Dr. John Oakes taught a class, Jesus in the Old Testament: From Shadow to Reality in San Diego on six consecutive Saturdays beginning Feb 22, 2014. Outline and suggested reading for the class are below. The recordings of this class are available at the web site in the store. Click on EFC Store button on the upper right of the front page of the site. For now we will keep the second half of the class available.
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Class to be taught in San Diego: Jesus in the Old Testament
1. Jesus in the OldJesus in the Old
From ShadowFrom Shadow
John OakesJohn Oakes
San Diego Spring, 2014San Diego Spring, 2014
2. John 5:39-40 You diligently study theJohn 5:39-40 You diligently study the
Scriptures because you think that byScriptures because you think that by
them you possess eternal life. Thesethem you possess eternal life. These
are the Scriptures that testify aboutare the Scriptures that testify about
me, yet you refuse to come to me tome, yet you refuse to come to me to
have life.have life.
Old Testament like a play….Old Testament like a play….
Old Testament like a mystery….Old Testament like a mystery….
3. Foreshadow: An object, event, person or
situation which stands for something similar, but
of greater significance in the future.
Prefigure: A specific thing which stands for
another specific thing similar to it in the future.
Type and Antitype: A person or thing regarded as
the symbol of someone or something which is yet
to appear
4. OutlineOutline
I. Historical Prefigures.I. Historical Prefigures.
II. Prefigures of Jesus Christ.II. Prefigures of Jesus Christ.
III. Objects in the Tabernacle prefigure NTIII. Objects in the Tabernacle prefigure NT
IV. Old Covenant priesthood foreshadowsIV. Old Covenant priesthood foreshadows
priesthood in the Newpriesthood in the New
V. The law of Moses prefigures the law of ChristV. The law of Moses prefigures the law of Christ
5. Outline (cont.)Outline (cont.)
VI. The OT/Levitical sacrifices are foreshadowsVI. The OT/Levitical sacrifices are foreshadows
of the work of Christ.of the work of Christ.
VII. The festivals celebrated by the Jews areVII. The festivals celebrated by the Jews are
prefigures of our relationship with God in the NT.prefigures of our relationship with God in the NT.
VIII Historical prophecies of Jesus.VIII Historical prophecies of Jesus.
IX Historical prophecies of the Kingdom of God.IX Historical prophecies of the Kingdom of God.
6. I. Historical ForeshadowsI. Historical Foreshadows
1 Corinthians 10:11 These things happened to1 Corinthians 10:11 These things happened to
them as examples and were written down asthem as examples and were written down as
warnings for us, on whom thewarnings for us, on whom the fulfillmentfulfillment of theof the
ages has come.ages has come.
7. A little example: Numbers 21:4-9.A little example: Numbers 21:4-9.
Snake-bite = sin. BothSnake-bite = sin. Both
result in death Romansresult in death Romans
The solution? Look toThe solution? Look to
the snake, lifted up on athe snake, lifted up on a
wooden pole John 3:14wooden pole John 3:14
Why a snake? 2Why a snake? 2
Corinthians 5:21Corinthians 5:21
8. Adam and Eve as ForeshadowsAdam and Eve as Foreshadows
Adam and Eve are us!Adam and Eve are us!
-created to know and be in relationship w/ God-created to know and be in relationship w/ God
- given freedom and a choice- given freedom and a choice
- abused their choice- abused their choice
- died (spiritual death)- died (spiritual death)
- separated from God, kicked out of the garden- separated from God, kicked out of the garden
The rest of the Bible is the story of our restorationThe rest of the Bible is the story of our restoration
to the garden, which is finally accomplished into the garden, which is finally accomplished in
Rev 21 and Ezek 47Rev 21 and Ezek 47
9. Jesus, the Second AdamJesus, the Second Adam
Romans 5:12-19 Adam a type of JesusRomans 5:12-19 Adam a type of Jesus
Sin of Adam set a pattern and produced a terrible resultSin of Adam set a pattern and produced a terrible result
Sinless life of Jesus set a pattern and produced a wonderfulSinless life of Jesus set a pattern and produced a wonderful
Romans 5:14 Adam, “who was a pattern of the one toRomans 5:14 Adam, “who was a pattern of the one to
What does this mean?What does this mean?
5:15 By the sin of one many died. Similarly, the sinless life5:15 By the sin of one many died. Similarly, the sinless life
of one saved many from death.of one saved many from death.
5:16-19 esp 18-195:16-19 esp 18-19
1 Cor 15:45 Jesus “the last Adam.”1 Cor 15:45 Jesus “the last Adam.”
10. Noah and the FloodNoah and the Flood
2 Peter 3:3-7 The flood of Noah is a type. Final2 Peter 3:3-7 The flood of Noah is a type. Final
judgment is the antitype.judgment is the antitype.
v. 7 …by the same word…v. 7 …by the same word…
Luke 17:26-27 Just as in the days of Noah….Luke 17:26-27 Just as in the days of Noah….
