers • Workers provide web apps with a means for concurrency • Can offload heavy computation onto a separate thread so your app doesn’t block • Come in 3 flavors: – Dedicated (think: bound to a single tab) – Shared (shared among multiple windows in an origin) – Persistent (run when the browser is “closed”) main.js: var worker = new Worker(‘extra_work.js'); worker.onmessage = function (event) { alert(; }; extra_work.js: // do some work; when done post message. postMessage(some_data);
  • 18. Application Cache • Application cache solves the problem of how to make it such that one can load an application URL while offline and it just “works” • Web pages can provide a “manifest” of files that should be cached locally • These pages can be accessed offline • Enables web pages to work without the user being connected to the Internet • Implemented in WebKit, implementation ongoing in Google Chrome
  • 19. Web Sockets • Allows bi-directional communication between client and server in a cleaner, more efficient form than hanging gets (or a series of XMLHttpRequests) • Intended to be as close as possible to just exposing raw TCP/IP to JavaScript given the constraints of the Web. • Available in dev channel var socket = new WebSocket(location); socket.onopen = function(event) { socket.postMessage(“Hello, WebSocket”);} socket.onmessage =function(event) { alert(; } socket.onclose = function(event) { alert(“closed”); }
  • 20. Notifications • Alert() dialogs are annoying, modal, and not a great user experience • Provide a way to do less intrusive event notifications • Work regardless of what tab / window has focus • Provide more flexibility than an alert() dialog • Prototype available in Webkit / Chrome • Standardization discussions ongoing var notify = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification( icon, title, text);; notify.ondisplay = function() { alert(‘ondisplay’); }; notify.onclose = function() { alert(‘onclose’); };
  • 22. 3D APIs • WebGL (Canvas 3D), developed by Mozilla, is a command- mode API that allows developers to make OpenGL calls via JavaScript • O3D is an effort by Google to develop a retain-mode API where developers can build up a scene graph and manipulate via JavaScript, also hardware accelerated • Discussion on the web and in standards bodies to follow
  • 24. Geolocation • Make JavaScript APIs from the client to figure out where you are • Location info from GPS, IP address, Bluetooth, cell towers • Optionally share your location with trusted parties • Watch the user’s position as it changes over time • Implementation ongoing in Chrome // Single position request. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback); // Request position updates. navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(successCallback);
  • 26. And So Much More… • There’s much work ahead. • Some is well defined – File API – Forms2 – WebFont @font-face • Many things less defined – P2p APIs – Better drag + drop support – Webcam / Microphone access – O/S integration (protocol / file extension handlers and more) – And more
  • 27. Chrome HTML 5 in a Nutshell Video, Audio, Workers Additional APIs available in Chrome 3. (TBD) to better Websockets in dev channel. support web applications Appcache, More work Notifications, -Geolocation Database, , Web GL, Local storage, File API in dev channel Q4 Q1 / 2010 Q2 Q3
  • 28. HTML 5 Native Support Canvas Video …. Local storage Web workers
  • 29. HTML 5 Native Support with Chrome Frame Canvas Video …. Local storage Web workers
  • 31. Q&A