Google and Verizon Joint Submission On The Open Internet
Google and Verizon Joint Submission On The Open Internet
Google and Verizon Joint Submission On The Open Internet
Dear Chairman Genachowski and Commissioners Copps, McDowell, Clyburn and Baker:
On October 21, 2009, Verizon and Google shared our preliminary thinking on how we
might find common ground with respect to an open Internet, the central issue in the current
debate about network neutrality. We committed to engage on important policy issues that
underlie the debate and suggested that, because our businesses rely on each other, it is
appropriate for us to jointly discuss a number of things: how we ensure that consumers get the
information, products and services they want online; encourage investment in advanced
networks; and ensure the openness of the web around the world. Today, each of us has filed
separately in this docket on our individual views of the statutory authority and empirical basis for
the FCC to take specific actions as noticed in its proposed rulemaking. We continue to disagree
on some of these matters. We each stand by our individual positions in our separate filings, and
nothing in this filing waives those positions.
Below we have laid out several overarching values that create a framework to guide
players throughout the Internet space – including communications networks, providers of
applications, content, and devices, and the full panoply of Internet users – and policymakers as
they consider certain issues regarding all elements of the Internet ecosystem. These values, as
discussed below, while operating in a largely decentralized environment, drive a self-directed
ecosystem that continues to innovate and invest without unnecessarily restrictive government
intervention. At bottom these values should help ensure that the Internet continues to grow and
succeed with minimal interference from the government, while acknowledging the role for
appropriate oversight (and enforcement) over practices on the Internet where market forces, self-
governance, and existing federal and state statutes and regulations are inadequate to protect
competition and consumers. In particular, consumers should continue to have access to the
information, products, and services of their choice online; to encourage investment in robust,
advanced networks; and to protect and promote Internet openness.
A. Google and Verizon agree that the Internet is a unique, worldwide network of
networks that was created, operates and will continue to thrive based on a common
set of overarching values that are embraced by all players in the eco-system to
support continuing innovation and investment.
From the beginning, the Internet has thrived in an environment of minimal regulation.
Various entities throughout the Internet space – whether providers or users of network services,
applications, content, devices, or a combination – have worked together cooperatively to make
the Internet what it is, to address legitimate challenges as they arise, and to meet users’ evolving
needs and expectations. The Internet has flourished largely as a result of these cooperative
efforts, backed more recently by significant levels of private investment and innovation.
While we do not agree on every issue, we do agree as a matter of policy that this
framework of minimal government involvement should continue going forward. We also agree
as a matter of policy that certain core values should continue to provide guidelines for the
conduct of all players in the Internet.
1. Preserving Openness.
It is essential that the Internet remains an unrestricted and open platform, where people
can access the lawful content, services, and applications of their choice. These are the core
values underlying the FCC’s existing wireline principles, and all providers in the Internet
ecosystem should act in accordance with these values. To us, this means that when a person
accesses the Internet, he or she should be able to connect with any other person that he or she
wants to -- and that other person should be able to receive his or her message. An open Internet
also is one in which no central authority can impose rules that limit or prescribe the services that
are being made available, where an entrepreneur with a big idea can launch his or her service
online with a potential audience of billions, and where anyone, including network providers, are
able to innovate without permission and provide any applications or services of their choosing,
either on their own or in collaboration with others.
The “innovation without permission” that has characterized the Internet has forever
changed how people conduct business, promoting unprecedented levels of collaboration,
creativity, and opportunity. We strongly believe that open, robust, and advanced broadband
networks are essential to the future development of the Internet, and public policies should
continue to provide appropriate incentives for commercial investment and innovation. We
recognize the significance of continued, private investment and innovation to increase the
capacity and intelligence of broadband infrastructure and achieve our Nation’s broadband
potential. These networks will make the Internet more useful for consumers and will enable new
and innovative applications and services that empower consumers, grow the economy, create
jobs, and address a wide range of additional national priorities from energy independence to
improved health care. In short, continued private investment is essential to increase the reach
and capabilities of advanced intelligent networks, which will in turn support the development of
ever more sophisticated applications.
Consumers should continue to have control over all aspects of their Internet experience,
from the networks and software they use, to the hardware they plug in to the Internet and the
services they choose to access online. No entity from either the government or the private sector
should wrest control from consumers over how they choose to use the Internet, and the
government should not implement policies that would limit consumers’ ability to choose for
Google and Verizon agree that communications laws and regulations should not apply to
Internet applications, content, or services. Because communications regulatory bodies, such as
the FCC, are agencies of limited jurisdiction, at a minimum they must have requisite jurisdiction
before they can subject any Internet application, content, or service to regulation. There is also
no sound reason to impose communications laws or regulations on the robust marketplace of
Internet content, applications, and services. In the United States, competitive or consumer
protection concerns about such offerings generally should be directed instead to government
agencies of general jurisdiction, such as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
7. Providing a Leadership Role for Expert Technical Bodies.
Since its inception, the Internet has benefitted from the collaboration and cooperation of
technical experts from all parts of the Internet ecosystem. For example, groups such as IETF
have provided a forum for experts to discuss and address legitimate challenges as they arise, as
well as practices that improve the working of the Internet and help to meet users’ evolving needs
and expectations. This model of self-governance and collaboration, with minimal government
involvement, will continue to serve the Internet well into the future.