But… God foreshadows both judgment andBut… God foreshadows both judgment and
1 Peter 3:20-22 Is baptism a symbol?1 Peter 3:20-22 Is baptism a symbol?
11. Foreshadows surrounding AbrahamForeshadows surrounding Abraham
Isaac = children of promise = usIsaac = children of promise = us
Ishmael = children born in the usual way =Ishmael = children born in the usual way =
Hagar = Old Covenant = Mt. Sinai = “presentHagar = Old Covenant = Mt. Sinai = “present
Sarah = New Covenant = “the Jerusalem thatSarah = New Covenant = “the Jerusalem that
is above”is above”
12. Genesis 22:1-11Genesis 22:1-11
Your only son…Your only son…
Mt. MoriahMt. Moriah
On the 3On the 3rdrd
Isaac carries the woodIsaac carries the wood
Abraham carries the knifeAbraham carries the knife
Raised from the deadRaised from the dead
(figuratively, Heb 11:19)(figuratively, Heb 11:19)
13. Sodom and GomorrahSodom and Gomorrah
Sodom is symbolic of “theSodom is symbolic of “the
Sodom = Egypt = BabylonSodom = Egypt = Babylon
Revelation 11:8Revelation 11:8
Rev 18:2-3Rev 18:2-3
Sodom is a symbol of whatSodom is a symbol of what
God will do to the unrighteousGod will do to the unrighteous
Luke 17:28-31Luke 17:28-31
Who is Lot? 2 Peter 2:6Who is Lot? 2 Peter 2:6
Who is Lot’s wife? Luke 17:32Who is Lot’s wife? Luke 17:32
14. Foreshadows in the ExodusForeshadows in the Exodus
Exodus 3:7-10 TheExodus 3:7-10 The
people are enslaved:people are enslaved:
God sends a savior.God sends a savior.
Moses = JesusMoses = Jesus
Pharaoh = SatanPharaoh = Satan
Plague #10: A deathPlague #10: A death
1 Cor 5:71 Cor 5:7
15. Passing Through the Red SeaPassing Through the Red Sea
We’re free!!!We’re free!!!
Not yet!!!Not yet!!!
1 Cor 10:1-41 Cor 10:1-4
Historical type/antitype in the Exodus
17. Wandering in the Wilderness:Wandering in the Wilderness:
The Live of a DiscipleThe Live of a Disciple
Deuteronomy 8 Walking by faithDeuteronomy 8 Walking by faith
Hebrews 3:14-4:2 Their bodies wereHebrews 3:14-4:2 Their bodies were
scattered across the desert….scattered across the desert….
The key: Make every effort to enterThe key: Make every effort to enter
Numbers 11:4-6Numbers 11:4-6
The key: Don’t look backThe key: Don’t look back
18. Joshua: Crossing the JordanJoshua: Crossing the Jordan
Joshua = JeshuaJoshua = Jeshua
generation were baptizedgeneration were baptized
into Joshua in the Jordaninto Joshua in the Jordan
Circumcision = BaptismCircumcision = Baptism
Colossians 2:11-12Colossians 2:11-12
19. A Pattern: Sin, Devastation,A Pattern: Sin, Devastation,
Repentance, God Sends a SaviorRepentance, God Sends a Savior
Q: How many timesQ: How many times
did God send a Saviordid God send a Savior
to rescue his people?to rescue his people?
Othniel, Shamgar,Othniel, Shamgar,
Deborah, Gideon,Deborah, Gideon,
Jephthah, Samson,Jephthah, Samson,
David, even Cyrus!David, even Cyrus!
20. The Restoration under Zerubbabel asThe Restoration under Zerubbabel as
a Foreshadow of our Restoration toa Foreshadow of our Restoration to
Ezekiel 36:24-37 Is this about theEzekiel 36:24-37 Is this about the
restoration of the Jews to the Promisedrestoration of the Jews to the Promised
Land or is about our restoration to aLand or is about our restoration to a
relationship with God?relationship with God?
Ezekiel 37:11-14 (dry bones), 21-27 (twoEzekiel 37:11-14 (dry bones), 21-27 (two
21. How Do I Know if This is a LegitimateHow Do I Know if This is a Legitimate
Inspired Foreshadow or Prefigure?Inspired Foreshadow or Prefigure?
1. If a New Testament writer says a particular passage in1. If a New Testament writer says a particular passage in
the Old Testament is a foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type,the Old Testament is a foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type,
then it is.then it is.
2. If an Old Testament passage works as a2. If an Old Testament passage works as a
foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type both in the generalforeshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type both in the general
sense and in the specifics, then it is probably legitimate.sense and in the specifics, then it is probably legitimate.
3. If one already knows that a general event in the Old3. If one already knows that a general event in the Old
Testament is a foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type, then itTestament is a foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type, then it
is safer to assume that the details are foreshadows as well.is safer to assume that the details are foreshadows as well.
22. 1. If a New Testament writer says a particular1. If a New Testament writer says a particular
passage in the Old Testament is apassage in the Old Testament is a
foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type, then it is.foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure/type, then it is.
Matthew 12:39-42 just as JonahMatthew 12:39-42 just as Jonah
John 3:14 Just as Moses…John 3:14 Just as Moses…
Galatians 4:24 These things may be takenGalatians 4:24 These things may be taken
Heb 11:19 and figuratively speaking…Heb 11:19 and figuratively speaking…
Heb 10:1 The Law is only a shadow…Heb 10:1 The Law is only a shadow…
Heb 9:9 This is an illustration for the presentHeb 9:9 This is an illustration for the present
1 Pet 3:21 And this water symbolized baptism…1 Pet 3:21 And this water symbolized baptism…
Zechariah 12:10 confirmed by Jn 19:37Zechariah 12:10 confirmed by Jn 19:37
23. 2. If an Old Testament passage works as a2. If an Old Testament passage works as a
foreshadow/prefigure both in the general senseforeshadow/prefigure both in the general sense
and in the specifics, then it is probably legitimate.and in the specifics, then it is probably legitimate.
Numbers 21:4-9 vs 1 Clement 12:7 and RahabNumbers 21:4-9 vs 1 Clement 12:7 and Rahab
Big Picture: Saved from death by lookingBig Picture: Saved from death by looking
Big Picture: Saved by a red clothBig Picture: Saved by a red cloth
Details: Lifted on a pole, snake = sin, etc.Details: Lifted on a pole, snake = sin, etc.
Details: Is a red rope similar to blood?Details: Is a red rope similar to blood?
More examples: Jonah as prefigure, Psalm 22More examples: Jonah as prefigure, Psalm 22
Isaiah 9 the TabernacleIsaiah 9 the Tabernacle
24. 3. If one already knows that a general event in3. If one already knows that a general event in
OT is a foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure, then it isOT is a foreshadow/prophecy/prefigure, then it is
safer to assume that the details are foreshadowssafer to assume that the details are foreshadows
as well.as well.
Example #1 We know Jonah in the fish for 3 daysExample #1 We know Jonah in the fish for 3 days
is a foreshadow, we can infer that the gambling isis a foreshadow, we can infer that the gambling is
also a foreshadow.also a foreshadow.
Example #2 The Passover a foreshadow (1 CorExample #2 The Passover a foreshadow (1 Cor
5:7). Therefore the details are also a foreshadow5:7). Therefore the details are also a foreshadow
(no broken bones, on a wooden beam, etc.)(no broken bones, on a wooden beam, etc.)
Example #3 Entering the Promised Land =Example #3 Entering the Promised Land =
Entering heaven (Heb 3:16-4:2) Therefore, otherEntering heaven (Heb 3:16-4:2) Therefore, other
details of leaving Egypt, wandering and enteringdetails of leaving Egypt, wandering and entering
are foreshadows.are foreshadows.
25. II. Prefigures of Jesus ChristII. Prefigures of Jesus Christ
Melchizedek, Isaac, JosephMelchizedek, Isaac, Joseph
Deborah, Samson, SamuelDeborah, Samson, Samuel
Elijah, JonahElijah, Jonah
Daniel, CyrusDaniel, Cyrus
Joshua the priest, EstherJoshua the priest, Esther
26. To Be a Prefigure of the MessiahTo Be a Prefigure of the Messiah
Prophet, Priest or King (or prince…)Prophet, Priest or King (or prince…)
Save Israel (or Gentiles)Save Israel (or Gentiles)
27. JonahJonah
John 7:52 No prophet everJohn 7:52 No prophet ever
came from Galilee…came from Galilee…
Matthew 12:39,40 ThreeMatthew 12:39,40 Three
days and three nightsdays and three nights
Luke 11:30-32 OfferedLuke 11:30-32 Offered
salvation to the Gentilessalvation to the Gentiles
Jonah 1:7 GamblingJonah 1:7 Gambling
Jonah 1:12 Willingly offeredJonah 1:12 Willingly offered
his life to save the Gentileshis life to save the Gentiles
Jonah calmed a stormJonah calmed a storm
29. Melchizedek: An interesting guy!Melchizedek: An interesting guy!
• King of Righteousness Heb 7:2King of Righteousness Heb 7:2
• Without genealogy, withoutWithout genealogy, without
descendents. Without beginning ofdescendents. Without beginning of
days or end of life (Hebrews 7:3)days or end of life (Hebrews 7:3)
• A priest forever. (Hebrews 7:3,17A priest forever. (Hebrews 7:3,17
Psalm 110:4)Psalm 110:4)
• The King of physical JerusalemThe King of physical Jerusalem
(Genesis 14:18)(Genesis 14:18)
• King (prince) of Salem (peace)King (prince) of Salem (peace)
• A priest, but not of the family ofA priest, but not of the family of
30. Melchizedek: Prefigure of ChristMelchizedek: Prefigure of Christ
• Melchizedek means King of Righteousness.Melchizedek means King of Righteousness.
• King of Salem means King (prince?) of Peace.King of Salem means King (prince?) of Peace.
• He blessed Abraham. (Genesis 14:19)He blessed Abraham. (Genesis 14:19)
• Abraham offered him a tithe/sacrifice (GenesisAbraham offered him a tithe/sacrifice (Genesis
• High Priest because of his character, not byHigh Priest because of his character, not by
descent. Heb 7:15-16descent. Heb 7:15-16
• Greater than Abraham Heb 7:4.Greater than Abraham Heb 7:4.
• Gave Abraham bread and wine (last supper, Lord’sGave Abraham bread and wine (last supper, Lord’s
• A priest for everyone; not just for the Jews.A priest for everyone; not just for the Jews.
