WATCH: New, fun music video for Justin Timberlake’s ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’

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WATCH: New, fun music video for Justin Timberlake’s ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’
A colorful cast of characters joins Justin Timberlake in the latest music video for 'Can't Stop the Feeling'

MANILA, Philippines – Justin Timberlake had made a return with his first song in around 3 years: “Can’t Stop the Feeling,” a joyous track from the upcoming animated film, Trolls, and there’s a brand new music video that similarly gives off infectious good vibes.

The “first listen” was star-studded and included appearances from the cast members like Anna Kendrick, Gwen Stefani, James Corden, and more. However, the newest music video from director Mark Romanek features an equally colorful cast of characters busting some moves to the exuberant single.

There’s a repairman named Cazzey, electronics salesman John, diner waitress Paloma, and a lot more – all set in a pastel-colored and idyllic urban landscape.

What do you think of Justin’s new music video? Let us know in the comments. –

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