B. Google and Verizon agree that self-governance has been the hallmark of the growth
and success of the Internet; where government intervention is needed to address
harm to users or to competition, such intervention should be surgical, swift and
based on a finding of specific facts that establish such harm.
Google and Verizon agree that the players in the Internet ecosystem should, in the first
instance, set the norms of behavior and operation that preserve and protect the values articulated
above. The success of the public Internet has been the direct result of the existing system of self-
governance, with collaboration and engagement by parties throughout all parts of the Internet
ecosystem and minimal governmental involvement. We further believe that the Internet
community is highly motivated and well positioned to police itself, especially if all players are
committed to transparency and inclusiveness. It should, therefore, strive to settle disputes and
disagreements on technical issues in self-governing forums. Going forward, it remains critical to
preserve this system of self-governance, with governmental involvement limited to dealing with
bad actors on a case-by-case basis where industry mechanisms are unable to resolve conduct that
is anticompetitive and harms consumers.
Google and Verizon would support the creation of a procedural framework that
efficiently and effectively provides guidance to all stakeholders and to policymakers concerning
practices on the Internet, including the consistency of practices with the values set out above. A
robust role for technical and industry groups should be encouraged to address any challenges or
problems that may arise and to help guide the practices of all players consistent with the values
outlined above, with the backstop of federal government involvement on a case-by-case basis to
address bad actors where this self-governance process and market forces prove inadequate. We
would support a framework that ensures that:
Incentives to innovate and invest continue to grow throughout the Internet ecosystem,
and that current business models or technological approaches are not necessarily frozen
in place.
Consumers and technical experts drive the continued evolution of the Internet and
broadband technology.
Providers should have sufficient flexibility to manage their networks and structure their
services to address evolving threats and better serve consumers.
Regulatory uncertainty and the risk of harsh penalties do not chill innovation or prevent
providers of from managing their networks or offering their services in reasonable ways.
a. Google and Verizon Support the Creation of One or More Technical
Advisory Groups to Provide Guidance and Expeditious Resolution of
Disputes in the Internet Ecosystem.
We believe that guidance to industry players and policymakers should, in significant part,
be supplied by one or more bodies of experts, referred to herein as technical advisory groups
(“TAGs”). These TAGs would be comprised of a range of stakeholders with appropriate
technical expertise, and would serve to provide useful and efficient guidance to all parties in the
Internet ecosystem, as well as to facilitate speedy resolution of any issues or disputes that may
arise concerning practices on the Internet. Specifically, we believe that these expert bodies
should engage in several functions as described below.
The TAGs could develop appropriate best practices or principles that could address
transparency, network management, or other related issues touching all parts of the Internet
ecosystem. A practice that is consistent with these with these best practices or principles would
be presumed to satisfy the values outlined above and any regulatory requirements. (The fact that
a given practice differs from these best practices would not show the opposite, however, given
the need for flexibility to address rapidly evolving threats and consumer needs). The TAGs
should have flexibility to amend, adjust, eliminate, or supplement these best practices or
principles over time in light of changes in marketplace, technological or other relevant
The TAGs also could provide a forum for dispute resolution, which would facilitate
speedy disposition of disputes in the first instance, as is done today in the advertising context.
The goal of this process should be to seek an appropriate, mediated, and expeditious resolution
of complaints that addresses any legitimate concerns, but that does not unnecessarily strain
agency resources or otherwise lead to unintended consequences.
Once the parties have elected a method of alternative dispute resolution, the TAG should
quickly establish a schedule and address any other procedural questions related to the handling of
the complaint. The TAG must provide each party with an opportunity to present relevant
evidence and to make any arguments concerning the reasonableness of its practices and the
costs/benefits of alternative approaches. In considering a dispute, any complaint could be
informed by Internet best practices or principles, which the TAG also could help to facilitate.
Unless the parties are able to reach a voluntary settlement, the TAG should issue an
advisory opinion concerning the particular practices at issue at the conclusion of the dispute
resolution process. This opinion should include findings of fact based on the evidence presented,
analysis of any applicable industry best practices or principles, any other analysis relevant to the
reasonableness of the practices at issue, and recommendations concerning the practices at issue.
d. Advisory Opinions.
The TAGs also could issue advisory opinions outside of the context of a specific
complaint proceeding in order to minimize uncertainty concerning which network management
practices or other practices are appropriate. These opinions, which could focus on particular
practices, could be issued in response to a request by a consumer or consumer advocacy group; a
provider; government agencies such as the FCC, FTC, or DOJ; or any other interested party.