31. Joseph: Savior of IsraelJoseph: Savior of Israel
From the right hand of his father, heFrom the right hand of his father, he
became a slave in Egypt and was laterbecame a slave in Egypt and was later
raised to the right hand of the kingraised to the right hand of the king
A shepherdA shepherd
A dream: You will be King of the JewsA dream: You will be King of the Jews
Jealous brothers decided to kill himJealous brothers decided to kill him
Betrayed for 20 pieces of silverBetrayed for 20 pieces of silver
Went down to EgyptWent down to Egypt
Saved IsraelSaved Israel
32. Parallels Between Moses and Jesus
Pharaoh tried to kill him
Herod tried to kill him
Called by God to leave Egypt Carried out of Egypt
Forty years in the wilderness to
prepare for his ministry
Forty days in the wilderness to
prepare for his ministry
Left his position with the king
of Egypt to dwell with the Jews
Left the right hand of the
Father to life with the Jews
Led Israel out of slavery in Egypt Leads Spiritual Israel out of sin
Aaron prepared the way
John the Baptist prepared the
Baptized Israel in the Red Sea
in order to free them
Commands baptism in water
for freedom from sin
Gave manna in the wilderness
(sort of)
Gives spiritual bread to all who
Gave water to the people in the desert Gives spiritual water: the Holy Spirit
Spoke to God on Mt. Sinai Spoke to God on Mt. Hermon
33. David My Servant (Ezek 37:24-David My Servant (Ezek 37:24-
Born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2Born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2
A very good shepherd John 10:11A very good shepherd John 10:11
Anointed king (parallel to Jesus’ baptism) 1 SamAnointed king (parallel to Jesus’ baptism) 1 Sam
Physical king of physical JerusalemPhysical king of physical Jerusalem
Brought God (the ark) to Jerusalem (PalmBrought God (the ark) to Jerusalem (Palm
Saved Israel from slavery to PhilistiaSaved Israel from slavery to Philistia
Offered a sacrifice on Mt. Moriah that savedOffered a sacrifice on Mt. Moriah that saved
34. Other Prefigures of the MessiahOther Prefigures of the Messiah
Samuel (prophet, priest and “king”)Samuel (prophet, priest and “king”)
Cyrus (Isaiah 44:28, Isaiah 45:13)Cyrus (Isaiah 44:28, Isaiah 45:13)
Joshua the priest Zech 3:1-2, 8-9Joshua the priest Zech 3:1-2, 8-9
35. III. Earthly Tabernacle ForeshadowsIII. Earthly Tabernacle Foreshadows
the Heavenly Tabernaclethe Heavenly Tabernacle
To “tabernacle” is to dwell among.To “tabernacle” is to dwell among.
Tabernacle in the desert, cloud by day, pillar ofTabernacle in the desert, cloud by day, pillar of
fire by nightfire by night
Tabernacle at ShilohTabernacle at Shiloh
Solomon’s Temple 1 Kings 8:10-11Solomon’s Temple 1 Kings 8:10-11
Destroyed 586 BC (Ezekiel 10:18-19)Destroyed 586 BC (Ezekiel 10:18-19)
Rebuilt 516 BC (Ezekiel 43:1)Rebuilt 516 BC (Ezekiel 43:1)
36. History (cont.)History (cont.)
God leaves the temple (AD 30)God leaves the temple (AD 30)
Temple finally destroyed for good (AD 70)Temple finally destroyed for good (AD 70)
Follow the exact pattern Exodus 25:8-9,Follow the exact pattern Exodus 25:8-9,
Hebrews 8:5 Ezekiel 43:10 “so that you mightHebrews 8:5 Ezekiel 43:10 “so that you might
be ashamed…”be ashamed…”
38. The Tabernacle in HebrewsThe Tabernacle in Hebrews
Hebrews 8:1-2 the true tabernacleHebrews 8:1-2 the true tabernacle
Hebrews 8:5 a copy and a shadowHebrews 8:5 a copy and a shadow
Hebrews 9:1-5Hebrews 9:1-5
Hebrews 9:11Hebrews 9:11
Hebrews 9:23-26Hebrews 9:23-26
39. Type/Antitype Relationships in the Tabernacle
The tabernacle itself God dwelling with his people John 14:1-3, John 1:14J. Rev
The bronze altar of sacrifice The sacrifice of Jesus for sins
The basin/laver
The show bread
The bread of life, Jesus
The lampstand
The Holy Spirit Zechariah 4:1-6
The altar of incense The prayers of the saints Revelation 5:8
The blue, purple and
scarlet yarn
The heavens, the kingship
of God, the blood of Jesus
The curtain Separation from God Matthew 27:51
The ark of the covenant The presence of God
The Mercy Seat
The grace of God
The Cherubim
Hebrews 9:14
Titus 3:5
John 6:48-51
Psalm 132:7,8
The angels in heaven Ezekiel 10:15-22
40. Solomon’s TempleSolomon’s Temple
Court of Gentiles Court of WomenCourt of Gentiles Court of Women
Court of Men Court of Levites/PriestsCourt of Men Court of Levites/Priests
Holy Place Most Holy Place Get the point?Holy Place Most Holy Place Get the point?
41. Type and Antitype in the TabernacleType and Antitype in the Tabernacle
Bronze Altar = Our need for a sacrifice to comeBronze Altar = Our need for a sacrifice to come
into the presence of Godinto the presence of God
Laver = The need for cleansing/baptism in orderLaver = The need for cleansing/baptism in order
to come into a relationship with God 1 Peter 3:21to come into a relationship with God 1 Peter 3:21
Shew Bread = Jesus, the bread of life John 6:35Shew Bread = Jesus, the bread of life John 6:35
Menorah = The Holy Spirit Zechariah 4:1-6Menorah = The Holy Spirit Zechariah 4:1-6
Altar of incense = Our prayers Rev 5:8Altar of incense = Our prayers Rev 5:8
42. Type and Antitype in the TabernacleType and Antitype in the Tabernacle
Curtain = Separation between man and GodCurtain = Separation between man and God
because of his holinessbecause of his holiness
Cherubim = Protectors of God’s holinessCherubim = Protectors of God’s holiness
Revelation 4:6-8, Genesis 3:24 Ezekiel 10:9-19Revelation 4:6-8, Genesis 3:24 Ezekiel 10:9-19
Mercy seat = God’s throne Ezekiel 1 RevelationMercy seat = God’s throne Ezekiel 1 Revelation
Note, the mercy seat covers the Law of MosesNote, the mercy seat covers the Law of Moses
43. Great NewsGreat News
When Jesus died, theWhen Jesus died, the
curtain was rent incurtain was rent in
Now, we walk boldlyNow, we walk boldly
into the true, theinto the true, the
heavenly tabernacleheavenly tabernacle
Heb 10:19-22!!!!!!Heb 10:19-22!!!!!!
