BrewLAN is a mod for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance that has been in on and off development by a team of one for almost a decade. It adds a wide variety of new units for all factions, as well as offering several new game modes and features. The core design goals for the mod are simple; to add new, interesting, and visually aesthetic units which complement those already in existence and to maximise technical compatibility with other mods.
29 units total.
Tech 1 (7 units): Light Gunship, Light Torpedo Bomber, Light Artillery, Light Shield Generator, Light Air Staging Facility, Pressure Mine, and Defense Engineer.
Tech 2 (6 units): Mass Storage, Energy Storage, Tactical Bomber, Heavy Wall Section, Proximity Mine, Defense Engineer.
Tech 3 (15 units): Heavy Point Defense, Anti-Armor Point Defense, Torpedo Launcher, Shield Wall, Shielded Mass Extractor, Shielded Mass Fabricator, Shielded Power Generator, Nuclear Mine, Heavy Air Transport, Armored Assault Tank, Mobile Anti-Air, Mobile Shield Generator, Decoy Plane, Mobile Strategic Missile Defense, Defense Engineer.
Experimental (1 unit): Siege Tank
As they have less experimental than the others you could try to make this : an experimental building, quite big, which has many air staging, a powerful anti-air defense, and can spam the T2 guided missile. :)
They only have less experimentals because they started with the most and some of the best. Including the Salvation, which was hiding in the T3 menu for no good reason.