This movie is about the notorious kidnapping of a teenager, son of a wealthy family in the oil rich Venezuela of the midseventies. The case was doomed because turned into a murder case when the boy dies during captivity. The crime has some peculiarities: Kidnappers who claim a relatively low ransom, apparrntly "are not profesionals" due to some mistakes and clues which help police to point out the investigation quickly. But soon its development downfalls into a puzzle of politics, social and media, menacing to cover the awful truth.
Director Roman Chalbaud does a good job, but his commitment on certain views on politics give a blurry panorama of a more complex story. There are not outstanding performances, but I found the starring role of Miguel Angel Landa (Leon) very commited and uptight to his central part as chief of investigation. The rest of the cast is efficient and do their job leaned on a good production which counted with the cooperation and involvement of the real Criminal Technical Police of Venezuela in those days (1982).