Kitchen Table Admin: Microsoft Audio Conferencing Part 2 - Troubleshooting
Published Nov 06 2020 07:29 AM 7,119 Views

Hello Microsoft Teams Community,

We're back with another Kitchen Table Admin video for you, Microsoft Audio Conferencing Part 2.  This video adds onto the the introduction we did previously and gets into more technical depth and troubleshooting guidance.  If you're looking for an introduction to Microsoft Audio Conferencing, please check out the previous video


In this video I'll show you how to use our Support Diagnostic tools available in your M365 Admin Portal to troubleshoot the following problems:

  • Users create a Microsoft Teams Meeting and do not have a dial-in number in the invite (missing dial-in conference number in Teams meeting invitation)
  • Provisioning (licensing) or configuration delays when you setup new users or apply an Audio Conferencing License to a user
  • A quick and easy way to determine which users are correctly setup for Microsoft Audio Conferencing

This is also a great time to remind everyone of the Diagnostic shortcuts we recently created.  To immediately access the Diagnostic I'm demonstrating in this video, type the following text into the Need Help box: Diag: Teams Conference and hit enter.  


Like so:

Screenshot 2020-11-06 101526.png


OK, without further ado - here's the video.  As always we welcome your feedback, especially requests for additional topics or issues you'd like to see covered in a future video, please post below in the blog comments.  Thanks for watching!  

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Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 06 2020 07:29 AM
Updated by: