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Oakland School for the Arts

Oakland School for the Arts

Purple lines

Providing integrated opportunities for collaboration, expression and personal growth.

Event Calendar

Event Calendar

We serve 800 students in grades 6 to 12
52% of 6th grade Students attended Title 1 Elementary Schools
Our High School Graduation Rate is 97%
100% of Seniors who applied to college received acceptances
Stats %
Student Body: 65% Female, 34% male, 1% non-binary, 40% LGBTQIA+
2 users
Stats %
34% White, 23% Black, 22% Multi-Ethnic, 11% Hispanic, 6% Asian
Students rights & Resources

Students rights & Resources

Oakland School for the Arts is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in district programs and activities. Accordingly, OSA programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression; nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. The Board shall promote programs which ensure that discriminatory practices are eliminated in all OSA activities. and prohibit retaliation against any OSA employee, student, or family member who complains, testifies, or in any way participates in the OSA complaint procedures instituted pursuant to the above policies. Complaint forms are available at the main campus 530 18th Street, and on the OSA website at: 
Uniform Complaint FormResources Uniform Complaint Form
Williams Complaint FormResources Williams Complaint Form
Charter School Complaint Notice and Form: Complaint Notice

LCAP 2024 (Mid-Year Report):  LCAP
For inquiries or concerns regarding OSA's nondiscrimination practices or the filing of discrimination complaints please contact: Mame Diarra Dioum, Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Officer
Address: 530 18th Street, Oakland, CA 94612 | Phone: 510.873.8800 | Email: [email protected] | Ombudsman Inquiry Form | [email protected] | Title IX Complaint Form
More information is available at FAMILY-RESOURCES