44. The OT Priesthood prefiguresThe OT Priesthood prefigures
the NT Priesthoodthe NT Priesthood
The LevitesThe Levites
The AaronicThe Aaronic
The High PriestThe High Priest
The MelchizedekThe Melchizedek
45. Aaronic Priesthood Prefigures theAaronic Priesthood Prefigures the
Priesthood of all believersPriesthood of all believers
1 Peter 2:9 A royal priesthood1 Peter 2:9 A royal priesthood
Revelation 5:9-10, Exodus 19:6 A nation ofRevelation 5:9-10, Exodus 19:6 A nation of
Our job?Our job?
1 Peter 2:5 Offer spiritual sacrifices1 Peter 2:5 Offer spiritual sacrifices
2 Chronicles 31:4 Devote ourselves2 Chronicles 31:4 Devote ourselves
Romans 15:15-16 Our priestly duty…Romans 15:15-16 Our priestly duty…
46. The LevitesThe Levites
-Had no inheritance in the land…-Had no inheritance in the land…
Q: Implications?Q: Implications?
-Were to be fully devoted to the work of the Lord-Were to be fully devoted to the work of the Lord
2 Chron 31:42 Chron 31:4
Q: Implications?Q: Implications?
Must not enter a place where there is a deadMust not enter a place where there is a dead
body. Leviticus 21:1body. Leviticus 21:1
Q: Implications?Q: Implications?
47. The LevitesThe Levites
Must not allow himself to become unclean—even if itMust not allow himself to become unclean—even if it
means not visiting his own parents. Lev 21:11-12means not visiting his own parents. Lev 21:11-12
Q: ImplicationsQ: Implications
48. The Zadokites Ezek 44:15fThe Zadokites Ezek 44:15f
Ezek 44:23 Teach theEzek 44:23 Teach the
difference between thedifference between the
holy and the common.holy and the common.
Q: Implications for us?Q: Implications for us?
Ezek 44:28 I am to beEzek 44:28 I am to be
their only inheritance.their only inheritance.
Q: Implications for us?Q: Implications for us?
49. The High Priest: A Prefigure of theThe High Priest: A Prefigure of the
Leviticus 21:10-12 Not allowed to leave theLeviticus 21:10-12 Not allowed to leave the
temple/tabernacle grounds for the entire tenure oftemple/tabernacle grounds for the entire tenure of
his high priesthood.his high priesthood.
His main function: To make atonement for the sinHis main function: To make atonement for the sin
of the people, especially on Yom Kippur.of the people, especially on Yom Kippur.
Jesus is our High Priest, but he is of the order ofJesus is our High Priest, but he is of the order of
Melchizedek Psalm 110:4Melchizedek Psalm 110:4
50. Jesus: The Perfect High PriestJesus: The Perfect High Priest
Heb 4:14-5:6 Hebrews 6:19-20 7:23-8:5Heb 4:14-5:6 Hebrews 6:19-20 7:23-8:5
1. He suffered in every way like us, so he can1. He suffered in every way like us, so he can
2. He was chosen because of his personal2. He was chosen because of his personal
righteousness, unlike the Aaronic priests.righteousness, unlike the Aaronic priests.
3. He is a priest forever. (like the High Priest, he3. He is a priest forever. (like the High Priest, he
never leaves the heavenly tabernacle)never leaves the heavenly tabernacle)
4. He serves in the real sanctuary, not the one4. He serves in the real sanctuary, not the one
which is a mere copy.which is a mere copy.
51. Jesus: A Priest of the Order ofJesus: A Priest of the Order of
Without genealogy, without descendents. (Hebrews 7:3)Without genealogy, without descendents. (Hebrews 7:3)
““Without beginning of days or end of life” (Hebrews 7:3)Without beginning of days or end of life” (Hebrews 7:3)
A priest forever. (Hebrews 7:3, Psalm 110:4)A priest forever. (Hebrews 7:3, Psalm 110:4)
A priest, but not of the family of Levi.A priest, but not of the family of Levi.
Melchizedek means King of Righteousness.Melchizedek means King of Righteousness.
King of Salem means King (prince?) of Peace.King of Salem means King (prince?) of Peace.
High Priest because of his character, not by descent.High Priest because of his character, not by descent.
Greater than Abraham (Heb 7:4, John 8:53-58).Greater than Abraham (Heb 7:4, John 8:53-58).
Gave Abraham bread and wine (last supper, Lord’s Supper)Gave Abraham bread and wine (last supper, Lord’s Supper)
A priest for everyone; not just for the Jews.A priest for everyone; not just for the Jews.
A priest and a king.A priest and a king.
52. The Law of Moses Prefigures the Law ofThe Law of Moses Prefigures the Law of
The Old Covenant Prefigures the NewThe Old Covenant Prefigures the New
Heb 8:6-13 The latter covenant is vastly superiorHeb 8:6-13 The latter covenant is vastly superior
to the former. The former is fading and will soonto the former. The former is fading and will soon
53. The Law Given on Mt. SinaiThe Law Given on Mt. Sinai
Mosaic Covenant given:Mosaic Covenant given:
Exodus 19:16-19, 20:18Exodus 19:16-19, 20:18
Pretty awesome!Pretty awesome!
