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4.3 Moment of Force
     - Vector Formulation
Moment of force F about point O can
be expressed using cross product
         MO = r X F
where r represents position
vector from O to any point
lying on the line of action
of F
4.3 Moment of Force
       - Vector Formulation
 For magnitude of cross product,
        MO = rF sinθ
 where θ is the angle measured
 between tails of r and F

 Treat r as a sliding vector. Since d = r
    MO = rF sinθ = F (rsinθ) = Fd
4.3 Moment of Force
            - Vector Formulation
 Direction and sense of MO are determined by
 right-hand rule
 - Extend r to the dashed position
 - Curl fingers from r towards F
 - Direction of MO is the same
 as the direction of the thumb
4.3 Moment of Force
            - Vector Formulation
 - “curl” of the fingers indicates the sense of
 - Maintain proper order of r
 and F since cross product
 is not commutative
4.3 Moment of Force
       - Vector Formulation
Principle of Transmissibility
 For force F applied at any point A,
 moment created about O is MO = rA x
 F has the properties of a sliding vector
 therefore act at any point
 along its line of action and
 still create the same
 moment about O
4.3 Moment of Force
        - Vector Formulation
Cartesian Vector Formulation
 For force expressed in Cartesian
  form,            r   r  r
                        i     j   k
           r     r r
           M O = r XF = rx   ry   rz
                        Fx   Fy   Fz

 where rx, ry, rz represent the x, y, z
 components of the position vector
 and Fx, Fy, Fz represent that of the
 force vector
4.3 Moment of Force
         - Vector Formulation
Cartesian Vector Formulation
 With the determinant expended,
 MO = (ryFz – rzFy)i – (rxFz - rzFx)j + (rxFy – yFx)k
 MO is always perpendicular to
 the plane containing r and F
 Computation of moment by cross
 product is better than scalar for
 3D problems
4.3 Moment of Force
      - Vector Formulation
Cartesian Vector Formulation
 Resultant moment of forces about point
 O can be determined by vector addition

    MRo = ∑(r x F)
4.3 Moment of Force
- Vector Formulation
      Moment of force F about point
      A, pulling on cable BC at any
      point along its line of action,
      will remain constant
      Given the perpendicular
      distance from A to cable is rd
                MA = rdF
      In 3D problems,
                MA = rBC x F
4.3 Moment of Force
           - Vector Formulation
Example 4.4
 The pole is subjected to a 60N force that is
  directed from C to B. Determine the magnitude
  of the moment created by this force about the
  support at A.
4.3 Moment of Force
             - Vector Formulation
  Either one of the two position vectors can be
  used for the solution, since MA = rB x F or MA
  = rC x F
  Position vectors are represented as
   rB = {1i + 3j + 2k} m and
   rC = {3i + 4j} m
  Force F has magnitude 60N
  and is directed from C to B
4.3 Moment of Force
                        - Vector Formulation
 r         r
F = (60 N )u F
           (1 − 3)i + 93 − 4) r + 92 − 0) k 
= (60 N )                                   
                 (−2) + (−1) + ( 2)
                       2        2      2
  {                     }
       r        r       r
= − 40i − 20 j + 40k N

Substitute into determinant formulation
          r   r  r
              i             j    k
r     r   r
M A = rB XF = 1             3    2
              − 40 − 20 40

  {                                                             }
                  r                    r                    r
= [3(40) − 2(−20)]i − [1(40) − 2(−40)] j + [1(−20) − 3( 40)]k
4.3 Moment of Force
                 - Vector Formulation
Solution          r        r       r
                  i        j       k
Or r r        r
    M A = rC XF = 3        4       0
                  − 40 − 20 40

     {                                                             }
                      r                    r                   r
    = [4(40) − 0(−20)]i − [3(40) − 0(−40)] j + [3(−20) − 4(40)]k
Substitute into determinant formulation
          {                    }
    r        r       r
    M A = 160i − 120 j + 100k N .m
For magnitude,
    M A = (160) 2 + (120) 2 + (100) 2
    = 224 N .m
4.3 Moment of Force
           - Vector Formulation
Example 4.5
 Three forces act on the rod. Determine the
 resultant moment they create about the flange
 at O and determine the coordinate direction
 angles of the moment axis.
4.3 Moment of Force
                - Vector Formulation
  Position vectors are directed from point
  O to each force
      rA = {5j} m and
      rB = {4i + 5j - 2k} m
For resultant moment about O,
   r        r r      r r r             r r
  M Ro = Σ( r XF ) = rA XF1 + rB XF2 + rC XF3
     r     r     r r r r r                r   r
     i      j k i          j k      i     j   k
                                                r r r
  = 0      5 0 + 0 5 0 + 4 5 − 2 = {30i − 40 j + 60k }N .m
   − 60 40 20    0 50 0    80 40 − 30
4.3 Moment of Force
               - Vector Formulation
For magnitude
       M Ro = (30) 2 + (−40) 2 + (60) 2 = 78.10 N .m
For unit vector defining the direction of moment axis,

           r         r     r     r
      r M Ro 30i − 40 j + 60k
      u= r =
           M Ro        78.10
                r       r           r
      = 0.3941i − 0.5121 j + 0.76852k
4.3 Moment of Force
                - Vector Formulation
For the coordinate angles of the moment axis,

   cos α = 0.3841; α = 67.4o
   cos β = −0.5121; β = 121o
   cos γ = 0.7682; γ = 39.8o

