Supplier Payment Contacts

Payment Information

Commitment to Suppliers

- LexisNexis commits to pay suppliers on time and within agreed terms.
- LexisNexis will advise suppliers promptly if there is any reason why payment cannot be paid within the agreed terms.

Payment Processes

  • All purchases require a Purchase Order. Suppliers should not undertake any work for LexisNexis until a Purchase Order has been issued.
  • All invoices must show a valid Purchase Order number on the face of the invoice. Invoices without a Purchase Order number will be returned.
  • Invoices must be sent directly to [email protected] and NOT to your customer/contact at LexisNexis. We encourage suppliers to submit invoices via email but if you wish to post via conventional mail please use the Accounts Payable address listed below.
  • Any changes to the goods or services being provided must be clearly communicated and in good time. The Purchase Order will be adjusted and any change in expenditure will go through a further approval process.

Payment Terms and Conditions

- LexisNexis standard payment terms are 45 days from the invoice date. If your current terms differ from this they will not change at this time.
-LexisNexis UK Terms and Conditions of Purchase [PDF Download]