But…. Hebrews 12:18-24But…. Hebrews 12:18-24
What was wrong with theWhat was wrong with the
first covenant that itfirst covenant that it
needed to be replaced?needed to be replaced?
Leviticus 18:5,Leviticus 18:5,
Deuteronomy 27:26,Deuteronomy 27:26,
Leviticus 26:3-4, 14-16Leviticus 26:3-4, 14-16
2 Corinthians 3:7-2 Corinthians 3:7-
54. From Shadow to RealityFrom Shadow to Reality
The bottom line: HebThe bottom line: Heb
10:1-4, Colossians 2:16-10:1-4, Colossians 2:16-
A shadow cannot saveA shadow cannot save
Matthew 5:17, GalatiansMatthew 5:17, Galatians
3:19, 21,243:19, 21,24
The Mosaic Covenant didThe Mosaic Covenant did
not bring people tonot bring people to
salvation, but it broughtsalvation, but it brought
them to Christ.them to Christ.
55. Jeremiah 31: A better covenantJeremiah 31: A better covenant
v. 28 A covenant only of blessing.v. 28 A covenant only of blessing.
v. 29-30 About individuals in a relationship withv. 29-30 About individuals in a relationship with
v. 34 It won’t be you are born then you get tov. 34 It won’t be you are born then you get to
know me. You will be born knowing me.know me. You will be born knowing me.
v. 34b I will forgive their wickedness. (Q: Wasn’tv. 34b I will forgive their wickedness. (Q: Wasn’t
that also true with Israel? Heb 9:6-10, 10:15-18that also true with Israel? Heb 9:6-10, 10:15-18
v. 35-37 Great assurance!v. 35-37 Great assurance!
56. Ezekiel 36 A Better Covenant part IIEzekiel 36 A Better Covenant part II
-from all nations 24-from all nations 24
-cleansed with water 25-cleansed with water 25
-a new heart and a new spirit (born again) 26-a new heart and a new spirit (born again) 26
-receive the Holy Spirit 27-receive the Holy Spirit 27
-blessings (physical rather than spiritual-blessings (physical rather than spiritual
because this is the Old Testament) 29-30because this is the Old Testament) 29-30
-repentance 31-repentance 31
57. Type and Antitype in the First and Second Covenants
Prefigure in the Law of moses
Realization in the law of christ
Obedience to physically defined
rules required.
Obedience to spiritual principles
Physical blessings promised.
Spiritual blessings promised.
Ceremonial uncleanness.
Sin and separation from God.
Sacrifice bridges the chasm between
law and effort.
Sacrifice bridges the chasm between
law and effort.
Sealed with the blood of bulls and
Sealed with the blood of Jesus
Mediated by a High Priest.
Mediated by THE High Priest,
Jesus Christ.
Laws, rules and regulations for
Behavior based on spiritual
principle and love.
Tithing. Sacrifice and giving from the heart.
Come…. I will give you rest.
Relying on Jesus.
58. A Much Better CovenantA Much Better Covenant
Gal 3:10-12 All who rely on observing the law are under aGal 3:10-12 All who rely on observing the law are under a
curse, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does notcurse, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not
continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”
Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because,Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because,
“The righteous will live by faith.” The law is not based on“The righteous will live by faith.” The law is not based on
faith; on the contrary, “The man who does these things willfaith; on the contrary, “The man who does these things will
live by them.”live by them.”
Coll 2:16-17 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by whatColl 2:16-17 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what
you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a Newyou eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New
Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadowThese are a shadow ofof
the things that were to come;the things that were to come; the reality, however, isthe reality, however, is foundfound
in Christin Christ
59. Sacrificial Type and Antitype
Old Testament
New Testament
The Burnt
Jesus’ and our
devotion to God
Ephesians 5:1,2
Romans 12:1,2
The Grain
Giving back to
Matthew 6:19-21
Romans 8,9
The Drink
Pouring out our
life for God
Luke 22:20
Philippians 2:16
The Fellowship
blessings from God
John 10:10
1 Thess 5:16
The Sin
Jesus’ sacrifice for
our sins
1 Peter 1:18,19
2 Cor 5:21
The Guilt
Maintaining a
relationship with one
Matthew 5:23,24
60. Gifts/Offerings/Sweet Smelling SacrificesGifts/Offerings/Sweet Smelling Sacrifices
The Burnt OfferingThe Burnt Offering olaholah Leviticus 1Leviticus 1
The Grain OfferingThe Grain Offering minchahminchah Leviticus 2Leviticus 2
The Drink OfferingThe Drink Offering neseknesek Leviticus 23Leviticus 23
The Fellowship OfferingThe Fellowship Offering shelemshelem Lev 3Lev 3
61. The Burnt Offering Leviticus 1The Burnt Offering Leviticus 1
Lay hands on theLay hands on the
Sacrifice the animalSacrifice the animal
Clean the body but notClean the body but not
the headthe head
Burn them on the altarBurn them on the altar
Meaning: TotalMeaning: Total
commitment of one’scommitment of one’s
life to God.life to God.
62. The Burnt OfferingThe Burnt Offering
Jesus gave a burnt offering: Ephesians 5:1-2Jesus gave a burnt offering: Ephesians 5:1-2
God calls us to give a burnt offering.God calls us to give a burnt offering.