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6161103 4.3 moment of force vector formulation

  • 1. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Moment of force F about point O can be expressed using cross product MO = r X F where r represents position vector from O to any point lying on the line of action of F
  • 2. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Magnitude For magnitude of cross product, MO = rF sinθ where θ is the angle measured between tails of r and F Treat r as a sliding vector. Since d = r sinθ, MO = rF sinθ = F (rsinθ) = Fd
  • 3. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Direction Direction and sense of MO are determined by right-hand rule - Extend r to the dashed position - Curl fingers from r towards F - Direction of MO is the same as the direction of the thumb
  • 4. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Direction *Note: - “curl” of the fingers indicates the sense of rotation - Maintain proper order of r and F since cross product is not commutative
  • 5. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Principle of Transmissibility For force F applied at any point A, moment created about O is MO = rA x F F has the properties of a sliding vector and therefore act at any point along its line of action and still create the same moment about O
  • 6. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Cartesian Vector Formulation For force expressed in Cartesian form, r r r i j k r r r M O = r XF = rx ry rz Fx Fy Fz where rx, ry, rz represent the x, y, z components of the position vector and Fx, Fy, Fz represent that of the force vector
  • 7. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Cartesian Vector Formulation With the determinant expended, MO = (ryFz – rzFy)i – (rxFz - rzFx)j + (rxFy – yFx)k MO is always perpendicular to the plane containing r and F Computation of moment by cross product is better than scalar for 3D problems
  • 8. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Cartesian Vector Formulation Resultant moment of forces about point O can be determined by vector addition MRo = ∑(r x F)
  • 9. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Moment of force F about point A, pulling on cable BC at any point along its line of action, will remain constant Given the perpendicular distance from A to cable is rd MA = rdF In 3D problems, MA = rBC x F
  • 10. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Example 4.4 The pole is subjected to a 60N force that is directed from C to B. Determine the magnitude of the moment created by this force about the support at A.
  • 11. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Solution Either one of the two position vectors can be used for the solution, since MA = rB x F or MA = rC x F Position vectors are represented as rB = {1i + 3j + 2k} m and rC = {3i + 4j} m Force F has magnitude 60N and is directed from C to B
  • 12. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Solution r r F = (60 N )u F r  (1 − 3)i + 93 − 4) r + 92 − 0) k  r j = (60 N )     (−2) + (−1) + ( 2) 2 2 2   { } r r r = − 40i − 20 j + 40k N Substitute into determinant formulation r r r i j k r r r M A = rB XF = 1 3 2 − 40 − 20 40 { } r r r = [3(40) − 2(−20)]i − [1(40) − 2(−40)] j + [1(−20) − 3( 40)]k
  • 13. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Solution r r r i j k Or r r r M A = rC XF = 3 4 0 − 40 − 20 40 { } r r r = [4(40) − 0(−20)]i − [3(40) − 0(−40)] j + [3(−20) − 4(40)]k Substitute into determinant formulation { } r r r r M A = 160i − 120 j + 100k N .m For magnitude, r M A = (160) 2 + (120) 2 + (100) 2 = 224 N .m
  • 14. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Example 4.5 Three forces act on the rod. Determine the resultant moment they create about the flange at O and determine the coordinate direction angles of the moment axis.
  • 15. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Solution Position vectors are directed from point O to each force rA = {5j} m and rB = {4i + 5j - 2k} m For resultant moment about O, r r r r r r r r M Ro = Σ( r XF ) = rA XF1 + rB XF2 + rC XF3 r r r r r r r r r i j k i j k i j k r r r = 0 5 0 + 0 5 0 + 4 5 − 2 = {30i − 40 j + 60k }N .m − 60 40 20 0 50 0 80 40 − 30
  • 16. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Solution For magnitude r M Ro = (30) 2 + (−40) 2 + (60) 2 = 78.10 N .m For unit vector defining the direction of moment axis, r r r r r M Ro 30i − 40 j + 60k u= r = M Ro 78.10 r r r = 0.3941i − 0.5121 j + 0.76852k
  • 17. 4.3 Moment of Force - Vector Formulation Solution For the coordinate angles of the moment axis, cos α = 0.3841; α = 67.4o cos β = −0.5121; β = 121o cos γ = 0.7682; γ = 39.8o