The TAGs also could coordinate with industry standards-setting bodies to ensure that any
principles, best practices, and decisions are informed by the continued work of such bodies.
We also agree as a matter of policy that there should be some mechanism for federal
authorities to address bad actors on a case-by-case basis when competition and self-regulatory
efforts are unsuccessful in addressing conduct that is anticompetitive and harms consumers.
While we may not necessarily agree on which federal agency does or should have authority over
these matters, we do recognize as a policy matter that there should be some backstop role for
federal authorities to prevent harm to competition and consumers if or when bad actors emerge
anywhere in the Internet space, and we do agree that involvement should occur only where
necessary on a case-by-case base basis. As government officials consider Internet issues, they
too should seek guidance – and place weight on – the best practices, opinions and actions of the
All complaints must include a prima facie showing that one or more of any rules adopted
by an agency have been violated. We believe that, in examining the complaint, the agency
should afford considerable weight to the principles, best practices, and/or advisory opinions
rendered by the TAGs. As noted above, practices that comply with the principles, best practices
and/or advisory opinions of the TAGs could be presumed to comply with any network neutrality
rules (although the opposite is not necessarily true). If the agency determines that a prima facie
showing has been made, it could consider need for a temporary restraining order directing the
defendant to cease and desist from the activities alleged to violate any network neutrality rules
for the duration of the complaint proceeding.
Each party to the case should be provided with an opportunity to present facts and legal
or policy arguments. In those instances in which the parties first pursued dispute resolution
before a TAG, the complaining party should state in its complaint all exceptions to the fact
finding and other analysis contained in any advisory opinion, and support its exceptions with
citations to record evidence and argumentation. Government authorities should be given
discretion to determine the need for any additional fact finding, including where applicable the
need for any initial or additional discovery not provided before the proposed TAG.
After considering evidence presented by the parties, any decision issued by an agency
should include findings of fact concerning the underlying dispute and the parties’ practices. The
agency could provide due consideration to previous findings of fact from a TAG’s advisory
opinion, unless those findings are clearly erroneous. Any policy directives issued by a
government agency in a particular dispute should be subject to an opportunity for public
C. Verizon and Google agree on a number of policy goals advanced in the FCC’s
While Google and Verizon differ on the need for, and potential effects of, FCC rules,
Google and Verizon agree that the Commission’s existing wireline broadband principles provide
useful statements of general policy. These principles make clear that consumers are, and should
continue to have, the final say on their web experience. As Google and Verizon jointly noted
previously, the minute that anyone, whether from the government or the private sector, starts to
control how people access and use the Internet, it is the beginning of the end of the Net as we
know it.
3. The Commission similarly recognizes the potential value of allowing network
providers to provide additional service options to consumers over their
broadband infrastructure.
Copyright is a delicate balance, carefully crafted by Congress and the courts. The FCC
should not impose mandates in this area - whether mandates that require filtering, monitoring or
other activities not included in the DMCA or mandates that would prohibit the development of
future voluntary cooperative efforts to deter copyright infringement. Steering clear of such
mandates helps ensure that consumers continue to be able to access lawful content, products and
services while encouraging investment and openness in evolving applications and advanced
D. Google and Verizon agree that the focus of any nondiscrimination rule should be to
prevent harm to users or to competition
With respect to traditional Internet access services, the parties agree that differential
treatment of Internet traffic by network operators may be either beneficial or harmful to users.
Particular practices could be acceptable or unacceptable discrimination, depending on their effect
on competition and on users. While we do not necessarily agree on which side of the line
various practices may fall, we do agree that such practices should be evaluated on a case-by-case
E. Google and Verizon agree that the FCC should examine specific market and
technical factors before applying any general oversight or specific rules to wireless
broadband networks.
As we previously indicated, Verizon and Google disagree about whether mobile networks
should be part of this framework. Notwithstanding this difference, we agree that such networks
hold tremendous promise for ubiquitous Internet access, and innovative new services for
consumers nationwide. We also agree that wireless broadband raises a variety of unique
technical and competitive circumstances, including the issues presented by mobility and the
limitations inherent in the use of spectrum. Therefore, before the Commission considers
applying general oversight or specific rules to wireless issues, the FCC should carefully analyze
these issues and consider the following:
o The existing Internet Policy Statement arose from the deregulation of wireline
broadband operators, and at the time did not take into account the unique
technical and competitive circumstances of wireless broadband services.
o Any oversight applicable to wireless broadband networks should focus on
maximizing the ability of end users to experience the Internet in an open, robust,
and seamless manner.
o Any principles applicable to wireless broadband networks should account for the
pertinent technical and market circumstances, by acknowledging the flexibility
needed for network operators to manage their wireless networks in a reasonable
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