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Kim Kardashian: Paid Tweeter

"Kim Kardashian tweets with one hand and collects cash with the other," writes The New York Post. Not so shocking. What is shocking is that that the erstwhile Maxim covergirl and reality TV star gets upwards of $10 grand per tweet to keep her 2.7 million followers in the know. She is signed to "in-stream advertising" company

One of her latest gems: "The Carl's Jr grilled chicken salads came out yesterday!! I'm on my way to Carl's Jr for lunch now . . . have you tried them yet?" All of which begs the philosophical question: If Kim Kardashian tweets about ordering a salad at Carl's Jr. in a forest does a 12-year-old girl get an eating disorder?

Read the whole story at New York Post »

4 comments about "Kim Kardashian: Paid Tweeter ".
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  1. Thom Kennon from Free Radicals, December 31, 2009 at 3:55 p.m.

    Professionally, I see nothing wrong with this, if the paid shill Kims of the world remain this transparent. Whether the targeted audience is listening and activating around the messages will determine whether this remains a viable media channel. Or, at least, how much they charge for these life-stream promotions.

    The peeps I DO have an issue with are the Chris Brogan's and Magpies of the world who are much less transparent about their pay per tweet monetization machines.

  2. Robert Macewan from MacEwan Media, January 1, 2010 at 11:17 a.m.

    As long as disclosure is available to the general public I do not see a problem. Ms. Kardashian is after all a celebrity (by way of released sex tape). Marketing online is marketing online.

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  3. Shari Von holten from Have U Heard, Inc, January 1, 2010 at 5:55 p.m.

    Kim went on twitter and said that she in fact was NOT paid for this. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

  4. Tommy Toy from PBT Consulting, January 1, 2010 at 6:01 p.m.

    I came across an article about what various sites charged per thousand, and the numbers were quite impressive for some sites. The article said that Kim Kardashian charged $10,000 per tweet. I posted this on Twitter. I think it is ridiculous, because why would anyone want to do that?

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