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AP® Human Geography
Unit 4: Political Geography
Part 1: An Introduction to Territory
and Statehood
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Unit 4
to Territory
and Statehood
and Internal
Part 1: An Introduction to Territory
and Statehood
and Nations
to the State
How does where you are from and where
you live identify who you are?
What is Political Geography?
Political Geography is the
study of the relationship
between people, political
units, and territory at various
Predict: How does scale manifest itself in
Political Geography?
Supranational Scale– Geographers study
organizations that include many countries
such as the European Union.
Country Scale– Geographers study how a
country’s government is organized and
interacts with it’s people.
Local Scale– Geographers study how a
country geographically distributes power to
it’s people; such as establishing voting
Section A: Territory, Sovereignty,
What is territoriality?
Territoriality is the effort to
control pieces of the earth’s
surface for personal, political,
or social ends.
Discuss: Why could it be said that territory is
the most basic form of power?
What are examples of territoriality?
Personal Space – Areas we claim as our
own psychological territory.
Owned Space– Areas we claim as our
territory because of personal ownership.
Political Space– Areas we claim as our
territory because of political ownership.
What do governments need to
control territory?
Sovereignty Legitimacy
The power that a government has
to control its own territory.
Recognition of that power by other
Some countries exercise sovereignty in ways
others don’t like but are still considered
Some countries are considered legitimate by
some and not by others.
Countries are considered to be internally
legitimate when their people allow the
government to rule.
Debate: Does any state (country) have
complete sovereignty?
Section B: States, Nations,
What is a state?
A Permanent
Legitimacy by
other States
An effective
government and
working economy
A State is
a political unit
History of the State
What did ancient political systems
look like?
Up until the 1500s most political power was
contained in large, borderless empires, city-
states, tribal systems and feudal areas.
The first example of true states were ancient
city-states in Mesopotamia like Sparta in Greece.
Large, land-based empires were common in
South America and in Asia.
Much of Africa and North America were controlled
by individual tribal groups.
Much of Europe was comprised of Feudal or
Monarchial empires.
What caused the rise of the
modern state?
The Westphalian State System
In 1648, the Peace of Westphalia, a number of
treaties signed by many European states,
established what we know of as the modern
“state system” defined by sovereign states with
specific borders instead of Empires.
Before that, a territory was defined by a society,
afterwards, a territory defined the society.
The rise of nationalism changed the attitudes of
citizens towards what constituted the state.
The European Impact on the non-European world
helped shaped how states formed world-wide.
The overthrow of colonial powers, called
decolonization, has created more states than any
other reason.
A shared cultural
heritage or belief.
Loyalty towards one
another and to the
nation as a whole.
A distinct homeland
(even if everyone is
not living there)
or the ability or
desire to form their
own sovereign state.
A Nation is
a group of people
Discuss: What is the difference between a
state and a nation?
How do nations and states
Multinational States
A multinational state is a
state that includes more than
one nation within its borders.
The Russian Federation is the largest
multinational state in the world.
Canada is a multinational state with at least two nations;
French-Canadians and English-Canadians.
The Nation-State
A nation-state is a state with
primarily only one nation
within its borders.
Iceland is one of the best examples of a nation-state
where only 6.66% of the population are of a different
Discuss: Why would a nation-state be
considered the most cohesive type of state?
The Stateless Nation
A stateless nation is a nation
that has no territory of its
own but whom it is implied
The Kurdish people are a stateless nation that live in
contiguous areas of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.
Many Kurds advocate for the establishment of their own
state to be created from the parts of the other states that
they live in. This is also known as irredentism.
For centuries, the Jewish people were a stateless nation
that was scattered throughout the world. This diaspora
of people retained their national identity, even though
separated across multiple countries.
Buffer States and Zones
A buffer state is a state
located between two larger
conflicting countries.
Mongolia acts as a buffer state between Russia and
China who have had border conflicts for centuries.
Eastern Europe acted as a buffer zone between the
Soviet Union and Western Europe after WWII
Satellite States
A satellite state is a state that
is formally independent but
