The General Theory of Relativity
A special facsimile reproduction of Albert Einstein's manuscript made by book Artist Ido Agassi. This 46-page Facsimile is printed on 110gr. paper. Using his experience as a restorer of rare books, Agassi hand
cuts each page to match the original edges of the document. His choice of materials and colors give an authentic look and feel to the manuscript. The facsimile is housed in a unique triptych box, designed to t the entire multi-sized 46 pages.
About the document:
Albert Einstein: “Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie”
("The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity”).
Autograph, n.d., 46 pp. in German, Albert Einstein Archives.
Published in Annalen der Physik 49 (1916): 769-822.
The article was received on March 20, 1916 and published on May 11, 1916.
This manuscript is the fundamental paper on the general theory of relativity. It is one of the most important manuscripts, if not the most important manuscript, written by Albert Einstein.
Einstein donated the original manuscript of the article to The Hebrew University on the occasion of its opening in 1925.
Size: 42cm X 21cm