This was not a great movie, I cannot understand the general rating for this and why it is so high. The lead actor, who is a singer did not do a good job. During his entire performances it was very hard to believe in what he does. I would say, not mad enough, for some parts of the movie and the for the character that he wanted to portray.
The directors work is very questionable as well, most of the major scenes in the movie that actually had a slight chance to involve viewers into action, where broken. The action was transferred and compared to another scene in the movie, making it really hard to concentrate and figure out what is going on.
Also one of the vital questions that a movie has to answer is "why?". Why is it that we show what we show, etc., etc., etc. Unfortunately there were to many parts in the movie when I was not able to figure out an answer.
It is unpleasant to sound so negative, really. But in the final end it all comes down to one question. Would you recommend this movie to a friend or anyone interested?
The verdict: Not recommended.