40 Celebrities Who Have Killed People

40 Celebrities Who Have Killed People

Celebrity Lists
Updated November 4, 2021 25.8M views 40 items

List of celebrities who have killed people. Believe it or not, several famous people and celebrities have killed other people. Many celebrities were involved in tragic accidents that resulted in deaths, while others committed cold-blooded murder. Others were war heroes who served in the military and engaged in combat during wartime. Some celebs have served time in prison stemming from convictions, and others have gotten away with murder; sure, maybe they were wrongly accused, or maybe they just had great lawyers.

Several famous people were involved in deadly car accidents. Former first lady Laura Bush missed a stop sign and slammed her car into another vehicle, accidentally killing her friend who was driving the other car. She was in high school at the time of the accident. Other celebs who killed people in car accidents include Keith Moon, Ted Kennedy, Matthew Broderick, and Rebecca Gayheart.

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