Romans 12:1-2 … in view of God’s mercy.Romans 12:1-2 … in view of God’s mercy.
Phil 1:20-22Phil 1:20-22
Isaiah 6:8 Here am I, send meIsaiah 6:8 Here am I, send me
What will you lay on the altar?What will you lay on the altar?
63. The Grain OfferingThe Grain Offering
what God has blessed youwhat God has blessed you
NOTNOT voluntary.voluntary.
Grain = hard workGrain = hard work
Oil = joyOil = joy
Incense = prayerIncense = prayer
Salt = eternal blessings,Salt = eternal blessings,
“treasures in heaven”“treasures in heaven”
No yeast!!! 1 Cor 5:6-8 (orNo yeast!!! 1 Cor 5:6-8 (or
64. The Grain OfferingThe Grain Offering
Application: Our contribution to God 2 Cor 8,9Application: Our contribution to God 2 Cor 8,9
For us, 10% is not mandatory, but givingFor us, 10% is not mandatory, but giving
sacrificially is.sacrificially is.
Malachi 3:7-10Malachi 3:7-10
Matthew 5:20Matthew 5:20
65. The Drink OfferingThe Drink Offering
Drink Poured out on the altar.Drink Poured out on the altar.
Application: Pouring out our life on the altar.Application: Pouring out our life on the altar.
Usually given with the grain offering.Usually given with the grain offering.
Application: We give our tithe, but God wantsApplication: We give our tithe, but God wants
much more. He wants us to be “all in.”much more. He wants us to be “all in.”
66. The Drink OfferingThe Drink Offering
Jesus gave a drink offering Luke 22:20Jesus gave a drink offering Luke 22:20
Paul gave a drink offering Phil 2:16-17Paul gave a drink offering Phil 2:16-17
2 Tim 4:6,72 Tim 4:6,7
Haggai 1:3 What are you saving for?Haggai 1:3 What are you saving for?
1 Tim 6:6-10 Are you content?1 Tim 6:6-10 Are you content?
The greatest joy comes from giving aThe greatest joy comes from giving a
drink offering.drink offering.
67. The Fellowship OfferingThe Fellowship Offering
Party Time!!!!! Celebrate the blessings of God.Party Time!!!!! Celebrate the blessings of God.
Vow Offering Leviticus 11:16Vow Offering Leviticus 11:16
Blessings hoped forBlessings hoped for FutureFuture
Thank Offering Leviticus 7:11-15Thank Offering Leviticus 7:11-15
Blessings already received.Blessings already received. PastPast
Free Will Offering Leviticus 22:23Free Will Offering Leviticus 22:23
Thankful for blessings in generalThankful for blessings in general PresentPresent
68. The Fellowship OfferingThe Fellowship Offering
Application I Thess 5:16-18Application I Thess 5:16-18
Rejoice always (free will offering)Rejoice always (free will offering)
Pray continually (vow offering)Pray continually (vow offering)
Give thanks in all circumstancesGive thanks in all circumstances
(thank offering)(thank offering)
Placed on top of the burntPlaced on top of the burnt
69. Blood SacrificesBlood Sacrifices
The Sin OfferingThe Sin Offering chatatchatat Leviticus 4Leviticus 4
For sins against GodFor sins against God
The Guilt OfferingThe Guilt Offering ashamasham Leviticus 5Leviticus 5
For offenses against a fellow JewFor offenses against a fellow Jew
Hebrews 9:13-14Hebrews 9:13-14
No sacrifice for willful sin! Leviticus 4:1No sacrifice for willful sin! Leviticus 4:1
(Heb 10:26)(Heb 10:26)
70. A Better SacrificeA Better Sacrifice
Hebrews 9:23 It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenlyHebrews 9:23 It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly
things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things withthings to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things with
better sacrifices than thesebetter sacrifices than these
The lesser sacrifice:The lesser sacrifice:
Bulls, goats, red heiferBulls, goats, red heifer
The greater sacrifice:The greater sacrifice:
Outward (appearance)Outward (appearance) Inward (reality)Inward (reality)
Temporary, repeated manyTemporary, repeated many
Eternal, done only onceEternal, done only once
CeremonialCeremonial RealReal
Not voluntaryNot voluntary VoluntaryVoluntary
71. The Sin OfferingThe Sin Offering Lev 4:1-5:13Lev 4:1-5:13
Unblemished bull or goat (like Jesus)Unblemished bull or goat (like Jesus)
Offender laid their hands on the animal (GodOffender laid their hands on the animal (God
put our sins on Jesus on the cross) Isaiah 53:6put our sins on Jesus on the cross) Isaiah 53:6
72. The Sin Offering (cont.)The Sin Offering (cont.)
Offender killed the animal. (We killedOffender killed the animal. (We killed
Jesus) Matt 27:25Jesus) Matt 27:25
Blood sprinkled on the altar, as well asBlood sprinkled on the altar, as well as
on the curtain.on the curtain.
Body burned outside the camp (likeBody burned outside the camp (like
Jesus) Heb 13:11-13Jesus) Heb 13:11-13
73. The Guilt OfferingThe Guilt Offering Lev 5:14-6:7Lev 5:14-6:7
Only for offenses of individuals, not groups.Only for offenses of individuals, not groups.