under heavy military,
economic, and political
control by another.
Poland was a satellite state of the USSR until the iron
curtain fell in the 1990s.
A shatterbelt is a state or
group of states that are
influenced by other larger
competing states. They are
often culturally,
economically, and politically
Southeast Asia lies between the powerful states of India
and China. These smaller states experience much
turmoil when the two larger states are aggressive.
Section C: Modern Challenges to
the State
Discuss: How can a state help maintain unity
within itself? What are some things that could
tear a state apart?
What are centripetal and centrifugal
Centripetal Forces
• Forces that unify states.
Centrifugal Forces
• Forces that fragment
Unifying institutions such as compulsory education,
holidays, and military service all help promote
nationalism – a key centripetal force.
Strong transportation and communication systems such
as roads, phone systems, banking networks, and rail
systems can integrate the state as centripetal forces.
Ethno-regionalism, or when a minority nation exists
within a state region without control, can result in turmoil
in a state and often acts as a strong centrifugal force.
Economic difficulties, such as hyperinflation or
depression can also act as a centrifugal force.
Challenge: What are some other centripetal
and centrifugal forces?
How does a state deal with strong
centrifugal forces?
Some states transfer power from the central government
to different regions of the country. This is called
Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union,
ceded power from the USSR to individual states such as
Latvia, the Ukraine, and others.
Section D: Colonialism
What is colonialism?
Colonialism is the practice of
establishing political
dominance over a people
outside of your state for
economic, political, and
territorial gain.
Prior Knowledge: List as many historical colonies as
you can. What happened to these colonies?
Why did Europeans colonize?
Some colonized for wealth. Wealth came in the form of
resources, land, labor and trade.
Some colonized for religion - seeking to make converts
and establish missions, or escape because of
Some colonized for glory – expanding their powerbase
and bringing fame and control to their state.
The Age of Discovery
The Age of Discovery, also known as the first wave of
European colonization, lasted from the early 15th century
until the early 19th century. It included the colonization of
North and South America as well as India and Southeast
Africa was generally only used as a place to establish
trading posts, especially for the slave-trade to maintain
the triangle trade route.
Most North and South American colonies had gained
their independence by the early 19th century and ended
the Age of Discovery.
Americas Independence
Imagine: You are a British Citizen after losing
the North American colonies. How do you feel?
New Imperialism
What is imperialism?
Imperialism is the policy of
extending a country’s
influence through diplomacy
or military force to areas
already developed by an
indigenous society.
New Imperialism was the movement by European
countries in the mid 19th to early 20th century to colonize
South and Central Asia, Africa, and Polynesia.
What was the Scramble for Africa?
The Scramble for Africa was
the process of invasion,
occupation, colonization and
annexation of African
territory by European powers
in the late 19th century.
Reasons for the Scramble for Africa
1. A renewed interest in exploration by the European
2. New technology such as the steam engine allowed for
easier travel and medical advances made it safer.
3. The Industrial Revolution called for even greater
resources – which were found in inner-Africa.
4. A greater work-force and military force could be had
via the population of Africa.
5. More land made European Countries feel more
powerful in comparison to their neighbors.
France (36%)
Great Britain (32%)
German (8%)
Belgian (8%)
Portuguese (7%)
Italian (5%)
Independent and Other (4%)
Who owned what in Africa?
After World War I, Germany was stripped of its colonies,
and after World War II, most other countries could not
afford to maintain theirs. This caused the end of direct
What were the effects of New
Borders established by European powers were left as
they were – not based on cultural groupings but based
on resource availability.
A result of the mixing of national groups in a now
independent state was often great tension and
ethnonational conflicts such as in Sudan.
Many colonies were left with inadequate finances or
infrastructure and were forced to rely on their former
colonizers for financial support – this is also called
Dependency Theory argues that the reason that many
periphery countries are poor is that they have become
dependent on the powers that colonized them.
End of Unit 4: Part 1

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AP Human Geography: Unit 4: Political Geography - Part 1: Territoriality and Statehood

Editor's Notes

  • #39: Discussed more in an upcoming section.
  • #41: Discussed more in an upcoming section.