Offender must make restitution first beforeOffender must make restitution first before
bringing the sacrifice. (Matthew 5:23-24)bringing the sacrifice. (Matthew 5:23-24)
Is 53:10 Jesus offered himself as a guiltIs 53:10 Jesus offered himself as a guilt
God wants us to be confident Heb 10:19-22God wants us to be confident Heb 10:19-22
74. The Red Heifer Sacrifice as a PrefigureThe Red Heifer Sacrifice as a Prefigure
The Red Heifer SacrificeThe Red Heifer Sacrifice The Sacrifice of JesusThe Sacrifice of Jesus
A very rare red heiferA very rare red heifer A unique sonA unique son
Sacrificed outside the campSacrificed outside the camp
(on the Mount of Olives)(on the Mount of Olives)
Sacrificed outside the campSacrificed outside the camp
(on the Mount of Olives)(on the Mount of Olives)
To purify both Jews and GentilesTo purify both Jews and Gentiles To purify both Jews and GentilesTo purify both Jews and Gentiles
A sacrifice without blemish (not evenA sacrifice without blemish (not even
one black hair!)one black hair!)
A sacrifice without blemishA sacrifice without blemish
Never been yoked (voluntary, notNever been yoked (voluntary, not
A voluntary sacrifice, without sinA voluntary sacrifice, without sin
Scarlet wool and woodScarlet wool and wood Blood on woodBlood on wood
Hyssop (purification from infection)Hyssop (purification from infection) Purifies from the infection of sinPurifies from the infection of sin
Combines ashes from sacrifice withCombines ashes from sacrifice with
water for purification.water for purification.
Combine the blood of Jesus withCombine the blood of Jesus with
baptism for purificationbaptism for purification
75. The Red Heifer SacrificeThe Red Heifer Sacrifice
Numbers 19:1-22
76. First Covenant Festivals as Types
Jewish Festival Antitype in the Christian Life
Passover (pesach) The Sacrificial Death of Jesus
Feast of Firstfruits The Resurrection of Jesus
Feast of Unleavened Bread Celebrating Being Free of Sin
in Our Lives
Feast of Weeks/Pentecost
The Giving of the Holy Spirit
and the Initiation of the Church
Feast of Trumpets (rosh
Judgement Day, Jesus
Coming Back
Day of Atonement (yom
The Day We Were Saved—
Spiritual Birthday
Feast of Booths
Celebrating Life in
Fellowship with God
77. Under a death sentence
Pure, undefiled Passover
lamb (1 Cor 5:7-8, Rev 13:8)
Blood sprinkled on the
wooden beam above the
78. A remembrance of salvation from death
A remembrance of salvation from slavery
No bone broken (Exodus 12:46 Psalm 22:17 Jn 19:31-33
Remove all the leaven (1 Cor 5:7)
Bitter herbs
The third cup:
the cup of redemption.
79. A harvest festival when there was
no harvest.
A promise of a future harvest.
A foreshadow of the final
A prefigure of the resurrection of
Jesus. 1Cor 15:20-21
Coll 1:18 The first born from
among the dead.
81. 50 days after the Passover 49 days (7 weeks) after
the Feast of Firstfruits.
Leviticus 23:15-17
Celebrating the harvest
of souls for eternity
1 Cor 3:5-9 The harvest
is the Lord’s
82. Leviticus 23:23-25 A Harvest festival.
A foreshadow of the Return of Jesus.
• Matt 25:30-31, I Thess 4:13-14 Trumpet call.
A foreshadow of Judgment Day
Rabbis: Stay awake all night so you will be prepared.
83. Sacrificial goat and scape goat.
Sins laid on sacrificial goat,
killed outside the camp.
Incense fills the Holy of Holies
Priest enters the Holy of Holies
and puts blood on the Mercy
84. Scapegoat (Azazel) sent
off into the wilderness
Bodies burned outside
the camp (Hebrews
Prefigure of the
salvation of Jesus.
Hebrews 9:11-15, 23-24
85. Seven day festival
Harvest Festival
Build a booth and live
in it for a week.
Leviticus 23:33-43
Remembrance of
Wandering in the
Wilderness = living in
a relationshiip with
John 1:14
87. A Celebration of Wandering in the Wilderness:
Living in Close Fellowship with God (John 1:14
Jesus tabernacled with us)
Tabernacles in the OT Ezek 37:24-27 Ezek 48:35
Zech 14:16
Tabernacles in the NT 2 Cor 5:1-5
Water Motif: Water Pouring Ceremony
Light Motif: The Illumination of the Temple
88. If anyone is thirsty, let
him come and drink.
Whoever believes in
me, as the Scripture
has said, streams of
living water will flow
from within him
Isaiah 12:3
Zech 14:8,16
Joel 3:18
89. Every Day of the Feast
Procession from the Temple to the Pool of Siloam
Priest fills a golden pitcher with water from Siloam
(“living” water, by the way)
Recite Isaiah 12:3
Back through the Water Gate to the Temple
Pour the water out over the altar of sacrifice
A symbol of the Holy Spirit and of salvation.
Isaiah 12:3, Zechariah 14:8,16, Joel 3:18, Ezek 45:25
Jesus: The Messianic Age has come.
90. John 8:12 I AM the light
of the world.
John 9:5 While I am in
the world, I AM the light
of the world.
John 12:46 I have come
into the world as a light,
so that no one who
believes in me should
stay in darkness.
91. Every night during Tabernacles.
Entire Temple lit up with lamps.
Celebration in the Court of Women.
A symbol of the shekinah—God’s glory
which was in and above the Tabernacle.
Jesus: I am the shekinah of God.
John 12:36 Through Jesus we can become
sons of light, and no longer walk in darkness.
Jesus: I am the fulfillment of Tabernacles.